There are some conditions for a successful Brexit that King George VII will apply:
A dynamic Foreign Policy

     One of th greatest geopolitical mistake that we have done during years and which have been fatal to our place as world leader is our after Second World War disengagement from the world international political arena. King George VI and His Prime Minister Winston Churchill have been active in the international arena reason why we have America engaging itself in our side during the World War II and that contributes in our victory. Our Foreign Policy has been determinant in having our dominions and countries of our Colonial Empire engaging themselves militarily and financially at our side. All would have not been possible without a strong and dynamic foreign policy.  
          If before the two World Wars we arrive to keep our colonies that is mainly due to our foreign policy dynamism in negotiating with the other colonial European countries, whenever necessary and that has avoided lot of wars around our colonies. In fact our past dynamic Foreign Policy along with our military, leadership and pragmatism made us the country which alone has colonized  not only the most important countries in the world, but which has the greatest colonial Empire. It goes without saying by the time, we disengage ourselves from the world affairs we lost the mean to keep our colonies, which the other rivals and adversary countries would help to get independent through especially a dynamic Foreign Policy. After we gave them the independence we do not correct that mistake by creating lot of High Commissions and Consulates sine qua non conditions of a dynamic Foreign Policy. Hence if our Foreign Policy comes to be invisible it is because we do not have ground echo to transmit our Official Voices as states through our Foreign Office. It is the Consuls and High Commissioner that spread our official position in the countries they serve.
       In our sacred mission of making our country regaining its natural super power, we can count on our Secret Agents the best in the world; they have millenniums long experience. No one knows and masters the geopolitical realities of the isolates corner of the world than they do. King George VII will give them the opportunity to serve more our country more as they always do, by promoting them at the first position in our foreign Representations, we will appoint them as Ambassadors, etc because they have deep understaning and profound control of the ground realities. They will be the ones I appoint as my main Advisors for Foreign Policy at all level; they know the field reality, not book theories on the reality.