Claire Foy in the series. Beware the wrong character is chosen deliberatly in order to do the propaganda of the rewriting of Queen Elizabeth II for advertising the criminal replacement of her son, Prince Charles.
March 21, 21.
In this study we only study the different themes exploited in the different episodes without making a summaryof those episodes.
The episode started with Princess Elizabeth's and Prince Philip's aircraft landing in Kenya, where you see kids runningthe very road on which their plan landed. That is a manifestattempt to show how unimportant the Princess heir to the throne and the Royal Institution ( she represents, her father in the tour) for her to be welcome so unfriendly by kids who through their movement on the road almost disturb the plane landing in a country.
In the episode 2 of the propaganda, the council continues its politics of showing the Royal Institution useless, with the King, my father King George VI that declared not seeing as his role to demand,WinstonChurchill the Prime Minister who was sick to resign, when Anthony Eden comes to see him on the matter, after he was sent by one of his colleges in the government. That obsessive will of showing our Royal Institution useless in order to transform our country in Republic is one of the central goal of the council. Remember, the notion of the monarch having only a consultativeand honorarypower emerged and was developed by my mother, Queen Elizabeth II under evidently the influence of the council. That is among one of the techniques they use to have the monarch disengaging from the political arena and letting politicians through their partisanpolitics, transporting the internal political fight in Great Britain among Parties attempting to set their ideology to the colonies, which was logically then helped to demand their independence. And if the monarch has consultative power, why was the monarch, made responsible of any major events, not the Prime Minister of the day. For example Elizabeth II was made responsible of the wave of independence that made our Kingdom lost a great part of colonies. That proves if needs be that she has real political power because she is made account of a political event.
We all remember up to my father, King George VI, the monarch has real and total political power, far of being consultative. For example our war effort to defeat Hitler was not the job of WinstonChurchill, but of the King. History has been rewrittento make the victory Churchill's, when George's. Endless, were the speeches and trip to the front my father did to have us win the war. Of courses the Prime Minister is the alter ego of the different Presidents, and Prime Ministers of the world, when the King is not only the King of United Kingdom, but of the Commonwealth and the other realms and dominions, to show up at such event.
There is the fact that the King, rules an empire not only a country, all that show his power to play the secondly work of the PM, still the monarch is consulted about every single matter, before its application. The monarch has the divine and Constitutional right to veto any politics the PM want to implement which does not go with the interests of the government. He has endless options to have the PM not apply it, as retrieving his confidence to him that authorised him to form a government. In this case the House of Lords, automatically debate and vote the destitution of the Prime Minister, or asking another of his colleagueto form a government or call a new general election. The monarch can altogether dissolve the Parliament and call a new election, or going nuclear by appointing a transitory moment Prime Minister, the all in the spirit of saving the country, already Queen Elizabeth II has done it, under the influence of the patriots. Then no one can pretend the monarch does not rule with the Prime Minister.
How can one say that the monarch does not have any power, if not consultative when he is the Commander in Chief. He is the only one abilititated to declare war. Seeing the seriousness of a war declaration if considering that the monarch does not have ruling and acting power, who else has it. And to adopt such serious decision engaging the life of million of British, and the life of all British, he should be actively involved in the ruling process, to take the decision when needed. Then the all is embedded will you say. The monarch not only reign but rules, as Commander Chief, Head of the Church, moreover as responsible of our foreign policy as appointing Consuls and High Commissioners. It must be say regarding the importance of Consuls and High Commissionersin decision taking engaging our Kingdom you must the King controls our power foreign policy not government. The monarch appoints the High Commissionersand Consuls.
In this episode 2, Venicia Scott the Secretary of the Prime Minister is used by the council to work on our Subjects that the Royal Institution and the monarchy are English institution, not British. Reason why the government that they portrayed as that of the entire Great Britain, Prime Minister had a Scottish named Secretary. Throughout the movie only used English faces as actors, and very rarely do you see Scottish, Irish or Welsh faces resembling. In fact the few diverse and union wide faces are only seen amongthe members of the governmentand the different agents working for it. Many times many characters, either Mr. Churchillor Prince Philip made reference to the Queen, as the Queen of England, not of Great Britain.
In Kenya for their visit, the Queen and her husband where showed in a bush about to have intercourse when a Kenyan entered to ask them to remain silent and calm because an elephant is about to show up as they went apparently there hoping to see them. But, how can the Queen being shown in so inconfortable position about having sex in a series filmed for the entire world and British Subject? This simplyunacceptablesuch scenes of the Queen either naked or about to have sex should not be filmed in a movie about her. Her image and virtues should be respected, and that should not be a matter of artistic freedom of creation or expression. Because any movie talking about foreign President or leaders, have not been done showing them having intercourse and those leaders do not have religious responsibility.In our Kingdom the Queen is the head of the Church, as so she is the religious figure by excellence in our Kingdom. Moreover, how can a Kenyan boy ask the Royal couple to remain silent, in a manner that shows like he has authority on them? This is a hardly hide humiliation of our Royal Institution. Where are even their security to have a Kenyan being near them, to show the surrealismof the series, in its forced attempt to destroy our Royal Institution image.
Another, shocking scene shows Princess Margaret kissing and talking about fighting to remain with her lover, a married man when she knew her father, the King was dead. The two scenes were shown in the same time the idea, was to show the King less important, loved for her daughter to have the decencynot to mourn him, instead of running away with her lover.
In the same attempt to show the Royal Institution having less power, it was the Prime Minister that declared on BBC the death of the King, and made himself responsible of the funeral and the arrival of the next monarch on the way from Kenya. Those points are not simply itsresponsibilitybut that of Buckingham Palace, the Royal Administration which is an autonomous and the higher administration above the government and its Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is not responsible of matter relevant to the monarch as his death, as the monarch is not only Head of State of Great Britain but of the all Commonwealth.
Nothing is more damaging also for the Royal Institution than the scene of a Kenyan doing his farewell to the newly proclaim Queen by laying his entire body on the floor to kiss with his lips the Queen shoes. Such image should not be associated to the Queen, that is a respectable and sacred figure respected and honoured by all persons by keeping their dignity with the conventional kneeling or bending. The gesture is radical especially when you contrastedit with the scene of the Kenyan kid ordering the Royal couple to be calm. We do not only respect our Princes when they are King but as being member of the Royal Family and Royal Institution.
A shocking scene of the same episode shows the dead body of the monarch lying on a bed with just a white small lincel to cover up his genital, instead of the conventional black coat dressing a dead person, shows in a coffin for non radical movie. It is even a convention in movies portraying foreign leader, or leader to show his body though dead in respectful ways in order not to shock those he represents. The goal of the council here, was giving a fragile and very weak image of the monarch who was depicted as any mortal person. But, in our country, the monarch is the Head of the Church, he is a religious saint person, he did not enter in the box of classical Republican individualism that uses any respect and manner in dealing with nobles, subjects and monarchs.
To close the episode there is another scene in which Churchill says to Venicia Scott that it is true that he could be cruel because a non cruel man could not defeat Hitler. That was an attempt of the council to say it was the Prime Minister that defeated Hitler. But the Prime Minister is the PrimeMinister of His Majesty who nominated him. The King as Commander In Chief is the one responsible of war matter, he declared and led it, the Prime Minister occasional only execute his orders. In such exceptional times all important declaration regarding the war is done by the monarch not the Prime Minister.