Queen Elizabeth II on April 6, 2019.
April 17, 2019. This article is posted originally on April 14, 2019 by King George VII.
We all remember by the end of Febuary of this year that the usurper of Prince Charles (King George VII) identity and title, Prince of Wales visited Morocco in it's vain campaign of having the world gives a vain and criminal seemingly popular recognition to Prince of Wales who even of his living is not even member of the Royal Family; when the only one Prince Charles (King George VII) is jailing in Niger in horrible conditions.
We all remember that among many to have the Moroccon King accepted this shameful and criminal visit, the defeated council made days before the visit, the Spanish King, King Philippe and his wife, Queen Leaticia visited Morocco. Few days later this unprecedented visit of King Philippe in Morocco created a political crisis that lead to a regime change in both Kingdoms. King Mohammed VI and King Philippe were both killed and replaced by another persons carrying plastic masks of them. Days later, the monarchists put under perspective all the countries of the world.
But the visit of King Philippe is incomparable to that of Pope Francis who is a Saint figure, the Head of Catholic Church in the world. How can a Saint person who should be an example of saintity and creating the conditions of the respect of values and defense of peace can do a visit that intend to flout both. This visit was reward which intend to legitimize and maintain an usurpation of identity and title, a horrible political imprisonment with is systemic and systematic crimes against humanity. Worst it intends to show the uselessness of values, and to make the dismal and the promotion of crime, illegitimacy and illegality. This visit intends as well to sink UK in civil war and the world in a fourth planetary conflict. Already it is responsible of indirectly and directly all the conflicts, wars, rebellions, terrorist attacks in the world. The council is totally defeated, but still it has some hybrids, transfuge agents and mercenaries that partly support King George VII but espoused some agendas of the defeated terrorist organization as the Brexit. Those persons are supported by very few hidden elements of the council as well hidden in third time partly endorser of King George VII. Then logically the risk of a civil war or a fourth world war intending to end with the hybrid elements cannot be rule out.
The council being defeated ( totally defeated), the hybrid remnants do not have even money to support the continuation of the politics of the terrorist organizations. To have money they bargain concessions with the King's loyals kind of money for some concessions on some points to have money in other to fund visit like this. Here is how it needed almost a month for gathering enough money to fund visit as that of Pope Francis.
What is very disturbing beside the promotion of illegality, and crime, how can the first religious figure of the Catholic Church in the world making a visit intending to militate for an illegal reign that has as central ideology atheism and the radical rejection of any form of religions? That is the question the people of the world are asking themselves, those who know the core ideologies of the council.
Of course the council ideology does not prosecute directly the religions believers, but did everything to discredit religions through its leaders and also through its believers. Who can pretend not to know that the council paid religious leaders of first orders to behave such way to discredit their religions, it is well known those recent years religious leaders are accused of pedophilia and even rapping women. Many victims have sued those leaders protected by the same Popal Institution ( with the Pope personally under the influence of the council that refused to sack the figures).
What to say of the same terrorist organization consistently and systemically attempting to ruin from within the saintity and the integrity of the Catholic Institution by doing everything to have women being promoted as pastors or reverands. It used its influence to have in many countries women becoming pastors and fathers. It is logical that many persons lost faith in the Church when under their eyes the religious institutions being utterly politicized.
The same defeated council and its accomplices are behind the greatest form of destabilization of religions by manipulating terrorists to do terrorists attacks that were explained by criminal interpretations of religious holly books as the Koran. Thus how it created war between religions. That is the method it found to discredite the second resisting religions in the three revealed monotheist religion that are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Having discredited Islam it remains then to discredit the remaining two, then it started with Islam with the series of terrorists attacks of which 9/11 was the pick. Because the goal is pushing humans to see religions as synonym of division, war and hatred. Still even the few that are doing this distortion of Islam are both fund and support by the same defeated council some times by exploitating division as between Sinut vs Shiit.
It succeeds to discredit Christianity by mocking Jesus and all religious symbol under the so called respect of freedom of speech. It becomes the alibi to destroy everything that is sacred and incarnation of the religiosity and sacredness of mankind. To succeed pushing humans to think that they are individual and animals they have to destroy values, symbols especially religious ones just as they have paid Frederick Nietzsche to do it centuries back with books as "Thus Spake Zarathousra".
The hidden hybrid elements of the defeated council had two objectives regarding this visit of Pope Francis in Morocco: 1) giving a feeling of survival of their totally defeated power, 2) continuing its politics of destabilization of religion.
It needs no political insight to see that any sound and rational man can love his religion, when he sees the one who has responsibility to show the importance of religion doing criminal and illegal visit that any politician with an average sense of respect for his image and duty will not do. Because doing a visit intending to maintain and make the advertisement of a horrible crime as that of imprisoning a Prince Heir to the Throne, only aged 3 , and His current 35 years of imprisonment that created a division risking sinking UK in civil war, and the world in a planetary conflict. Indeed Pope Francis did the criminal visit for surely few millions of Pounds that the hybrid mercenaries of the defeated council give him.
Recently to cover up this criminal visit of the Pope in Morroco, he was made received the President of South Sudan, Salva Kir and Riyac Marshall his opponent . The Pope, the same criminal Pope, criminal for doing a criminal visit is given a role of mediator intending to clean his image hugely dirty by his criminal visit in Morocco, by the defeated council.
Queen Elizabeth II in April 2019.
"King George VII wrote this article"