April 17, 2019.

      The defeated terrorist organization the council is resisting with the very few power that remains to it, with its very few hybrids elements. Recently I heard the local Nigerien (African) antena of BBC reporting about an American researcher who was allegedly reported as making an astronomic observation confirming the existance of black hole. In fact the black hole of the defeated council mock symbol of ingeniousity, Albert Einsten are totally false as many serious scientific discoveries and serious studies show it as the one reported by NBC ( a serious and credible newspaper) I posted it on BCST UK website. Many serious studies show that neither the black holes, no the extension of the universe are true.

       In fact Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is a pale imitation of Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation. Mr. Einsten did nothing if not relativizing Sir Newton theory. The best example of this imitation is Mr. Einstein’s formula E=MC2 that comes from Isaac Newton P=MG.

    The same false theory is an archeological continuation of Charles Darwin theory of evolution in which he used one truth as excuse of hidding endless horrible lyings as man comes from Chimpanzee, simply because his chromosomes look that of those animals. The defeated terroriste organisation, the council modern history ancestor is Charles Darwin who is a British secret agent of Scottish descent. It was with his endless visite of secret agent that he found the materials to make the only true discovery he made being the similarity between mankind and the chimpanzees' chromosomes. It is exactly with the idea of proving that mankind coming from animals that he made those researches.

    On the same BBC’s antenna, I heard another report talking about a new discovery of human bones in Africa confirming according to the same the truthiness of the false theory stating that the first man ancestor comes from Africa, exactly from Ethiopian rift valley.  Here again you know the goal motivating the defeated terrorist organization. It wants to root all mankind in the logic of its so called motto, being British from Scottish descent. And when they mean Scottish, they talked about Scottish of Roman descent. It is a secret for no one that Roman attempted during Julius Caesar’s epoch to conquer in vain Great Britain, especially England; which they attacked and was defeated and chased out from it and as it was quite easy to escape from land than through the sea; they took the road of Scotland where they went and settle since then to form a striving minority. This minority through time mix with the already Scottish population, the Scots… In fact the Romans army that attacked UK, then were made essentially of North African and Sub Saharan African population with a dark skin most of the time from Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and even Egypt, Algeria, Morocco as then the essential of the Roman army were made of people they recruited and forced to enter their armies after defeating them, especially with its endless wars with Carthage. As the region of Eastern Africa, especially Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia were inhabited then largely by Jews, those Romans were then mainly African Jews.  So those Romans are essentially African Jews, many were the Romans slaves that they made in defeating those parts of the continent. They are the ones that settle in UK and mixed with the already existent Scottish population. Still even with the millennium mixing they keep many of their African characteristics, as the flatness of their noses, and a flat and big heads.  Then the defeated council in its logic of dividing UK, Scotland used those Scottish are as the symbol of its terrorist organization. But even in Scotland by no way are the Scottish of Roman origin the majority, not the majority of Scottish ( English at great extent are from the far Northern part of Europe as Island, Denmark, down to Sweden, Norway, and Germany). In fact in Scotland they should be (the original and mixing groups) in total be something link 30% of the population.

    The defeated council then had of course in the 18th Century sign a deal with Scotland after the signing of the act of union of the two crowns in 1707. In order to make the greatest exploitation of this union and to popularize its ideology all over in the continental Europe  it relies on this part of the Scottish population, which then once again is a minority just as now, and the power in Scotland, with the Scottish throne was held by the first Scottish, (Scottish of natural source). For example James VI who became both King of England and Scotland sealing the union of the two crown was of the first Scottish root. But, of course in the defeated council logic if it rooted its ideology on this majoritarian side of Scotland, which historically and biologically its cousins of English, it is not profitable for it. As it needs to oppose England and Scotland in order to prosper its harmful ideology.  Once again, do not look TV either Fox News, or their advertisement pictures to think that their side of Scotland comes to be the majority. It was no, is not, and will not, but it is a planned politics to put them ahead in order to give an impression of them being the majority. The majoritarian Scottish of Northern origins or fruit of the mixing with the Irish or Welsh, so often willingly accept this confinement of them as a minority in a Scotland where they are the majority. But, the recent acquired power of the defeated council through Queen Elizabeth II’s reign made them giving to that side of Scotland lot of power, not only in Scotland but in UK and the world as well.  

   This division of Scotland intends as well to fuel the independent cause as the defeated council needs to give the impression of the Scottish being different of English to have a reason to exist. Still during the last 2014 with all their (poll massive rigging of polls), the Scottish reveals the true majority and their true origin in their majority, though then again there are many initial Scottish which fall in the trap of the enemy of the defeated council and voting for the referendum.

       Its plan, attempting of making itself accepted by the continental European push the same defeated council to adopt such politics as the Roman Empire was the early origin of the modern Europe, not Africa. It is quite clear that many Europeans who know their roots do not fall in their trap.  As Rome was a big empire, the Europeans are from the center of the empire (Rome and its neighboring parts).

      This defeated terrorist organization propaganda do not only stop there, it goes with copying African culture, ethos and sometimes offensively in its perpetual attempt of dividing the British, and Scottish. So to make itself different of the English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or let say British of initial extraction which are calm, cold, and studious in terms of social behavior. The defeated council adopted as differential ideology, espousing total liberal behavior, if not an extreme liberalism in terms of behavior. It chooses to spouse, all form of perversion of human values, rules… For example it made as its, love dancive music of African origin ( Africans do have many spiritual music, with not dansive and rhythmic instrument as ones made of drum, an instrument that is only use in one part of Africa, which is West Africa, all the remaining part of the continent had classical music genre at many extent as European). Of course the same defeated council use also many falsification of history did by the colonizers, with the clichés on the continent and black people: colonization needs to be justified the civilizing aspect needs to be  fed, but there is also the economic and hegemonic side, both part of human nature as well.

  In terms of global social behavior it made its ideology as the one preaching for relax and easy going social behavior which has nothing of Africans. For example Africans are religious, the defeated terrorist organizations is against religion and launched, a systematic campaign of destroying all religious institutions. If someone asks you who wrote the cancer that has been fatal to all form of religiosity in Eastern Europe, with the communism? Answer him; it was Carl Marx with his divisive and toxic book, the Capital fully writing word for word by the defeated council. As all the different Soviet regimes have launched a big scale campaign of exterminating all forms of religiosity under the pretext it prevents men to fight oppression and exploitation, whereas a man without a religion or any form of religiosity is exactly as a beast and behave exactly as so, then this is its theory of man being an individual.

   In its planned campaign of destroying mankind shared values, of differentiating itself from animals, the same campaign went far in the Indian history to copy a practice did to Indians of high class (the Brahmas) to their slaves or persons of lower class, most of the time of brown colour, most often of African origin. Then those Indians of upper class, in a hierarchise society, having their slaves, or servants making them oral sex (we think no need to explain more the concept, everyone has a clear idea of what it is). Then that upper class Indian having it done to them by their servants for having a feeling of being superior to them, beside their clear desire to break and maintain slaves (dominated the lower class), by breaking their proud. But it is necessary to be added that any noble class Indian do it to its husband or boyfriend, and even lower class Indians do not do it among themselves. The practice by itself was done a millennium back, in an early India with lot of African slaves, with a hugely deeply hirachise society. In fact this practice was even among the practice used by the first and initial Indians to strengthen the social stratification of their Empire. But even then the Indian was highly religious and conservatives, in fact one of the greatest religious and conservatives persons in the world are Indians; as up to now even with the decades massive campaign of destroying the social tissue of India, virginity before marriage is highly respected in the country, especially among the noble upper class, the lower class members, especially females have sex before marriage only for social necessity proper to their precarities. It is quite easy to verify what we said, you just need among many to watch Indian series, or even Bollyhood movies, though with the defeated council huge campaign of liberalizing the Indian culture, with the imitation of its American version (Hollywood culture of movies making the campaign of social perversion). The major themes developed in the Indian movies, are that of honesty, sexual conservatism. In fact this campaign of destroying the Indian tissue made recently, with political corruption the defeated council has the adoption of a law authorizing weeding between homosexual in the country, which is until now deeply conservatives and totally against homosexuality.

   So the defeated council goes back a millennium back in Indian history to write shamefully Indian propaganda book as that named the ‘Art of Kamasutra’ talking about how to have sex with lower class women to which to make the cover up men were also given the role of licking female genitals (yes the animalization should be from both side). Those shameful books was reedited shamefully, to make them consumable to modern person, or let say to European and American public, as when something is said coming from China, and especially India European consume it. Historically Europeans are Indians that immigrated to the European temperate climate. Thus the defeated council with the help of the adult movie, movie, and music industry that it created and control highly until it lost its power recently, make the propaganda of this sexual practice intending to kill any smallest value in mankind. 

  This same campaign aims to fuel its planed politics of giving to mankind an individual mentality and kill in him every simple remaining of person’s pride and value, which clearly and consciously differentiate him from animals by adopting social behavior distinct of animals. This same individual campaign conceives woman as a female animal with a develop sense of instinct. In fact in the middle position adopted by the defeated terrorist organization in a context of European patriarchy society is the oral sex. Though, it is quite interesting to know if it is the defeated council or the patriarchy that resists to this plan campaign of destroying its grip on the society. It is even easy for the defeated council to set this version in order to reach its politics as made the ideology receivable by world’s societies which are mainly patriarchal, and the patriarchy always wants to strengthen its control on women and societies, and that practice contributes highly to strength its control as making of women sexual objects, who dress, speak, think, and behave like so, even on the bed. Still, though in the hugely patrichal Europe it is the oral sex that the societies consume. In America especially in the black community both men and women consume the two degrading forms of sexual practices. That has everything to have with the defeated council great control on the black population, if it does not fueled the never dying rhetoric of racial discrimination of which black are victim.

   It must be said that those practices as the other practices intending to degrade women, aim totally to destroy our British culture (the world culture by extention) where women have always been integrated, respected and considered in their differences, equal to men, if not even superior to men. Before any human society, we were the first to have women’s Queen and soldiers, of course strong and real female soldiers not current ones deliberately recruited to make our army weak in order to maintain it controlled.

     Those are just few spread practices that the defeated council spread subtly in the world through mass cultures and Medias, and that people almost never question their real origin (the defeated council elaboration of it) and their finalities.