Politicized PHD’s studies

     Entrances of Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Law and Economic Science of UAM. The animal statuts you see pointed out the degree of involvment of the faculties in Prince Charles' imprisonment.

March 9, 2019.

As wrote this article around two weeks back, last week as I predicted I receive a mail from Prof. Antoinette which almost sealed my firing from the AC LAC.

      The PHD program that I started in Art and Culture (AC LAC) in the Faculty of Letter and Human Sciences of Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey on October 2018, has been hugely politicized. Not only politicize because even in logic of politicization rules are followed things that are not the case with my studies. Imagine, it is worldwide known rules that with a PHD’s program the most important aspect of the registration is the Phd’s research project. It is the determinant thing that pushed a university to accept your studies in case your research project pleases it, otherwise your registration is not accepted. It is during the test of entering in the school, after receiving and analyzing my research project that the Coordinator of the Filiere (field), Professor Antoinette Tujani Alu and even the Director of the Studies Catherin Payn Dicko as both interviewed me, declared clearly that they love my research project. Prof Antoinette said that she was extremely pleased and delighted to see me doing my research on the conquest and exercise of political power in William Shakespeare’s Richard II and Richard III in their ‘filiére’.  After saying that she just suggested me to extend the topic on William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Macbeth. So the registration is accepted, and cannot be reversed, and I even started taking some courses she proposed me to take as they would be helpful for the research according to them. Though normally with a Phd’s studies the researcher did not follow course, but even lectured, thing that I am illegally denied.

      Few days later after my registration was accepted, we went Siloé for a local excursion during which I asked her to be supervisor and she accepted. During the test of entrance in the filiere she told me, I would find a good supervisor to help me writing my thesis. That sounds as there are many supervisors in the school. Indeed. But later, contrary to what she let me understand, the filière was made as having only two lecturers, Ms Payne and Antoinette that are leading it. It is only third lecturers coming from others universities of Niger and other countries that come to lecturer for few days. Whereas as the school is owned by many countries as Niger, Switzerland, France, Spain, UK and America through their funding of it. Though mainly the school great contributor is especially Switzerland and France being the second, then they are the ones that control it mainly. As Prince Charles is jailed Elizabeth II (the council) has the great control on it as relevant to Prince Charles’ studies. The same Elizabeth II on all the countries ruling the school and involving in the imprisonment to further its agenda regarding the school. The school with all that third control is a public Nigerien filiére located in public faculty and university. It was Tudjani Alu that created it in 2014.The two great rulers of the field, of course can apply their policies and challenges their initiatives. 

   Nevertheless, the School has been totally shifted for Prince Charles studies in kind of fictive School fills with mercenaries as students and even lecturers. As Charles is jailed by American mercernaries for Elizabeth II most of the students are mercenaries under American control. They were hired in all the sub région of the West African countries: Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Ivory Coast etc.

  Globally, the school is under the control of the British Side of the Monarchists through Switzerland that is in the network, Prince Charles’ loyals, who are fighting for his release, the resumption of his duty of Prince Heir to Throne and his saving of UK and the world. Normally, the school should be friendly regarding Prince Charles, but this goes without taking in account the leaders of the network, which only shine for their corruptions, and shameful and criminal attempt to do an impossible coup on the network by sacrilege Prince Charles, the same they have the main duty to protect and defend the interests. They currently share the same agenda with the council.

     After I sent the corrected version of the project to Prof Antoinette, she puts almost a month to tell me, she did not see my work that I sent her through mail as it is the classical channel. Prof Antoinette is a Jamaican married to a Nigerien, and is under the influence of the monarchists, when Ms Payne is a Frenchwoman then under the French Embassy control. After she asked me to resend it, she did not say me personally she received it was Ms Payne who wrote me to tell me that she received it, whereas for matter relevant to supervision it is Prof Antoinette that should answer as my supervisor.

        She did not correct my work for weeks. All the corrupt leaders of the network follow each other at the top of the network killed by their corruption and prevented the correction of my work. It is only one among them that has it answered ( the studies have been politicized). The previous leaders refused deliberately not to answer to accept the project definitely as they put my studies in the school as blackmail and facilitating tool of Prince Charles’ sacrilege that the council and its accomplices are trying to do (depending the interests of the corrupt leaders). It needs one new leader, to answer the project correction for not accepting it definitely as it was it was already accepted as this is the condition of my registration. He had it answered such way you may think it was accepted and not as well. Yes, points of entries are given for both options. In fact it is not even Prof Antoinette but one of the mercenaries jailing him who used the email address of the supervisor to answer it with even lot of deliberate French mistakes that even a secondary school students would not do. And the correction email was sent in my email account an afternoon I decided to take the bus for Aeroport where is my main jail (I am jailing in the university homeless). So, in other words you can the email as ‘kill him’, in function of the answer and our interests we may recognize him as our student or not, though the answer tend to be he is not.

When I went seeing Ms. Antoinette expecting she might say she did not send the mail. I had unprecedented surprise; a new leader just started leading the network. She made Antoinette behave toward the Prince as she wrote every letter of the mail: full of mistakes, and dark anger denotating hâte and contempt for the Prince.  That day Prince Charles was hugely humiliated and tortured by Prof Antoinette and Ramatou the secretary of the AC LAC over a hear say history created piece after piece.  

    She that morning made a 180 degree shift by declaring that she was not used to work on William Shakespeare, she did not understand his thematic to coronate everything. She even declared not used with political discourse, contradicting even for the first and only time, the spirit of the mail that wanted her in deep anger regarding me, and also that the Prince a highly experienced political manager and politician who did his proofs, did not master politics.

  what is the real issue? The topic intends to show how monarchism especially the democratic one is better than classical democracy. The council which hates our monarchy and is fighting to transform it in a republic (as cover up to destroy it) leagued with the then corrupt leader to make Prof Antoinette rejected it.

    It needs to say when after hearing the test, when I went in the filiére to have more information, I saw any member of the administration. I saw some students (mercenaries) with whom I discussed regarding the school, and they said that the research paper can be added later in other words before the test because for PHD the research paper is quite fundamental.  In fact, Mr. Kabiru that I met there did not speak by the behalf of the school, but at the behalf of our British system in it, and especially the council. They are already planning to use the research project to prevent me finalize my registration.  And later, the school moves to consume this preposition of the council, though they have the duty and the power to reject it. There was a female PhD student who declares not having a topic for her thesis later. But the woman is in the American system, which means the American mercenaries consume as well the school prescription.  It was very recently in January that Ms Payne talked about ‘Those who did not have research topic ‘ but still she did not say PhD students, as we are two PhD students to follow a Master II’s course. Then in all logic, she was talking to them. And even you force yourself to believe she means the PhD students, it means the French System consumes the preposition of the council. Nevertheless in that case the school made a move to consume that, as she was the Director of Studies in the school. Still it is not official, as the announcement for the test requires as it is the rule that for PhD a research project should be submitted with the file. And until an official announcement of the school, that is the rule. Prof Antoinette also on mid January when I went to see her made a move regarding consuming it as declared that she cannot be my supervisor for the topic, upon down telling me, why not doing the research in the English Department where I can write on William Shakespeare. That means clearly there is the option of violating the universal rules of PhD’s registration. Once again, she falls short to say officially that the registration is accepted without the research document. 

         It was in December that I sent her email to ask her, advance on the grant for doing my registration under the request of the corrupt leader of the British Side of the Monarchist of then; that she wrote me to tell me, she cannot give me part of the money as I am not definitely registered. Prof Antoinette between the lines talks about my topic needing to be totally agreed for having the grant. It needs to be added that the topic is totally accepted as this is the conditions under which I was let registered. She made a suggestion that I took in account, and then automatically, the topic is accepted and confirmed in all forms. As once again one cannot register to PhD’s studies without a topic. 

       It needs to be said that the initial decision that comes from the reject of the topic and flouting of the rules come from Elizabeth II (the council) and the French System, when I went in CCFN a Saturday morning. The others consumed and joined it after they place it on the table. Because it needs to be noted, that nothing can be done regarding my imprisonment without the agreement of the French mercenaries, being the primary circle of imprisonment. They do this move as during the preliminary research they see me, making research on King George VI, General De Gaule, Mumar Gadaffi. And it is an equation that Elizabeth II and the council hated King George VI of all their hearts.

                                 Entrance of UAM of Niamey

     Then as making a giant move regarding flouting the rules of the school, she suggested me to make research and write a project on the theatrality of the West African and Nigerien traditional practices. Quickly, I did it. I did a good work that I sent her. Then she answers me why did I rush to write the research paper, and down declaring that I did not include the researches on the topic? It needs to be added that the final deadline for finalizing the registration is March 24; 2019. To register before that date my topic needs to be accepted definitely has they illegally and criminally decided apparently to violate the rules of PhD’s studies. 

  It was on February 11, that I sent Prof Antoinette the final research paper in which I did all the corrections she requested.  Normally, she should confirm my topic. Still I currently only have reasons to think that it will not be accepted. Why? There are many reasons:

1. The council, the corrupt leaders of the British Side of the Monarchists, and their accomplices the French and American mercenaries do not want Prince Charles topic to be accepted as they do not want him to register. They  use the school as tool to cover up his sacrilege attempt (killing attempt), both to incite their accomplices to participate or when rarely it goes with their interests blackmailing them with it.

2.If I registered I will  have the grant of the  school, the internship of the school with tripping in foreign countries all cover by ‘the filiére’. And Prince Charles registered will be able to touch the Nigerien grant for which he applied and have all rights to have.  The council and its accomplices wanting to maintain Prince Charles jailed, cannot accept him leaving the country with even an internship as that means ending his imprisonment because he can even have opportunity to go home and be totally free from the new country. They do want also to jail, the Prince Heir to the throne in horrible conditions without even the basic to eat, for that purpose as well they do not like him to have money. 

3. Last week the American mercenaries asking one of their mercenary in the school to declare that the Coordinator Prof Antoinette, and the secretary wanted to see him. In fact that comes after, the American mercenaries want to use Prince Charles to blackmail and humiliate him as well UK in relation with its foreign policies. And Queen Elizabeth II accepted backing them with regarding with even the clear motif of humiliating and blackmailing UK through Prince Charles. After failing to have the support of the elements of the jailing system beside that of Elizabeth II. A day later they took the PC with which he was writing the thesis after failing to fire him from the school. And when I was giving the PC I told clearly the secretary that I need the PC at least for few hours as I was finalizing the thesis document. Still she said that she requested the PC.  

    All that reasons made that clearly in matter of hours or days they will send me a message to declare the topic not accepted, de facto firing me from the school if not doing it directly as well. They can do it, when I plan to go in my main jailing area, Aeroport in order to incite the sacrilege attempt.  They do have the option to do that in fashion of torture, humiliate me and UK ( in retaliate fashion). 

    Already, I did not receive a message confirming that my document has been received by the administration as it does usually. I just received a mail from a new member of the administration that was used to say all the option is on the table, and mainly that they are in perspective of rejecting my topic and de facto firing me. They just wait the good moment on their agenda to do it.

     I promise to sue the school if denied my right to end my study in the school after my registration was accepted and was I refused illegally to finalize my registration, and after systematically; and deliberately they violating all the rules that regulate the registrations and studies for a PhD’s program. They are also playing chrono as the deadline for ending the registration is in few days March 24, 2019

NB: 1. The mercenaries and agents of the monarchists in Niger can block all those deny of justice, humiliations and tortures of Prince Charles but most of the time; they follow the order of the corrupt leaders for many reasons as corruption.

2. All the mercenaries and systems Prince jailing Prince Charles in Niger are ruled by their authorities in other words their Ambassadors and Presidents. For example the French System is ruled by the French Embassy in Niger and the French President Emmanuel Macron through the French Ambassador in Niger.