Jan 28, 2019.                                                   

      It is fundamental that our networks all over the world work together and stop belligerent actions toward each other, for the best interests of our sacred goal. We should have our absolute rights, save our Kingdom and the world. To do that, we must work together above the local daily differences.  To speak for instance with fight between Saudi Arabia and Iran over Yemen for example. A side has to make concession to the other; it will only be in the greatest of our networks.

      Just as Russia is in our network and has fought, is fighting and will fight with and for us: our common goal. Then we should not adopt any unfriendly behavior regarding it, or toward a country it controls, to speak for example of Sudan and Centre African Republican. Every country has the absolute right to defend its interests, which right is and should be protected. If a country wants to achieve its legitimate right to defending its interests, he has to do toward a country that is in the side of the failed council control in logic of only setting peace and order. Any country that does it should and will have the total support of all the different networks.

         There is also the current council picking up over Venezuela, we should not fail to defend our partners Russians and Venezuelans, we should give them any help they need, in the region and the world.  An economic action should be applied for Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

  Our countries should do business with each other, not in logic of exploitation but in a winning winning logic.  It is only while treating business with the other countries that are not in our network as in the side of the enemies that we applied classical politics.

   In other words, we should only put forward our goal, the time comes to take our absolute right, to do it, we should work together from now.