March 9, 2019.

   Politicians are known for leading by dividing. Any politician has ruled through division as Elizabeth II. She came on power by dividing and keeps it by dividing.
It is naturally that she uses division to have accomplices that would help her transport and jail Prince Charles in Niger.

To come on power, she helps Ireland becomes a Republic as price of their supports.To Scotland, she promised independence. Thus SNP ( Scottish Nationalist) Party is created in 1930s.
To have those sides jailing Prince Charles for her, the conflict of Northern Ireland was intensified in the 1980s. Scotland and Ireland use their influence in America to jail Prince Charles. Then the American President, Ronald Reagan was of Irish ancestry, when his Vice President, George H. Bush is under Russian, Irish and Scottish influence. The Irish political class, especially the ruling Fianna Fail ruling Party had influence on both.

    In Niger the same conglomerate of countries are the ones jailing him. Every where he is or goes, he is surrounded by American mercenaries under the influence of the Scottish and Irish politicians. If he is on the streets of Niamey, they follow him with their chocolate and yellow cars ( The chocolate is symbol of Scotland and the other colour that of Ireland).
In Westminster, they support Elizabeth II in collaboration with the Labour Party to prevent the MPs voted the release of Prince Charles. Last Wednesday 27, February 2019, when the Liberal Democrat's MP, Leyla Morrey questioned, Theresa May on when she would release Prince Charles. Beside, Elizabeth II's Labour's opposition, it was the SNP and DUP MPs that rose up to oppose his release and the resumption of his duty. The issue was discussed indirectly.

     The Right Honourable Leyla Morrey is an English MP, it is only England that supported his release and the resumption of his duty and the saving of our Kingdom and the world. Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland want him jailed as longer as possible in other to be independent. Ireland sees it as mean to strengthen its indepepence, and reconquesting Northern Ireland. Thus Irish political leaders, manipulated, the DUP to vote against the release of Prince Charles.
In 2018, the SNP, Labour Parties and DUP blocked the uncover of secret materials regarding Prince Charles' imprisonment by the British Archive agency.

    In Ireland, the political scene is divided in two camps, those who support the Union and Prince Charles and the backers of total independence which are for Elizabeth II and the maintain of the injustices. It was the English Irish 1920 peace agreement that divided Ireland, especially the main Sinn Fein Party in the two distant blocks. On one hand there is Fianna Fail which is opposed to the peace agreement, and Fianna Gail which which is for it. There already the root of the problem is around, with the monarchists supporting logically the Union, and the Republicans backing its division.

     Fianna Gael does not systemically supports Prince Charles. It is also an independentist Party. It does not just want a total rupture with UK. In other words, it tolerates Prince Charles. But, the Party can definitely support him for keeping in contact with UK. Prince Charles as King George VII, the link between the two sides will be deepened. And currently it is the Fianna Gail that is ruling the country with Leo Varakat, who has succeeded to another leader of the same Party Enda Kenny. Contrary to the latter, he is less in favor of a strong relation with UK.
The tendency is always for supporting Prince Charles, still they continue the same Fianna Fail politics of maintaining the Heir to the Throne jail. The other small countries the Green Party or Aontu support Prince Charles. Whereas, Labour Ireland as Labour Great Britain is against Prince Charles. In Wales Plead Camru as an independentist Party supports II and her allies.
In fact it is Labour Scotland that is behind the Heir to the Throne incarceration in Niger. In 1983 when the Prince was transported and jail him in Niger, Labour was the first Party in Scotland. But the imprisonment of Prince Charles has been highly fatale to the Party, which over the years from first Party in Scotland becomes the second, and currently the third. How can the Scottishmen loving it, when it is jailing their Prince? The devolution of power also contributed in the dramatic downfall of the Party in 1998. It was linked to the deal that was signed over the Charles' back by the corrupt leader of the British side of the monarchists ( Ata Stuart) and Elizabeth II. A deal that included the usurpation of identity and title of Prince Charles at the profit of Prince of Wales that is declared as his interim. Charles is declared in coma and interned in Wellington hospital of London.

    Before that year, it was Mark Philips that usurped Prince Charles' identity and title since the beginning of his imprisonment in 1983. He continues to do engagements as Prince Charles, Heir to the Throne until 1998. Untill being of 17 years of age, the British Subjects and the world only know Prince Charles, as Heir to the British Throne.
It was from 1998 that Elizabeth II and her mercenaries gradually exploited the criminal deal, such way to assimilate Prince of Wales as Prince Charles, Heir to the British Throne, and son of Queen Elizabeth II.

     To hide the planned usurpation of identity, before Charles was jailed, he was dressed and hair cut as Prince Wales during some of his public apparitions with his mother that were recorded. After, 1998 those tapes were broadcasted to have the few who were not born then, to think, it is not him. All the different engagements tapes of Mark Philips as Prince Charles, Heir to the Throne are hidding

    After, the devolution of power, Labour Scotland lost its place of leader in the Scottish political arena, and was replaced by the SNP that takes the essential of its ideology. It is the SNP that quickly, in 2011 had the position of first Party in Scotland. In fact, the two Parties enter in secret coalition for efficiently leading Scotland to independence and jail well Prince of Edinburgh. Elizabeth II and the council helped them in the deal. It was three years later that the Scottish referendum happened.

    Prince Charles' backers in Scotland ( part of the monarchists) is the Scottish Conservatives Party. They are passionately for the Union and for Prince Charles' release and resumption of his duty.

     The Party was created in 1965 and is victim of Elizabeth II an her accomplices conspiracy. How can a Conservatives Party succeeds when its leader, embodies everything a right Party condemns? Ms. Ruth Davidson is a LGBT, everything that right electorate hates, even in Scotland that Elizabeth II and her accomplices propaganda turn highly liberal, especially regarding that LGBT's issue. A right Party no matter the country should back its core principles as opposing homosexuality.

    The second reason is the Party did not develop an agenda proper to Scotland as every Party should do. The solution is kind of though for the Union having Scottish nationalism well defined principles in the circle of great Britain.
In the English political arena only the Labour is at great extent less supportive of Prince Charles. It was created in 1900 to destroy everything for which Prince of Charles stands for: Love of the Monarchical political system, protection of religions and the British values. The Party fails to achieve all those points. Thus, logically it has pain to seduce the Scottish electorate which is as the English electorate, is a hugely a rightist one.

     Beside all those considerations the faith of the British political Parties have always been linked to their successes or failures regarding their defense of the Royal Institution, and especially the imprisonment of the Heir to the Throne that is its core issue the last 3 decades. It was during the Conservatives government of Margaret Thatcher that Prince Charles was born. As soon as it let him jailed the Party and Ms. Thatcher popularity take a serious hit. After she failed delivered the second chance the British gave her to have released, the Heir to the Throne with 1989 that all Parties from the political Parties to Elizabeth II agreed to release. It is logical that she lost the Premiership.

    The Party was given a second chance with John Mayor for releasing Prince Charles. When he failed doing so, the British give the chance to the Labour opposition Party to do it with Tony Blair's two terms. After he fails to free him the Party was given a third chance just with Ms. Teacher with Gordon Brown's premiership. After he fails to deliver, the Tories were given another chances with David Cameron and Theresa May.

     The birth of the Independent Group of MPs is linked to Brexit. Brexit is all about Prince Charles as well, his side, the monarchists support it, and Elizabeth II and her accomplices are against it. Prince Charles wanted an independent and strong UK. They want a bonded, and weak UK.

    After both Parties failed to free the Prince Heir to the Throne, the British gave birth to a Party that is the Independent Group of MPs which will take their [Labour and Tory] places as first or second Party, should they quickly fail to have Prince Charles released and resumed his sacred duty of Heir to the Throne. All that is due to the popularity of the Royal Institution in our British ethos.

    Still, the monarchists are very powerful inside the Party, which has been created to destroy what can be of our Royal Institution, which is the soul of our Britishness. The Party is very shy regarding it, for example it sees the House Lord as a useless and anti democratic Institution. It sees the Royal Institution as useless spender of the British tax payers money. Whereas, it is the most democratic Institution as connecting the Subjects, to he Church and the Royal Institution.
Hold on! Prince Charles is jailed really by Labour Scotland with perspective of dividing Scotland from Great Britain, especially by opposing two brothers ( Scottish and English). Indeed, in the Union they are the two great parts, and two separate Kingdoms before the act of union of the two crowns three centuries back. But Ireland, and Wales though less powerful than the two, and not monarchies, are largely autonomous politically organized entities.

     Dividing an union of four, in two looks as saying that the remaining two are not important. Wales and Ireland are as well important as England and Scotland are. To hide the criminal nature of Charles' imprisonment, or in attempt of thinking protecting themselves, or further their divisionist agenda; they regularly torture, humiliate, or spoil his property and put all that in perspective of division in Great Britain in terms of Scottish and English.

     Few days back in UVA and the campus' library, American mercenaries under the influence of the duo SNP and Labour broke the screen of his Nokia Phone in childish criminal way to pretend Scotland is more powerful than England.

                                   "Prince Charles"