May 03, 2018.
This is a video of Prince Charles brought in the perspective of Jacob Weterling. It is in 1989 that a kidnapping has been simulated to refresh and report the abduction of Prince Charles under the name of Jacob Weterling. But either the face or the voice of the kids are mine at 80%. Though reported kidnapped in Minosotat, the place of his abduction is Galveston; exactly the same place where I was kidnapped. His parents are my adoptive parents John Jason and Baroness Martin. In one word it is my kidnapping that is reported in that of Jacob Weterling.
Why does BCST (Back To TheConstitutionalSuccession ToThe Throne) speaks like this? Here is the question that a reader may ask himself, if he makesa quick judgmentof our movement. First of all we are not a radical movement, how can we be when the future King ( future King George VII) is one of the editor of this website and an influent member of this movement.
First of all our movement throughthe noble cause that it is defending which is freeing our country from the dark forces that are keeping it hostage is against every form of radicalism either verbal or other. We are for the defense of our British values especially that of good manners either in the speech or action to fall in any radicalism, no matter how small it is. The best thing that we have which is the envie of the world is our good manners and they are everything dearest in our eyes and they should be protected and valued.
Of course, it is because the damage did on our Kingdom is so great that the portrayal and the description of those damages may appear to you rude, exaggerated, and bring without every good manners. Still every time before reporting those crimes, or high treasons on our Kingdom or PrinceCharlesheir to the throne, Prince Charles we told ourselves, ' This crime or injustice is too shocking, too cruel ... is it reportingthe best thing?'. We think that it is a matter of honesty, integrity, justice, duty, prevention of future similarinjustices and Kingdomism (meaning standing as patriotically to defend a Kingdom than bringingthose injustices no matter how great or shocking they are. If the criminal did not see the enormity and seriousnessof his crimes, one and justice must not observe any retinue in referringand exposing those crimes as they offered themselves to be seen. If any crime is never too big to be donethan the depiction of any crime is big. We think the worst we can do as British is stopping referringor condemning the dark forces'crimes, doing so meaning encouraging doing enough more similar crimes as it makes the councilbeing sure thatany way they are enough big to be reported. Not reported those crimes means encouraging new ones to come worst than the first as those who did themwill feel encourage and protect by the silence of the people that they assimilate to a tacitcomplicity.
Still throughout all this site, regardless the seriousnessof the crime or the injustice we brought themwithout any passion or any tendencyto exaggeration.We report everything withthe same coldness as it happened to let our Subjectsknow what happen and giving them the opportunityto elaborate their own attitude regarding thosecrimes. We have also brought and commented crimes and injustices because it is necessary for having justice done both to the Prince and our Kingdom and for avoiding such bad crimes and injustice. Human being is capable of any kind of monstrositywhenever let expressed without any subjectship ( coming from citizenship) control and without especially the impartial and divine hand of the Monarch, God's Deputy on earth. If precisely in the past in millenniumsof Constitutional Monarchy such crime did not happen it is precisely because their is in our Kingdom the transcendental hand of the Monarch to moderate and temperate our Subjects'ambitionsin not ruining our common good, our Kingdom in the rightful exercise of their ambition. Because ambitions it is something every important in a country, it is the force that animate men and women in doing good for the others and their Kingdom. Nevertheless, when an ambition aims to destroy the kingdom, its established order, its values, rules and traditionsfor the simplest realizationof a man or group of men, this ambition is an enemy of our country and should be dealtaccordingly. It is the report and explanation of such ambition made actions that may appear to an attentive reader as radical. Whereas BCST, and the future king George VII even in the report and exposition of radical crimeis moderate inonly listening to the voice of wisdom and God, the wisest voices. We are convinced that nothing good comes from radicalism, but everything good can only come throughout determination and conviction to save a Kingdom, that is everything we have shown through this website in explaining those crimes.
Nevertheless in all cases nowhere have you read here an uncivillyword, the facts are brought with all dully manners, proper to our Kingdom, its values, laws and traditions because it is for the protection of those values that we are working for as working for the return of a Constitutional Order in our Kingdom. It is to be brought here as well the well known rules, ' Though cannot prosecuted under British laws to mean future King George VII who is an eminent editor of this movement, if not simply the editor', we respect those laws and we fight for their respect to flouting and violatingthem, every action does is done in empowering and having those laws apply, for the good of Kingdom. We do not contrary to the others exploit that rightto commit high treason, to deprive our Subjects of their right, and to commit highest crimes and treasons as we have seen endless in under the heaven of this virtuousKingdom.
What precisely is happening in our Kingdom is the council using the Royal Family, the Royal Institution on which it has influence to do endless serious crimes and high treasons by especially usingthe non prosecutionof the monarch to think get away with those crimesand also use the same power of the Royal Institution to have outletsnot reported them. The Monarch as the Royal Institution, and our Subjects are victim of the same dangerous persons, we have the duty to show them to our Subjects so that they pay their crimes and high treasons, so that we avoid them in the future, so that we free our country. Now, we come to the point of this movement aiming to free our Kingdom, for doing this sacred mission, any effortshould be saved, our Kingdom it is beautiful, useful and essential to us and the world at an extent it deserves all our sacrifices, all our dedications, all our love.
Nevertheless even in criticizingthose serious high treasons the council renders himself responsiblewe did notfall in negativity. We always exposed, analyzedfacts in all objectivitywithout any passion. Our goal is sacred for us to allow us falling even a single second in negativity.
But, the greatest challenges we are facing in our sacred work of standing for our Kingdom in the face of the council determination to destroy it, is regarding the different crimes it didwhich are not reported. Why aren't they reported? Because it uses its power to have the world outlets not report it. It uses both, corruption and treat of military or terrorist actions against any country or news agency that reported it. That is how endless crimes have been done and went unreported. This omerta encourages the council to do more crimes and even serious ones knowing that no one will report them. But as Kingship organizationdedicating to save our country, we cannot let those crimes and high treasons unreported. We report them, even with proofs as we only report crimes or things that we have the proofs, you may qualify us of radical organization, publishing unreported news. Doing so most of the time encourages the council to use all mean possible to have our website quarantined by the council, more than as it is right now. For example our videos that we posted online are quarantined, endless times I view with many navigators a video, the viewsare not marked. Many of our videos are even canceledfrom our Youtube by the same council, and we do not understand Youtube that hasa so great credibility of protecting its users let those videos beingcanceled on its website.
All that happened under the eyes of the entire world because Prince Charles from his birth before his kidnapping to during it currently is a public personality, whose life is following by endless persons from all over the world. It is even during my hostage keeping that those people from all horizonsfollow with sadness, consternationsand shocked the epic tortures and humiliations of the heir to the British throne. A country knows and respected for its respect of human dignity, and the respect of its political authorities, especially the members of the Royal Family, more especially the prince heirto the throne. They wonder what happens to us, when we let our Kingdom through its prince heir to the throne being humiliated under the eyes of the entire world, without us reacting and doing everything to prevent? The same people wonder how can the entire world in the 21th Century a centuryof respect of human rights and dignity let such crimes happening under their eyes. They have the feeling there is no justice in this world and that some are above laws they do crimes that should not happen, especially to the person to which they are carried. Of course, all of them follow the trend of the entire humanity in crying, and feeling frustratedthat the prince is tortured and humiliated, they feel as it is all of them that are livingthose crimes, due to their historic link with our country one of the greatest country of the world through its history,of helping and fighting for good causes from the abolition of slaveryto the defeat of Nazism.Those people, British include, especially our Subjects though not acting at the second those humiliations are happenedthey record them, and live to have those tortures ended by the release of the prince and his having his right to his status of prince. They write indirectly to condemnthose tortures and humiliations on their social networks, in their speech and even threatenedto publish formally clearly those crimes and humiliations, especially if the prince is harmed seriously or killed. They even called the different political authorities involve in the hostage keeping of the prince to treat them regarding carrying out the killing ofCharles as the council planes it daily.
Without the direct and indirect supports of those persons from all around the world the prince is far before dead, killed by the council. British of all horizon do stand for their prince, whose pain is theirs. Such is the nature of everything we report, they are news know by endless people, especially those close to the polars of powers as medias or political authorities, those non marginal group of people are notsurprisedby what we publish they even have news that we do not have, as they see and hear the preparation of those crimes and humiliations.
Nevertheless, those of you who do not have the privilege or the chance to see through technology those crimes may label us of revolutionary or radical. We think that it is a matter of being accomplice of a crime than seeing it without reporting it, especially when not reporting those crimes encourage the responsibleto do more. So that is the reason that push us to publish those crimes. The fact that those crimes werecommitted on the prince shows that the temporary Palace coup still continue. Because it is mainly by treating of violent retaliation that the council is having media and UN organizationsnot reported or condemning those crimes. What is the relevance of those organizationswhen they are the eyes witness of such crimes and violationsof human basic rights and do not condemnthem? Not reporting and condemning those crimes encourage the council and its accomplices to do more serious crimes and having them kept them silent once again. The most of those kind of crimes, was killing Presidents and replacing them by false people to perform their roles. Some times it is criminal attackscarried by the council killing hundreds of people that are not reported. The same usurper is pupated to rule according to the will of those who did the crime and control them. This is the sad reality that contributes to made our world violent, with wars, genocide,rebellions and terrorists attackseverywhere. Whereas a single report and condemnation of the previous crime would have prevent the next one.
So on the other hand our work of reporting many of those crimes and abuses are preventing many more to happen in Great Britain and the world. Such is the urgency for people of all over the world to report those crimes, to prevent more, to save as much as possible humans life.
We talk ahead of the deny of right we and our Subjects are victim on Youtube with their views not reported on website videos. But, this company is not the same, the other platform of social networks as twitter and facebook are concerned as well, with the endless friends we have on them that are not reported. Most of the times people are preventing through technology hacking to follow those accounts. Sometimes, the account is quarantined and some people cannot see them as well. Still those companies do not prevent them when still they have the reputation of standing for their clients, everything that made their greatness and success. Prince Charles being a worldly known personality those companies have especially eye on his life, and his accounts on their services. Most of the time they do not react for fear of the council, it is not a silence due to the participation of the omerta that made the prince is keeping hostage for currently 35. You know I have always loved Mandela. Do you know why? We have all faced the same huge injustice that made us prisoners for many decades. Mandela has done 25, I have done 35, in other words 10 years more than him. Then Prince Charles is the longest jailed political authority, and leader in the world. He has beaten this record. Just as the record of the most serious crimes that goes unreported. Still if people of all around the world report the injustice Mandela it is certainly because the Apartheid South African regime was not as power as the council was, a power it has of the status of one of the most influential nation we have on earth. Our Kingdom having huge power in the UN and the other nations. The council is using our strength against us.
But, you may ask yourself how did that serious crime, serious for even tying to even nation, our Kingdom for which the prince was kidnapped, as the council only goal was to prevent Charles succeeding his mother? The first reason of this silence was through the procedure the crime, being the kidnapping in 1983 in Cheam, it was done gradually, in small proportion always by the council which did things just as not serious to have people not react, and then when it thinks people the first quantity is swallowed it moves to the next stage of the crime until putting the people under the fait accomplit. For example with my kidnapping, it started with the council taking the control of all the area in which Cheam school in which I was studying and living is, and then taking control of the school with secret agents, and mercenaries hidden in people. Then moving weeks later to kidnap the prince from the school, by bringing him to Ham Polo Club giving the impression to give up progressing with kidnapping aiming to deport and keep captive the prince in Niger if its demands were not met, being only having Prince Charles 's father giving up his son status of heir to the throne. Then the kidnapping was not reported to give time to negotiation.
The second reason is the people involve in the kidnapping and hostage keeping are the ones to report it, to mean Prince Charles' mother and family forced by the council to kidnap and deport him by hiding it in a normal official trip. Those persons cannot report the kidnapping because they are the influence of the council that is responsible of even their security with the agents behind them. They are even obliged to replace the person by some one who looks like him, so the others do not remark the hostage keeping and reporting itto the police. The only one to be able to do the report of the crime to the media, and justice is my father, King George VI. But, he wants give time to negotiation. In some cases, of kidnapping, the abductors even treatedkilling the hostage if the parents or family of the victim report it to the police instead of satisfying their demands. That factor is another element that made the crime non reported. Here is how until he dies, King George VI did not report his son kidnapping and combined to the fact the council promises every-timesoon to release the Prince.
But you may ask yourself but why didn't prince go to the Nigerien justice. The country, being one of the poorest in the world, and the council with its accomplices controlling the different regimes that rule the country, it is useless to go to the justice to declare the hostage keeping. The council has chosen carefully the country to carry out the prince hostage keeping. Such injustices can only happen in third world countries. They will declare themselves incompetent and limited in their power of rending justice the different actors of the crimes being not in Niger. The logical step is contacting in such matter the representation of the country of which the victim is citizen in the country. But, in Niger our country does not have High Commission. The only thing it has is a Consulate which by itself is in another country's Embassy to speak of the French Embassy in Niamey. As I should do at first place I go to the Consulate the council uses its power, not to let me even entering in it, under the pretext that there is not British Consulate in it. Before the security of the Embassy regardless the fact that I am hostage and declared it and went there to be evacuated home, refusing simply to let him in or ask the agents of the council to come to me. The council uses its power with the French authorities to not to let me in the Consulate.
It remains to go in neighboring countries where Great Britain have High Commission, but the prince is especially economically kept hostage by the council, by preventing him having money to free himself.
Prince Charles is not the only one to be victim of kidnapping in our Royal Family, Princess Anne declared being victim of a kidnapping attempt. It is only with chance that she succeeded saving herself. If the fact that she was victim of that by an age she is mature and can defend herself help her to save herself, Prince Charles was kidnapped and deported very young that has highly helps the council to kidnap him, otherwise it would have not been possible. For example at the police check of the different airports from North Carolina to Niamey he was outsmarted as kid to let himself being deported by accepting his portrayal of son of Diana and the other mercenaries. That is why he did not attempt to report to the policemen that were checking the entrances of airports his kidnapping that he could not report because outsmart no to see it.