Lacking any right and legitimacy regarding the succession of the throne that all go to Prince Charles, the council is planing to use its military strength to place in the throne someone who does not have right to it. If block to do so, it is planing to transform our country in a Republic they will lead.
How you will say?
No one among you worthy British not knowing that the council has erected illegally the Parliament as our Constitution after declaring the Magma Charter and the other charts and Acts as irrelevant legal laws. They decreed unilaterly that the Parliament that transformed in corrupt institution for defending well their interests as all power and serves as Constitution. They started to launch false narative according to which the British Parliament through a simple vote of the same corrupt MPs can vote to end the monarchy and transformed our country in Republic. You are aware they have done a test of this narative to see how well they can do it, by having Westminister vote an Act giving same right to the throne to female progeniture. Of course; they added many people did not agree and consider this act as law, but as they are in logic of strength they go with it, otherwise they do not care, for them it is all. And they take it in account all the aspects regarding the monarchy as now Prince William who did not have right to the throne; daughter Charlotte was ranked fourth in the line of succession. O! If the patriot did not react to it and prevent it; it is simply because they do accept them imposing it as law because they by themselves said when the time will come to apply it as law; it will be hard to do so because many country of the Commenwealth as Canada, Australia and New Zealand are against it clearly.
But still; the council did it; and intend to use the same process to terminate the monarchy when they come to the evidence that they cannot have the throne by lacking right and legitimacy. Of course; even a referendum the supreme mean of consulting the people about important matter regarding a nation cannot end our monarchy. Because, a referendum vote in the sense of ending the monarchy will clearly sink our country in civil war, and give the same result as with Oliver Cromwel adventure fail to end the monarchy. What is a Great Britain without its monarchy? It is a souless body. It is a fish out of water; lost; corned and dying in a desert. It is human being without oxygen. Great Britain is a monarchic construction.
And believe us; when we told you they have equiped the members of the Royal Family they controled with bag of scandels, they intend to publish publicly to ruin the image of the Royal Institution; and then quickly call at the Parliament a vote to end the monarchy. We should be ready to face them any time regarding that.
Nevertheless when can they do so?
The answer is in the question; they illegal reign is supporting by two lies: 1) Queen, Elizabeth II is alive; 2) Prince of Wales is Prince Charles, the only one son of Queen, Elizabeth II. Moreover, as it quite well known that Prince Wales Prince Edward, Princess Ann, Prince Andrew are not children of Queen, Elizabeth II. And every impartial DNA test will prove that.
As soon as it comes to be reported that in fact, Prince of Wales is not son of Queen, Elizabeth II, and so not Prince Charles who you all know as the unique son of the Queen that is kept hostage in Niger. They do not have any legal right or claim to the throne. They do not have any other choice than convoking the Parliament to end the monarchy.
However; the convocation will be done by the time they remark the patriots or someone else is about to report the truth, before it is reporting they will make convoke the vote. O. They may do it also after the truth is reported; by trying to dissociate themselves with the crown; and pupated their politicians in our British political class to declare the monarch as a relique of the past, irrevelant of Great Britain as it is today and marked by controverses, and scandals. Regarding all those points all of us should be ready to face them. So, when you have to report the truth connected it to them. Our Royal Institution is keeping hostage by them, and has any problem all wrong do by it was done by the council which was pupating the members of the Royal Family.
As English and British subjects, we have the duty to free our country by mobipllising to have Prince Charles being proclaimed as King George VII, that is the role of BCST.
Share this message on your facebook, twiter and other social networks platform, inform your family; friends; neighbourghs; collegues about this movement; about all those credible information that you can verify by yourself as logic and evident and present in every single of their move. And on this site, everything we report we bring our proofs and we have more proofs to back every single fact we report. By the way, we defy the council to prove wrong every single thing write here. They are aware of our movement; they know the leaders of this movement, to show that we are not working in any clandestinity. And among the leaders of that movement there is even Prince Charles, the real Prince Charles son of Elizabeth II, kept hostage in Niger. From his hostage keeping place he wrote many of this site as he is one of the main editor of this site and leader of this movement.
Act, because the very last base of the council illegal ruling relies in the misinformation of our people, which is kept in information black hole in order to keep them hostage. That is how many of you do not know the Queen is dead and that the real and unique Prince Charles is keeping hostabe by the council in Niamey, Niger.
Untill now they act as non event despite that the truth that we reporte with proofs because in their logic, since it is not reported by a credible classical newspaper as New York Times, Washington Post in American context; or Daily Express, Daily Mail in the British context for them they think people will classify it as kind of theory du complot news, doubting about everything. All that regardless with the scientific proofs we have to back every truth, and in their real political perpective and military strength perspective; it does not matter, since backing by not as we say it by classical channel being the newspapers and the channel political elits. O. Comrades we live in a corrupt world and country, truth is what you have the political and military power to claim . The Courts and other executive and judiciary instances even with your proofs you will deprive of your rights through a smart mean; they have endless.
It is to you; dear British and English to give them wrong, we have seen in our country history and the world; the people and masses doing revolutions. Whereas is the Magma Carta who has it set if not the Britiths people who together rise and fight to have it set. Where, is the restauration of the crown that leads to the crowning of King Charles II, it us the same people who did it. Just ast I have the absolute trust in you, spreading this message, mobilizing for having Prince Charles, the real being proclaimed King George VII. Moreover, than ever we have the mean to do so with the social networks that tie and connect people together. Do not wait the council to tell you what you can do, but show them what we can do. We are not a people to be humiliated and kept hostage and that I have the absolute confidence that so soon they will understand it. We voted Brexit, when the same council was against another additional proof of the power of we the people.
The advantage of already mobilizing and informing people about those truths is to take the lead on them, connected everything to them. Such way though they dare move in applying the plan attempt of destruction of the Royal Family no one will listen to them. The real and deep advantage is to make them directly responsible of everything our Royal Family, people and country is facing. The Royal Family has any problem but just taken hostage, as is our Parliament with most of the MPs controled by the same council.
Sad to say that we live in a smart and hardly hide dictatorship. If not how can you qualify the government refusal to apply quicky and directly our people's will as expressed through the referendum. The council pupates the government not to apply it, but playing the time to reverse the public opinion support regarding the Brexit, by threatening people; and making them fear their own conscient choice. There are endless other examples that you all.
So this information and analysis is to be taken seriously and applied. We have them through credible sources, and the political analysis comes from one of the greatest political manager in the world, if not the greatest political manager in the world, who has done his proof.
Contrary to what we reported then, Queen Elizabeth II is not dead and is quite alive and healthy more than ever. Nonetheless, still the council is fighting to do its coup, it does not have the power to do.
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