BCST and King George VII always demand Ms. May to resign. Or let say it clearly, demands the council always to make their Prime Minister Theresa May dead and replaced by a person carrying a plastic mask of her to declare her resign that will save them from useless problem and embarrassment. Our Kingdom needs a full time, and a full living Prime Minister, Jacob Mogg Reese is fine for the job, and he should be the next Prime Minister.
See, the mess of the Brexit matter, a total failure she was appointed as PM to apply successfully the Brexit not to negotiate about its application or not with the EU, the same our Subjects decided and chose clearly to leave.
Now, to forget this mess she embarks in a Russian distraction yacht, mission helping the council doing the impossible the coup against our Kingdom.
She should go, that is all, and Mr. Mogg should take her place.
Of course, King George VII is for the full carrying out of the Royal duty, as it has always been in our Kingdom before the ascession of the council. The monarch as the duty to be the upper hand above the game. To set order, and bring constructive change.