The Usurpation of Identity

 Feb 22, 2018. Revised on May 12, 2018.

       It was at the Christmas 1998 that Prince Charles being kidnapped and kept hostage since April 17, 1983  that the council officially usurped Prince Charles' identity and started calling optionally Prince of Wales as Prince Charles: Queen, Elizabeth II, 1998 Christening Message. Of course, King George VI being dead on May 12, 1997; they think they have total power, and they could move in unilateral logic of imposing Prince of Wales as Prince Charles, who as son of Elizabeth II is the only one heir to the throne.

       Since the kidnapping of Prince Charles, the negotiation continues between the council ( A group of English high rank officers with Scottish ancestry) and King George VI to have the prince frees. If the Prince kidnapping and hostage keeping is not reported officially; it is only to give chance to negotiations.

        The council refuses to free Prince Charles as longer King George VI did not accept Prince of Wales as heir to the throne; instead of Prince Charles.

       Queen, Elizabeth II plays the politics of loving and respecting her father, King George VI as a mean to stay on power and refused freeing, Prince Charles, untill King George VII dies. Untill; he died; the King never accepted that, for him that is a matter of a principle, absolute right, and duty toward Great Britain; seeing how they were destroying our country, only for staying on power.

     Below is the video of the Queen Christmas  Message in 1998 that they declared optionally Prince of Wales as me Prince Charles, before that he was refered only with Prince of Wales.