The Sim the council meeting for preparing the sinful and illegal wedding

Jun 07, 2018.

     The council scheduled the sinful and illegal wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brookbank for October 12 of this year. Of course, the wedding is of the highest interest for the terrorist organisation. It supposed to trigger the impossible coup d’etat it wanted to do without having the power. Already, it planned this wedding as a second plan in case it failed to do the last wedding of Meghan Markle and Harry Charles. The wedding never happened, what happened is a tragedy that killed all those who attended it. 

                                                   Read more about Sim:  Sim meeting in London between October 1 and 2.

      Even before this wedding, the engagement of the two brides were announced and the wedding is on the stand by as plan B to trigger the coup, in case the plan A failed. Clearly the announcement of this wedding proved if needed that the plan A failed.

    As it is in the council tradition, in all the different high treason and take over it did in  against our Kingdom, it leagues  with foreign leaders to do so. We say foreign leaders, come on do not be young to the council’s logic and degree of destruction, said me one of the editor of this sacred movement, who is sitting close to me, when I am writing this article. The council has set a systematic and organised dictatorship in the world. All the different great countries of this world are leading by men in uniform, or army chiefs. The Presidents, Primes Ministers are just pupates in the hands, they are the real holders of the power. In all those countries, the Presidents or the Prime Ministers are dead, killed by the council and replaced by it with a man or a woman carrying a plastic masks. By their side those army chiefs are under direct control of the council, which create a shadow network of power, in the umbrella of real power as those leaders were elected, if we accepted democracy in such context. 

    In order to see if it can have their support for doing the sinful and illegal wedding, the council just as with the last failed wedding, scheduled a conference of those army chiefs in London. By the beginning of October on the first and the second, the armies chiefs of the greatest country on earth meets in London. Officially it is to discuss common defence between allies of NATO. Unofficially, the meeting aims to negotiate those army chiefs to give it their support to the terrorist organisation regarding the wedding, and even the possible world war III that may result in case it succeeds doing the wedding, as the monarchists swore to block the wedding and the council coup.

   Even for the last wedding this army chiefs, met as this one, around two weeks before the wedding. The last meeting for the wedding of Harry and Markle was held on May 12, 7 days before the scheduled date of the wedding.  Then, it received a limited support from its accomplices, which did not give it, their total support for the wedding. This one is scheduled to happen,  11 days before the sinful and illegal wedding.

  Still this wedding is dangerous for the  socio political and economic stability  of our Kingdom. If the council succeeded to do it, though opposed by all, it will have a false impression of power and will attempt to do the impossible coup. How will you say? By doing  a Palace coup, declaring the Queen dead as on December 29, 2017 and when it attempted to set Prince of Wales as the next King when the real heir to the throne, Prince Charles is kept hostage in Niger, and especially when the real Queen is alive and in good shape

   The council may even try to do the sacrilege killing of the Queen as it attempted to do so on November 12, 2017. As you see all that are serious sources of instability for our Kingdom and the world. And now, more than even the council lost every single power, its current leader is even the Norwegian army chief, named Odin Johansson though he is of British origin. 

                                                                                                                                               Odin Johaanson

    One after the other, all its leaders were killed and still it refused to give up doing the impossible coup, free Prince Charles and let him resumes his duty of heir to throne. Despite the warning of the entire world. The daily killing attempt of Prince Charles even continues.

                                                                                                                                         King George VI