The Queen off Duty

May 23, 2018

The first thing that comes to you after watching this video, is certainly the following question: ‘Can the Queen be off Duty?’ The private and public life of the Queen are all confounded everything that is proper to the nature of her sacred and political functions. She is God’s Deputy on earth, she is the greatest political leader of our Kingdom, without being a political figure. She has to ally all those two functions by being a human being. That shows how tough that the all task is about. 

  First of all this video was not edited and declared by any specified outlet. It is edited and posted on Youtube as the endless videos on the net, posted by anonymous person, or posted by any one deemed necessary to edit and post it as it fits his interests. But the agenda defended by the one that posted it, as it appears through the scenes show the council did it. It intends to cover up from the first scene to the last the kidnapping and optional replacement of Prince Charles, the only heir to the British throne kidnapped on April 13, 1981 by the council. At the same time the video through the relax and very informal way the Queen is presented intended to give her a political image and incite in our Subjects heart Republicanism feeling. Both reasons proved that the council edited the video with at least the tacit agreement of the Queen: there are some scenes that are filmed to fit the compulsory ones to cover up Prince Charles kidnapping like the Queen in horse stale directly linked with Prince of Wales sitting. 

     The chiefest of all the Queen is presented as kind of drama Queen to give the ground of how her son, was kidnapped. The video intends to give to Queen Elizabeth II an image of woman, mother, and person has any. You see her betting on horse. She was shown laughing to death as any normal woman. But the Queen God’s Deputy on earth and the Head State of 53 countries cannot by a normal woman.  

   The all video aims to answer the question which kind of Queen let her son, heir to the throne being kidnapped? The way the video is released answered it with a Drama Queen, a Queen human as any woman. Above all a Queen that likes odd and very inappropriate gestures and things.

  It all started by showing the Queen watching a horse race with impatience. Then was displayed running literally outside the room for watching definitely the horse race through a stadium. She was shown with glosses, close to the Queen Mother. This scene intends indirectly to tell that she does not have all the power, The Queen Mother in red does have lot of power. She was also shown viewing the race with her glosses. In addition, though even watching race on TV while laughing she was shown  some moment serious along watching it with her staff. Then by reported that she won with the bet 16 Pounds, she was portrayed as any woman. 


Just after, the Queen was presented walking as a warrior on street with her staff men and women.

 Then alternatively she has shown for seconds, sitting in the USA during her son kidnapping, when she did kind of official visit to hide her long absence due to the deportation. We all remember, Queen Elizabeth II, sitting almost crying in Washington in 1983 briefed by a Senator about how it is appropriate according to the protocol to react to the Senators. That she was about to meet. That was one of those scenes that we would have preferred never happened. In this video, only a similar scene of her was shown, but please bear in mind the scene was not the original one, but an edited version.  Then the Queen was shown chatting with one of her aid. The scene intends to cover up the harmful impact of the Queen being briefed by the Senator, while almost crying.

                                                       The Queen in US imitation scene

 Then just after a woman was displayed curtsying to the Queen. Follows then the Queen during the American part of the kidnapping shows with the American President, Ronald Reagan and his wife. She was shown regal with her crown on her head, laughing to the Reagans. Though there are as well a small aspect of how depressed and sad by her son kidnapping she was shown, she was depicted laughing in a way of almost crying.

                                                                                                         The Queen insecure with Reagan


                                                                             It is hard to be a Queen scene

After that Queen Elizabeth II is shown preparing to do a Christmas message. We all know how formal she appears during this exercise. The goal is simple having people forgetting her low moment with the Reagans with the Christmas Message.

  Queen Elizabeth II was then depicted speaking to another person sitting on a seat with a very ample Royal dress. She sat and spoke as telling and showing that it is hard to be Queen, there are lot pressure, and tough decision to be taken. Follows the Queen speaking to a group of men that intends to say that if she let her son being kidnapped it is may be because she is a woman Queen. In the next she was filmed with a officer and a civilian the idea spread here is that she has been forced to let Prince Charles kidnapped, by whom? John Stanier though his name was not mentioned.


 The next scene shows her laughing and behaving very inappropriately upon playing with two dogs with another men among which there is Prince Philip. She spoke in a very informal way, with very relaxed voice intonation, that shows the scene has been filmed purportedly to fit the already filmed scenes of my kidnapping to hide. Quickly back then to more serious behaviour she was displayed with a stick on her hand listening to one of her aid. This scene was to be followed by the Queen driving a car as any woman would do. She met two hunters and joke with them. 

The Queen was then displayed entering in a horse stale, with a man in blue standing close to the black horse that the Queen touched. Then comes the most controversial scene: Queen Elizabeth II was shown dining in family with her husband, and false children Princess Anne and Prince of Wales. The scene was used to mean with the horse that her son, Prince Charles that was kidnapped and kept hostage with the horse and the kid in blue in the stale (then stale convoy the idea of jailing) was optionally replaced by Prince of Wales as her son and heir to the British throne.


To give the indirect insinuation of her letting her son hostage, she was shown giving money to a man in a car. In succeeding successions of scene the videos narrated the American step of Prince Charles kidnapping, with the simulated kidnapping by the mercenaries that the council hired in Africa. In another scene she was reported meeting the two main mercenaries that would keep her son hostage in Buckingham. Another scene shows that indeed Charles was kept hostage by mercenaries controlled by the council. A scene even displayed that it was not the council that controls directly the mercenaries that were keeping Charles hostage but George Bush as a man looking to him was shown serving the Queen. 

 To cover, and in attempt to dramatize the horrible things that were exposed, Queen Elizabeth II was filmed conversing with the former South African President, Nelson Mandela. It is as she was explaining him her son kidnapping, especially through her voice intonation that takes that of confiding voice. She said to Mandela, someone asked her if she has been in Africa. She said that she said to no one that she has been in Africa, in the Commonwealth or not in the other countries member of the organization.


 To laugh of all that the Queen was depicted doing a very huge inappropriate move of walking in a very odd way for a Monarch. Then she was shown carrying glasses and then follow a scene of her dancing with men and women. The kidnapping and hostage keeping was thought cover up by the council.