Jun 05, 2018.
We start this analysis on the state of council politics of division by saying that we have all due respect to the Royal Institution and to the Queen. For example this is why all our sacred movement actions aims nothing else than the Restoration of the greatness of our nation by setting the greatness and the respect to the Royal Family and the Monarch.
That being said, let begin with this analysis of the traditional Queen Garden Party. We have seen this year edition of the Queen Garden Party, it appears as a ‘Division Party’. It shows how the council for saving its defeating power has transformed the important Queen Garden Party in a very big and shameful division party of Kingdom.
The party shows nothing else than how the cartel is insistingly acting to divide our Kingdom and disrespecting every symbol, value and power for transforming our fundamental Kingdom in republic. From the first to the last image of the excerpt of the party released to the press and Subjects by the council, we have seen a consistent and elaborated campaign of division of our Kingdom. All around the ceremony the council through images and signs pretends defending Scottish interests. The first image shows two lines of men and women of values standing leftward looking rightward and only face by one line of women and men of values or everything that the council thinks to be so. But after the two lines looking rightward, a horizontal line of the two persons with black coat were shown looking from the out of the screen to the in, in direction of the Queen.
With this kind of mathematical figure, the council pretends being in Scottish perspective or defending the Scottish interests. The two lines looking rightward means the council defends the Scottish interests, and only defends English interests with line which influence and power are reduced by the two men standing looking Eastward (or inside the screen). The Queen standing with black glasses to which added the man wearing a superficial plastic masks to play Prince of Wales supported with the influence of the Queen that indeed the cartel defending support Scottish interests. If is it so they will free and put in his right of heir to the throne, Prince Charles a proud Scottish within his proud British Princeness. If it is so only last week, the council and its accomplices would not humiliate horribly as you have seen Prince Charles only because he declared himself being British, and refuse to be called English, and exclude the other to which he belongs as well. The Prince refused to enter in the council divisionist policy. Indeed, it all happen under your eyes, the British Prince was humiliated horribly for declared being a British Prince. Then by no way, does the council defends Scottish interests. We did not even talk about the council picking up among many the Scottish interests during the last 2016 American Presidential Election.
At the so called Garden Party the Queen is shown at the beginning with a black glasses with William Bingo behind her. But, there are neither William or the Queen, the first being dead and replaced by a man who wore a superficial plastic mask to play his role, the Queen is also replaced by a 3 person who wore a superficial plastic mask. In fact the woman that wore the mask carried a black glasses to hide the difference of her eyes with the blue and green aspects of the Queen's eyes. Beside even that Her Majesty though not quite old is not in her 70s as the woman that was shown playing her was. The woman walks effortlessly.
With on 0:34 the woman that was performing the Queen behaving as a comic Queen that she is. She did not have the charisma to play the divine role that was given to the Monarch. She laughs more than the Queen does. She does not know how to act natural as Her Majesty does. It is on 1:23 that the very inadequation of age between the real Queen and this usurper appear enormously , as her face is shown from near, the aspect of the superficial mask appear, especially with her eyes appeared. The limit of the superficial mask even appear on the neck of the woman, especially close to the two necklaces she wore.
Whereas since the beginning of the party, William Bingo called illegally Prince William is shown as with the bellow picture.
At first sight the superficial nature of William and the superficial plastic appears on her head, especially the top of his head emerged. The plastic mask appears on him as a hat that is placed. The man selected to wore it does not have the huge likeness of face with William to fits well his head's shape plastic mask; reason why it appears odd.
In this last picture William was shown speaking and gesturing energetically as she did not have the habit. More the energetic way of speaking of the man playing William intends to enter in the divisive context in which the council has put the ceremony, a context of fictive feud between England and Scotland because our Kingdom is tightly united. William wearing a black coat, with a black hat is shown speaking to a man dressing in blue coat and to another woman, when close to him was a man in black coat, with a black hat who behaved seriously.
It goes without saying that all those people are for the majority no even British of nationality though of origins and roots. Most of them are Australians, Canadians, Americans, New Zealanders, South Africans of nationalities. They were selected just as the people who attended the sinful and illegal wedding were. They have been trained over weeks about how to act during the Party, about how to embody the identities that were given to them. They have been arranged in the garden in small groups according to their nobilities, or functions that were given to them, beside the people that form the different lines. They have been disposed such way to convoy a divisive message of Scotland and England being more powerful, or the council being in the logic of Scotland or England, especially when the Queen comes to greet them.
With the picture 0:36 the council with the Queen wearing a black glasses greeted an old man in black military fatigue declared always being in Scottish perspective with the right side of the plan made of people of great importance than the left. As shamefully human beings have been placed and ranked as objects with superior or inferior values, when there values is not for ranking sake but sacred and secular sake linked to the Divine aspect of the monarchy. Beside the divisive logic this is an attempt to change our table of values in that of a Republican context one, with individual ranked according to their official roles.
Even in the above picture, the message is not as simple and straight as you may think firstly because the almost old military officer with the black uniform is selected to convoy the idea of being superior to the Monarch. How can in United Kingdom no matter the rank and place of a Subject in our society being superior to the Monarch anointed by the Church, the God Deputy on earth, and the Command in Chief of our army? No matter the age, the seniority and the rank of an officer, he cannot be compared in terms of power, influence and value to the Monarch the Commander in Chief and God Deputy on earth. The last title made it even a matter of profanity than comparing the man to the Monarch. Of course one must not forget the council aiming to transform our Kingdom in Republic or let say in dictatorship, with military officer leading it, it is all logical in the sense of his interests to make the promotion of such thing.
Still on 0:54 the message is clear with all the effort puts by the council to hide it with the tall man in black coat, and the woman in red and white skirt with the black coat and already with the two first shown lines in the North side, and the only one line on the South, the council indeed wrongly declared being in Scottish perspective, when only in its own perspective. A perspective of dividing our Kingdom for maintaining its defeated regime on power; a perspective of dividing our Kingdom for weakening all the different sides Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales. That is the ultimate nature of the council power creating and advertising a fictive division for saving its defeated power. More, than ever this divisive policy is understood and any British falls in the trap.
Above all that it is quite interesting to know how can the council organized a Garden Party, and especially dedicated to the division our Kingdom and by using a 3 Queen in Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the true Queen that is in the Palace? That means the Queen authorized the party. How can such party, and replacing the Queen by a 3 person being authorized by the monarch, she who has Divine power? Knowing the Monarch, by no way if she had to decide of her own she would not authorize such party. That means the council has forced her, everything that is very illegal and dangerous for the council itself. The independence of the Monarch in fulfilling her sacred function and duty should always be respected.
The council by all means do not have the power to the impossible military coup . For example, at the party, the man playing the so called Prince William is shown, but Prince of Wales and Prince Harry represented by persons playing their roles did not attend the party. BCST recalled that the only legitimate, and legal heir to the throne, is the only son of Queen Elizabeth II, kidnapped on April 13, 1983 in Cheam and kept hostage by the council in Niger, in horrible conditions.