The council still engaged in Russian division

  Theresa May.

April 10, 2018.

 As we reported it days back the council is using Russian diversion strategy to distract the British about its impossible coup attempt that it is trying by all means and on all fronts to achieve. It is currently pupating Ms. May to criticised Russia about the poisoining of a Russian secret agent and his daughter, poisoing that everything tends to show the council has done it to exploit it politically as it is doing it currently. If not how can the killing of an agent explains a so huge esclation regarding our country relation with Russia, after all they are Russians that are killed not British, though the killings were done in British soil? Why didn't Ms. May condemn the current torture, humiliation, and refusal of recognition King George VII is victim from the council? The answer is simple Ms. May as we reported it was dead, and was replaced by a person under the control of the council which is playing her role. 

    We call the British to be vigilant in not falling in the trap of the council, Russia is not our enemy, but the council is, and it should be demanded to recognised King George VII. Just as  it should made their controlled Theresa May resigned so that Jacob Reese Mogg replaces her.