The British said Brexit

July 24, 20

   More than ever the council is maneuvering to have the Brexit reversed or to have its application softened at an extent it will be a Brexit no more. When still the votes of our Subjects are clear, they said "Brexit" our country should leave the EU, preferably without any deal. It is only a bad idea than keeping any link with the EU, either regarding the common market or the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

   Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne recalls that if it is democracy the vote of the people should be respected and applied. It is more than anti democratic than discussing applying the vote of the people because you do not like its nature. Whereas, democracy by principle is the ruling of the people by the people for the people under the divine and wise check of the monarch as this part has been removed from the real definition of democracy as Plato phrased it by the corrupt politicians, they have systematically rewrite history to give to their crime a fake shell of legitimacy. People lie too much on Plato a so great philosopher. 

   The instructions of the people  is not taken in account and applied as delivered, in such case we can no longer talks about democracy, but dictatorship that of the corrupted politicians that of terrorists and criminal military officers (the council) which swore destroying our country. It is clearly behind the pick up of attenuating and reversing the Brexit. 

  We have always said it, Brexit means leaving without any deal, as the phrase subject of the Referendum was “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” The sentence is clear as it only talks about living or staying the EU, the political campaign debate, the only debate that matters and is Constitutional was either to remain or leave the EU, but not about totally or partially leave, as was either we vote to leave or remain. That is what we debated and voted. We never voted either applying totally or partially the EU, then negotiating and debate for having a soft or going with hard Brexit should not exist.

   Currently we are doing a totally illegal and anti democratic debate, when a part the part of the people control by the council  and the government turn everything about soft or hard Brexit. This is not Ladies and Gentlemen what we voted; we voted to leave in two options referendum. And by the way, it was after long discussion and negotiation that we come to agree on the wording of the Referendum and when we we were doing the debate subject to the referendum there was anyone defending a third option or an option of leaving either totally or partially. It was only after the leave wins, that the remainers the non loyal and undemocratic losers that they are, start talking about the kind of departure, with the clear idea of playing time and division to reverse the Brexit either by applying its soft version which is not a Brexit at all, or as they are impossibly grinding to have it reverse as through a second referendum which only talking about the name is a crime, as it means deciding that the vote of the people does not matter. It is as in a democratic country a President, or a Prime Minister is elected, once elected the incumbent President or Prime Minister and its colleagues ( corrupt politicians) rise point of either letting the new elected President or Prime Minister leading fully or partially, or totally asking to organize a new election for electing a new President or Prime Minister, because those who were against him sees that he is not fit for the job, he is bad for the country. Such issue or point have to be raised during the campaign, before the election not after, doing so after is totally undemocratic and criminal. That is exactly the same illegal, undemocratic and criminal debate that is going on in our country, without any one raise and say, ‘ Stop! You do not have the right to debate if the people vote is wise or not, no you only apply it. That is!”  

  The council used endless sabotage methods to achieve that aim, as engaging our country  in a cycle of endless negotiations, when there is any law of the EU that asked a prealable negotiation before a country leaves the Union.Among the sabotage techniques used were working out on our people to be afraid of their choice, their certainty, their wisdom, their Brexit. We are one of the most educated,  and wise  people on the face of the world to have it wrong at 52% of our body Kingdom. If you doubt about this universal truth, just recall that Sir Isaac Newton was British so was James VI, Tim,Bernard Lee and endless other wise and brilliant men and women. 

   In the logic of creating mental insecurity regarding the Brexit Big Ben was stopped, when it is the soul of our capitalist and pragmatist spirit: everything needs to be done on time and in its time. For that a big watch was visible all around London.

  The council also maneuvered to have the date of application of the Brexit being set for March 29, 2019. Enough time as it is needed to reverse it, in case it is reversible. No one can silence the voice and aspiration of a people. The British subjects never stopped demanding their votes being applied, they never hesitated to do so endless ways as through their Constitutional representative the MPS. Of course their voices are not heard in the medias because the council has set a smart and silent dictatorship. The microphones are never given to the people, you the daily British, your voice is feared. It is only given to the political elites for the essential under the control of the council and its accomplices. For example while we are writing this article, Elton John, the same who died in attempting to do the illegal and criminal wedding of Harry Charles and Meghan Markle, speaks to ask a second referendum being done. As he said people were not told everything on the Brexit. Where was he when the Brexit was debated on all its angle? And as recall everything on the Brexit as has been said and debated, nothing was hidden, people knows exactly what they vote. Moreover, we are a wise and deeply educated people that corrupt politicians cannot mislead and lie to, reason why we voted to leave.  Here is how the council is keeping hostage a part of our people. The people should be the actors of the management of their lives. 

     Endless, Tories MPS resigned to mark their disagreements against Ms. May's hesitation to apply the Brexit without prealable negotiation.  They even asked her to resign as she was betraying the British by refusing to apply their wish and votes. And according to experts a no deal will be fatal for the EU that loses  200  billions, and invades by one million immigrants. When the EU needs this money to bail out its endless failed countries as Greece, Italy etc. In front of the Germans refusal to serve as the EU banker  with Ms Markle's government  agonizing killed by the EU and its endless problems from the Syrian refugees to terrorist attacks  without talking about American new tariffs sets by Donald Trump  on steel and aluminum, the EU needs us when our interests want us out, Thus they are doing everything to block the negotiation.  The EU is clearly agonizing and will not clearly survive  with our country departure especially without a deal. All those agitations is the council  doing everything to save its union that it created to dilute the power of our Kingdom and destroy us as well. Their fears are so great as coming from the very serious IMF warning.

     The best thing possible  is leaving  without any deal if we leave  by letting any smallest link with the EU they will use it to pull us in the  union or even to sabotage our Brexit, the promise of greatness of our Kingdom. Our subjects, kingdom have always live alone, for best of us and the world.  Centuries back when our King, King James left the Catholic Church to create our national Church this was our first Brexit. By doing so, we save the world which was stopped in its development by the Vatican which represented the first EU.  We leave and made of it a success and salvation for us and the world with the following inventions and discoveries we did and the values we created. 

     The current Brexit will be the second and it will be as great as the first. Indeed it is even need to be asked, if we have ever be part of the EU to regret leaving it? In it we only apply some aspect and refuse applying many others as the Shengen agreement; or the Euro, We remain with our Pounds the best and stablest currency in the world, and we kept the ideological marks that made our exceptionalism as with the distance measurements. So we have nothing to regret if not reducing our greatness and independence by being in club of corrupt political elites who tied each other for the worst. Where is the best with this Europe, when countries once great as Italy and Spain are down and begging the EU and IMF for survival? Where is the best when Germany takes the road of countries sink by the EU as already in political crisis for endless months, with lot of economic and societal problem linked to  immigration and refugees problems?  Those who even in joke ask us to remain in the EU should be blind or live in another planet, in another time to say this, if they are not drunk with all due respect we have for them. But, Ladies and Gentlemen don’t you see the trend is for a non EU, leaving the EU. The Europeans people want their countries to leave the EU, it is only the corrupt political elites that are obliging them to remain. Countries as Hungary, Italy, and Spain elected anti EU leaders. It is going against the era of the time than wanting us to remain in the EU, it is wanting our country in economic crisis as wanting us to remain. All want to leave, how can you ask us to stay. You want us destroy before leaving, when time gave us right when already before many we voted to leave. We did so as as a smart and pragmatic people, who knows where future lies. 

  How can the EU has a future when it does not have soul, the common European Constitution was rejected by many key countries as France, the common European army has never gone further than a vague plan to give impression to the corrupt politicians that they are right in their crime;  before the reality catches and stops them, to realize that the EU is a very bad, destructive union, which should be destroyed in the interests of all, not only its members. Due to this failed and fake EU refugees are invading not only their natural countries being Italy, Greece, and Spain no they spread their chaos in France; Germany, UK, Poland and many other. With this failed EU, jobless people walk to spread their incapacity and irresponsibility in other countries. The EU is a mistake that needs to be correct and we will help correct it by the same way our Kingdom ends slavery. When we decided to ban and stop slavery the same that are criticizing us today in terms of countries and individuals were criticizing us, and history gives us right, because we are the most pragmatic people on the surface of the earth, we always take the right choice and resolution. Why didn’t they come to tell us today as they have done it centuries back that we were wrong to ban slavery and we were more than wrong to do wars for ending it.

    They are the same exactly who in their hypocritical speech want the new world we created, a world made of respect of human rights. Ladies and Gentlemen it is a moral and ethical crimes than not applying as deeper as possible this Brexit, the time is here to give us right, the time is here in front of us, so soon they will join us in the planetary free world of no Brexit. 


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