Ruling as King George VII

       May 13, 2013

    The Prince heir to the British throne decided to serve his Kingdom after his mother, Queen Elizabeth II under the title of King George VII. The first thing that motivated my choice is a matter of continuity. Nothing is behind the stability and huge development of our Kingdom if not the continuity in its top leadership with the same monarch reigning many decades; the same dynasty continuing on many generations. That is the first reason of the constancy and solidity of our monarchy, the longest, the stables and the most necessary monarchy in the world. It is said in the tradition and deed that our Monarch does not only on our Kingdom but on the entire world with the seal of the septum.

        In all the different non monarchical countries in the world, the limitation in terms of terms, two terms for the supreme function (presidential function in most of the countries) have limited the development of the countries in which it is applied . With two terms most of the times 10 years ruling, the President does not have enough time to apply his projects for the development of his country. And most of the time the new President, though from the same political parties does not continue the projects of his predecessor. Hardly do two Presidents share the same vision for their country, though they belong to the same Party. When they belong to different political parties as it is the case most of the time because in almost 80% of cases a President who served a country is replaced by a candidate of the opposite party. Alternance is very frequent in democratic system, where instability is erected as symbol of success. Still having the continuation of the same leaders, without God Monarchical guidance is dictatorship. It is neither good or profitable for the country. 

     Usually the new president is elected in opposing and criticizingthe projects and realizationsof his predecessor. That makes always his reign is put in the perspective of changing the political vision of his country as his predecessor sets it. It is very contradictory Presidents, and regimes that follow each other and undoing the realizationsand ideology set by the preceding regardless if it is good or bad. Thus countries are swinging for periods of time between contradictory Parties defending opposite ideologies. People are torn between contradictory torrents.

    Any leader has the necessary time due to the limitednessof the presidential function to apply all his projects even the most successful and greatest ones that takes time to be implemented. This permanent climate of political tension that democracy without supreme power created makes that countries are constantly split in two or in as much political parties there is in a country. The worst of all there is no unified, clear and constant policy as carry by a monarch with a long reign. 

   Each political party militates to change the society as it goes with its ideology and opposed to the other party. Regardless that the ideology is good or bad for the country. Everything that matters is championing an ideology and maneuveringpolitically to fulfillit. We mean maneuveringhere the lack of divine check of man’s character for the good of the country as the Queen plays the role. With this classical political system nothing is forbidden as it goes with the same laws that were set by the same unethical, immoral and sinfulmilitancy consisting of forming a majority of persons in favour of an ideology for it  to be applied.Democracy without divine check becomes so perverted that in decades to come it will not be forbidden to see killing a human beingauthorized, just for the fun of it, regardless of the sacredness of man’s life. Anyway there is no supreme figure as the monarch plays the role to prevent it.  The lesson the classical world refused to see is that Democracy is intended to be through its creation a complement of monarchy as the Greekinvented it. It was not meant to stand by itself without supreme divine and transcendentalcheck.


    Whereas, with monarchy, there is a supreme body, a supreme figure which has great power. More stable and develop the country is in all fields of life from culture to economy if it has a supreme leader as it is the case in Constitutional Monarchy. . Undoubtedly without falling in any shortcut monarchism, our Kingdom is the one that gives everything to the world in terms of values and developing ideas and models. That is through theindustrializationwe initiated with our same Royal institution. It is quite well known it was born through capitalism that was born from our monarchicalfeudalism.

    All those  models championed by our monarchs who through their long rules have enough time to apply their projects that led to those important models, which would have by no way been possible with democratic system without supreme check. If they have done it, it is precisely because through their functions they have enough power to carry them, without harmful section of the society rise to prevent them doing it because it goes with its interests. Our Kingdom has under the wise rule of his monarchs bring light to the other nations to talk about what is commonly called colonization.Of course colonizationbelong to the realities and social culturalcontexts of past centuries. Theydo have enough time to apply their politics. This century is that of collaboration and friendship between nations by cultivating what unite them. 

       Those innovative projects it is not one monarch that do them,  but many monarchs which by the fact of coming from the same Royal Family which is maintained pure strict through inter marriages carry the politics of their preceding who is either their father or mother. There is no radical opposition as with political parties. We all have the same blood, the same gene for the same soul that of Great Britain.


       Then for matter of continuity, stability and of our Royal Institution either in terms of politics but also of symbolic name of ruling, we Prince Charles decided solemnly to reign as King George VII, when I will succeed my mother. Just as my mother, chooses to rule under the name of Elizabeth II, notifying and making reference to Elizabeth I my great great grand mother whose name, glory, realizations, and projects are carry by my mother. Exactly, as my father King George VI did by reigning under the name of his father, King George V, my grandfather. Whereas he could reign as well under his real name of Albert, or Arthur. So, me Prince Charles will reign under the name of King George VII so that through me shine the continuity, the stability, the progress of our Kingdom through its Royal Institution.

 Our choice will also in an instable world marked by terrorism, and resurgence of ultra nationalism with fascist tendency gives a message of strength to our Kingdom and our allies. We all remember the two preceding Georges have saved our country and the world from the perils of their times. King George V defeated the harmful ambition of Germany. When my grandfather, King George VI saved our Kingdom and the world from a far greatest peril the Hitler Nazismideology. In an instable world a sense of continuity and constancy is needed to reassure our Subjects and inspire respect in the eyes of our enemies. 

     Prince Charles chooses also to reign under the name of his grandfather for his love and the gratefulness of his grandfather. Indeed I was loved by my father as much as my mother loves me. Nevertheless, my grandfather’s love is incomparable to any love. The council has done everything to have my grandfather gives up his grandson’s right to the throne to Prince of Wales; he always refuses that until he breaths his last breath on May 12, 1997. I got never be there when he did the last journey surely in thinking about his grandsonfor whom he did everything. He does even refuse to give up his grandson’s absolute right to the throne even when the council made it as the only condition to release him from his hostage keeping. 

      It is also due to my grandfather’s refusal that the council decided to kidnap me. All his life, he dedicated himself restlessly to have me free for saving our Kingdom. He supported his grandson as a matter of love and monarchism. Before passing away he puts all his power and assess at the service of freeing his grandson and saving our Kingdom from the council destruction and destabilizationwith his grandson succeeding his mother. For me as a proud grandson it is not only a matter of love of a grandson to his grandfather, but a also a matter of gratitude and patriotism than reigning with his reigning name. Just as I will be happy to see my daughter succeeds his father as Queen Elizabeth III because my mother has done everything possible to his son, I was kidnapped against her will, and dedicated herself to have her son being free and has his absolute right; even though she has few margin due to the past reliance of heir reign on the council. 


  Nevertheless, as years goes on she emancipated herself from this very harmful cartel and is doing everything to have her son frees and resumes his sacred duties of heir to the son.

    Never, a Monarch has done great thing for his Kingdom and the world than my grandfather. He saved our Kingdom and the world from Hitler Nazism. The council stole this victory all his and gives it to Winston Churchillhis Prime Minister. Whereas our laws are clear, it is the King, the Commander in Chief that declared and led war effort not the Prime Minister. We all recalled his historic war declaration against Hitler's Nazism as much as we recalled his victory speech . 


 Many times has he gone on the war fronts to support our soldiers, he never goes far from their pain and suffering, he carries them all. It is also in London that all the different resistance to Hitler gathered and prepared themselves to free their countries. My grandfather opens them the doors of our Kingdom, gives them financial and material assistance to free their countries. In hate the council is of our Constitutional Monarchy and of our Royal Institution, and in favor of changing our country in Republic attributed all his victories to his Prime Minister. Mr. Winston did everything for his country, but he always mentioned whenever needed, that he was the Prime Minister of His Majesty, King George VI. 

      It is with a broken heart that I remarked the council launched a huge campaign of putting inparenthesisall his huge realizationsfor our Kingdom. The fewest place you see his named mention it is a reluctant King, whereas he is an action man, who leads through action. Action, decisiveones defeated Hitler not hesitation. He was the only constant in the war against Nazism.