April 06, 2018.
Religious tenets do not change because men has changed, even though they are bound to change. Otherwise it is not a religion but men's habit changing at the wish of its humour.
If you believe in the true religion, the true Anglicanism, the same religion that remained unchanged centuries back and brought all the benefits to our country, you do not and will not accept the change or the smallest alteration to our faith. In almost a millennium of its existence never was Anglicanism being changed or let say corrupt if not those few years of relative power of the council. The only needed cleaning to Christianism we have done it centuries back by removing the Catholic corruption of this purest religion. Reason why it is almost intact that Anglicanism has crossed history It has been applied by British of all walk of life, of all ambitions sometimes very huge, but never did they attempt to amend it to adjust our religion to themselves. Religion does not come from men, it is transcendental and it is not to men to amend it.
By the time, religion is amended at the wish of men ambitions and opinions, it is no more a religion but a political movement, which evolve with time with the militants experiences. Religion is not bound to men by to God, in its wisdom in knowing what is good or bad for mankind, Its creation. No one than Him knows what is fine or wrong for them, when He decrees something to them it is in their good, and it always goes with reason, not the heart. God is wisdom, not whims. He decreed in infinite wisdom that divorce is not allowed, not in fantasy or hate of men, but in love of them. His boundless seek for the happiness of Its creation advises Him that divorce is bad. At all angles, on the familial one, it is children that will be split and let grow without natural habitat, without natural family as made of their makers, the only ones able to give those pretty and sweat creatures, those angels the love they deserve. The destruction of the familial entity condemned only them to live endless pain physical and psychological. Divorce created a hole in the society that cannot be filled. Those kids most of the time are the most enable to become the harmful part of our human society for the lack of love they never receive in their lives. They grow to hate mankind. Then divorce is a source of social disorganization.
The social impact of divorce is not over, most of the divorcées, after that sank in alcoholism and that prevents them to work, everything that is bad for the development of the society.
Divorce creates by the same way instable human beings that cannot have the mental equilibrium to work and then develop themselves and their country.
All those are reasons given to show how bad divorce is, allowing it is making systematic the social disorganization, beside the religious consideration of going against God's will that forbids it.
Of course the council aiming to destroy our Kingdom legalizing divorce is something very fundamental. In the way that it disorganized our society, it kills our virtue. Because for centuries this forbidance of divorce has disciplined our thought and character and made us the most trustful nation and people in the world. And that enables us to create capitalism and its economic growth all relying in the confidence of the Subjects in their economy, the confidence of people in honoring their words, their debts regarding each other. That is the essence of today's capitalistic system. Removed the trust factor you have the economic crisis that you have not only in Great Britain but in the entire world. There is no capitalism without trust, and trust comes from the cultivation of virtue all relying on religious percepts as relevant to forbidance of divorce.
That is even on the rational Franklinian side ( Benjamin Franklin was an American writer, philosopher, politician and thinker that believes in rational religions he uses his extraordinary intelligence and sense of judgment to see that all the religious rules have rational roots, and he uses those rules to reach his goals as his economic success). For the men of 21rst century corrupted by the council propaganda for depriving our society of its virtues and transforming our Kingdom in Republic, if you have trouble to accept God's wisdom, accepts it after subject Its wisdom to your reason, and you see that religion is not to be changed by a group of politicians at the wish of their interests.
We do evidently speak of the fact that religious figures in our Kingdom are designated by the Monarch, God's Deputy on earth, that is on the assumption of the Monarch following only God's command, and defending his Kingdom as he has the duty. But, it is a part of our Kingdom is kept hostage by the council, which uses its relative influence in 2002 to organise a general Synod that almost legalized divorce. When the men and women that preceded us all want to be free to marry and divorce, but in seeing its danger refuse to surrender to this temptation. So, this synod is no more no less than a political meeting, between politicians only defending their interests. For the bishops and archbishops of the different parts of our Kingdom are appointed by the crown, the same part of it control by the council through its influence on Queen Elizabeth II.
So, this synod almost authorizing divorce is clearly the council political rule made divine laws. In the fact that the cartel has only one goal executing its coup for that it needs to authorize it for cleaning the image of its pupates in the Royal Family that did it. For example in 1990 Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew divorced. 6 years later it was Prince of Wales and Princess Diana that divorced. Thus in order to prevent that that divorce having an impact on the popularity of Jacob Jack the council uses its power to have it authorized. There is a clear political calculation in this very bad and unprecedented move in corrupting our Kingdom's religion.
And as usually the continual advertisement is done by the same council with the illegal and illegitimate wedding of Meghan Markle and Harry Charles. O yes, it had Harry choosing as bride a divorcee. Here it goes the Royal advertisement of divorce. But it is none of them are even British to be even members of the Royal Family, both were American and they are both dead.
Anyway for us this political synod has any authority for us to even adopt amendment of the purest religion possible, Anglicanism. Its purity is seen among many in the result it makes reach.
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2. The Queen was report authorised the wedding Harry Charles and Meghan Markle