Queen Elizabeth II meets Doria Ragland

May 18, 2018.

  Queen Elizabeth is reported meeting Doria Ragland, the mother of Meghan Markle. In a surprising move, Queen Elizabeth II authorized the wedding of Harry Charles and Meghan Markle when she refused to authorise the wedding betwee Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend who was a divorce just as Meghan Markle is. Our Anglican religion is against divorce, and this point is one of the defining principle of our faith to be removed by even a political synod maniplulated by the council.

    What to say of the fact that both Harry and Markle are dead, and none is even British to even be members of our Royal Family. Still some speculated that the Queen may even attend the wedding, whenever she thinks there is ground of doing so depending on the public mood.  We think here is the wedding that our Queen, our Monarch should banned, it is never late for that instead of attending an illegal and sinful wedding that will give an image of Kingdom and Monarch legalizing usurpation of identity and the corruption of our Royal Family by people who are not even British.