May 23 2018.
The council in its constant effort of advertising its optional replacement of Prince Charles by Prince of Wales has done endless advertisement campaigns to advertise the usurpation of his identity. Those campaigns most of the time rely on politics of division of our union and Kingdom. The classical division created and advertised was that of Scotland Vs England, when the two greatest parts of the union are united and dedicated in developing our Kingdom, Great Britain. As illustration, in this same effort of dividing our Kingdom, most of the Royal Family’s cars or helicopters, especially those of the Queen are coloured in red burgundy, which is Scotland true colour; the blue being just a propaganda colour advertised by the council. Of course, the red burgundy is as well the symbolic colour of our Kingdom. But the council uses it in reference to Scotland only for divisive purpose.
The patronizing intonation of Prince of Wales voice and behaviour toward both England and Scotland and in one word Great Britain is obvious. Because it was Prince of Wales presenting the weather on BBC Scotland, had a black coat, and the down images intends to incite both Scottish and English cousin to feel taking advantage by one or another. Before everything we condemn the fact that it was a British Corporation BBC that the council uses to carry on its criminal propaganda intending to advertise a crime and a temporary coup d’etat being the kidnapping, the hostage keeping and the optional replacement of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Moreover, it is a public British outlet that is used to carry out the divisionist politics. You could not miss to ask yourself is it, the role of a British Prince, to present the weather? Let imagine for supposition sake, it is his role as Prince not Prince heir to the throne to present the weather, why then presenting the weather only on Scotland, why not presenting it on all UK, or separately on England, Northern Ireland, and Wales? You see the motif of dividing is all around.
On Prince of Wales made Scottish map, Dumphries House was made a great part of Scotland big than even than Edinburgh or Aberdeen etc? It is not fortuitous that he just talks about Dumphries house just after making reference about Edinburgh. Why will you ask? Simply because the council has pupated him to build a house in Scotland that has would be exploited as a humanitarian building. When the building of the house in 2016 was motivated by the council clear politics of division during the American Presidential Election, when it tortures, and humiliates Scotland and its interests. The building of the house then aims to reduce the impact of the council division on Prince of Wales in Scotland. It was that year that the council politics of division in our Kingdom has been clearly understood by all, as it made itself falsely the champion of English cause. Whereas traditionally it auto proclaims itself has defender of Scotland, when it only defends its own criminal interests. Otherwise a so central ideological core doctrine cannot observe a so major shifting did publicly under the eyes of all.
The dangerous division of the council propaganda lies also in the symbolic of his dress and the introductive picture. The red dark tissue in his upper coat, combined with his dark coat, the blue shirt, and dark combined with the red burgundy tie intend to say we shoot any Scottish that bother us. The microphone with its red tip that he shakes to conduce the threatening impression of shooting supported clearly that idea. He even at the end of the presentation shaking in both shooting and stabbing manners the microphone. That idea is more than ever mention after jumping and running at the end of the presentation with a kind of cyclic rectangular circle on the planet earth upper side, to mean that we cut the throat of any Scottish that bother us. Not politically correct as you may think revealing publicly the council so shameful indirect insinuation. Nonetheless, the greatest mistake is not reporting it because doing so means that the Scottish and English the British in one word will never know how the council is dividing and threatening them to close their eyes to their Prince heir to the throne kidnapping and optional replacement.
The advertisement of Prince of Wales as Prince Charles intends to advertise also the kidnapping of Prince Charles and his optional replacement. It intends to say to the Scottish through patronizing manner that we kidnap and replace optionally your Prince, heir to the throne and here I am the illegal and criminal usurper the same who in the same time was picking up against Scotland presenting you the weather on BBC. That lacks any small decency will you say clearly. Worst it intends to show him being dressed in black as the traditional colour of England and as British Prince, that so often is wrongly qualified of English Prince presenting weather to Scottish by a time the council and the same Prince of Wales made themselves falsely as the champion of the defence of the English interests. The English by themselves could and cannot accept their names and country being used to divide their Scottish cousins, brothers and sisters, mothers, and wives etc. Because never in mankind’s history did two parts have so many things in common than Scotland and England. There is currently any Scottish or English that do not have a generation, a century or millennium past ancestors or relatives in one or the other parts. We are two brothers and sisters that nothing can divide, the union of the two crowns is the union of blood and genes. The shameful propaganda is more than wrong, criminal motivated especially when did on Prince Charles who has Scottish roots from all sides of his family.
Prince of Wales playing Prince Charles illegally.
(L-r) Nasiru, Igo and Prince Charles. This picture and the last one are taken with camera which lenses are deeply blackened and distorted, beside the picture being retouched with computer software that is why you cannot make the difference between Charles white and his mates Nigerien. The two pictures were taken in 2010 when he was doing his Master I in Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey (AMU).
Prince Charles in 2010 in FLSH UAM