Prince Charles Christening in perspective of Prince of Wales

March 17, 2018.

    We start this fascinating article by inviting you to compare those pictures and see clearly they are both authentic pictures of my stagged christening in the perspective of Prince of Wales. The council released in white and black the stagged filming of my christening did in 1983 (Prince Charles Christening shoots in the perspective of Prince of Wales. )to mean that it was that of Prince of Wales christened in 1948 in their false propaganda (there is not colour camera which was not invented then) when that year the colour cameras take the lead definitely on black and white camera.

 A picture of the stagged christening shoots with colour camera that is the common use in 1983.

      The same scene of the christening transformed in black and white before being released by British Pathe for the council.

       Before proceeding to my christening stagging because it has been done like in a movie, they made me sleep by giving me a sleeping tablet. The goal having the advantage of a sleeping baby, and his passive tender young face to be placed such way to look like that of Prince of Wales. Of course by playing with the lenses of the camera that they set to shoot me in such perspective, and the angle of shooting also. During all the duration of the christening video one single second did I, the baby moving, crying, with all the noise they were doing, and the different handing of me to one another for the shooting. That proves clearly they intoxicated me to sleep soundly.

It is the first man left that was put to mainly mean my father, he carried a plastic mask of my father. Moreover; Prince Philip appears old as he was in 1983 despite the heavy tricking make up.

From let to right, Prince Philip, the two persons that follow carry plastic masks to look as my father, King George VI. For example the second man is his imitative appearance around 1936, whereas the third is his appearance around 1947s or let say 1950s. The forth man intends to be my grandfather, with the man that carries a mask to look like him. I note that my father in 1948 the year of the fictive christening of Prince of Wales looks like the second man let as you can see with the next picture that of the wedding of my mother in 1947.

  Please see well that it is the same baby, being me in my mother's hands in both pictures.

On the first row from left to right my adoptive parents Baroness Martin and John Jason, on the second row my mother, my grandmother holding me in her arms and aunt Princess Margaret. This picture is taken in Galveston, Texas in 1983 in the Palace of my uncle and adoptive father John Jason. You see my mother made up old as she is used to do in 1983 sometimes and it is the same baby, meaning it is not Prince of Wales but Prince Charles in the false christening picture..

On the second picture the first man in black coat from left to right is my father King George VI during the wedding of Queen Elizabeth II in 1947 to which Prince of Wales attended he is the second kid just after my mother always from left to right. You can compare his face with him that year you see it is him. And endless persons attended the wedding and are always alive as the man and the woman in the first picture. So; it a curse lying saying that Prince of Wales is son of Queen Elizabeth and born in 1948; when he is born in 1942, he is 5 years old then.

   Why simulating my hostage keeping in Prince of Wales perspective?

It aims to prepare my kidnapping and optional replacement by Prince of Wales as me Prince Charles heir to the throne. For proof, it is after doing the optional replacement that the council released those videos through among many British Pathe as that of the christening of Prince of Wales, when it is a video of my christening. Please, do not lose of sight that my mother, Prince Philip, dressed and made up as she was attended the christening of Prince of Wales in 1948, year they set falsely as that of his birth, when he was born in 1942. Remember, Prince of Wales aged 5 even attended my mother’s wedding as you see the picture. 

 Moreover my father, King George VI that they masked with a plastic mask a mercenary to perform did not attend the criminal christening that they did hide in their Palace. My grandfather, King George V is dead also in 1947, just as my grandmother, Queen Mary. That shows how the council did not have any limit even that of good sense in its propaganda.

  Still, you can see that I appeared as myself in the video with my distinctive features to Prince of Wales. Despite all their maneuvers it appears clearly that the video is that of my christening. Clearly, when you compare the baby to Prince of Wales after my replacement, you see clearly it is not him. The baby who was me; has a flat face, when he has pointed face; he had a big eyes, when Prince of Wales had a short eyes; he is a little fat when he is thin. 

  Prince Charles does also look exactly as her mother, when she had his age. Associated Press releases that video on July 21, 2015. After they have, evidently decided to continue with my optional replacement. Moreover, currently Prince of Wales is dead.