July 21, 2018.
The hair of the British throne is planning to go on Monday 30, 2018 at the British Consulate in Niamey to demand his evacuation. The Consulate is locating in the French Embassy in Niamey. Last year in the month of September went in the Consulate to demand his evacuation. He was not even let enter inside the Consulate to even be evacuated. The security agents at the entrace of the Consulate, play a game of not caring about a British being kidnap to even evacuate him. In the first time, they pretend even not knowing England for the Nigerien agents that received him, the French agent that comes later pretended that Great Britain does not have Consulate in the Embassy. After over the insistance of the Prince; he recognize that and said could not do nothing for him. When Charles asked to go inside the Consulate, he said he could not let him entered.
Whereas it is an equation even the kidnapped British does not go at the Consulate, when it is informed about the evacuation of a British Subject, it has the duty to act quickly to free and evacuate the person.
Then the head of the counsil was John Adriangham.