Nouveau Carré the area our Prince was jailed

August 15, 2018.

    Prince Charles was deported in Nouveau Carré on January 04, 1986 from Elhaj Bango neighborhood where he was jailed in Niamey for the first time on December 28, 1985.  In the Nigerien capital the second place he was imprisoned was Nouveau Carré as the area is close to the primary school of the same  name.

    On that day of Sunday, August 05, 2018, when he decided to film the place; he could not at the beginning find exactly the house; though he was sure to find the corner as he recalled well that the house is in a corner where there is a mosque at the entrance of the corner. In fact he has been misleading by the recent re-building of the house by the council and its accomplices.

What happened?

      5 months back, Prince Charles after leaving CCFN Jean Rouch where he went for his research and work, walked through the corner of the house, and even passed closed to it while heading toward Song’s house. Then the house and its neighboring house, a garage was at some approximation just as they were when he was jailed there. After seeing the changes brought to the historic house he decided to film it; but did not have a camera to do so. He expressed, clearly and in public his intention of filming it as he said looking for a camera to do. The Prince expressed his intention by speaking in soliloquy mode, heard and seen by the entire world because as we said it, though jail the entire world watches him.  The council having heard that quickly launched a rebuilding of the area. Thus just 5 months later when the Prince heir to the Prince went to film the place after buying a Nokia Lumia 928 with camera; he was surprised to see that the house and its neighboring garage have been rebuilt; though he was quite sure it was one of those two houses. But he could not know which one it is exactly.

The finding of the Nouveau Carré’s  jail

     He toured the surrounding of the house and was sure indeed to have the exact location of the house though he did not know which one it is clearly, between the previous house and the garage that has been totally rebuilt in a new shining house with impressive yellow walls and an orange gate.  It is then that he asked people around the house to know what happened and which one is exactly the prison, though he was seeing even at the first round the famous window; he stood in 1989 listening his kidnapper Iren Samson covered up naming Biba singing to Amadu a kid that was brought to hide his imprisonment and said to himself in surprise that that witch could then be kind to a kid, recalling how she tortured him.  It is after asking question in French to a man sitting in front of the house that he understands exactly what happened, and saw the house.  He then headed to it, and stand at the front of the gate to converse with a man who was leaving it. He gave him further information regarding the house.

                                                                                                                                              The garage has been transformed in this branding new house


Second Visit of the Mosque Kuwait’s  jail

        It is in this place that Prince Charles reached his child awareness, despite the systematic campaign of memory cleaning that the council launched illegally against the Prince heir to the throne. Because as a political prisoner the council does not have the right to torture the Prince by attempting cleaning his memory, everything that is a mutilation of the prisoner. He remembered all the people that were then in the jail. There were then three flats: the flat at the left entrance of the house (The flat is linking to the house’s gate) where he was jailed; just after a man, a mercenary of around 45 years old who was living with his wife and two children a boy named Abdoulay and a girl. On the right side of the flat, just close to the garage clay wall, there was the hut in traditional style of a charlatan who had leprosies. This man did sometimes tricks to Charles and the kids of the house that he pretended being magic. The magic trick intends to stir up and cover up in Charles’ mind the memories of the council’s mercenary who having his hands handcuffed with a bird on them, was playing with him and Zara Philips as being handcuffed is funny. That was during the day of his arrest in London.

 The charlatan took the leaves of a tree close to his hut, closed his hand and then opened it to show the hands full of bills of CFA in the place of the leaves. At the opposite side of the house gate, at around 40 yards was a young mercenary who was declared as the son of the owner of the house (This is a cover up because the house belongs to the council). The mercenary is covered up as studying in Russia, and recently came from there. He stayed alone for the essential of the day in his flat. In fact, the people and their lives in the house were scripted such way to brain wash Prince Charles not to recall clearly his identity and country.   Thus, the man reporting coming from Russia clouded the name of his country, Great Britain with Russia. He passes with a red kid truck games so that the Prince saw him and got influence. The charlatan attempted works on him to have Nigerien thinking by using magic.   It was also in this place that he was filmed with kids that were selected to look in Nigerien fashion like his relative in London.

                                                                                   1992 picture in Nouveau Carré's jail, Prince Charles is the first on the right (As you can see his face is totally transformed)

                                                                                                                  It is close to the first window after the cart that Prince Charles stands listening Iren Samson singing to Amadu

     Prince Charles was also in this house when Oscar Wild forged him a false and criminal birth certificate to register him in Nouveau Carré less than 1 mile from there.

   Below are quickly key events that happened during Prince Charles’ imprisonment in the house:

  •  Prince Charles reaches his full child awareness in this house
  • Iren Samson was made changing his imprisonment method as Prince Charles reaches his child awareness, she stops using physical violence and insults to jail the Prince. She gradually transforms herself in kind of naïve, innocent, and victim woman.
  •  A second girl, Nafissa daughter of Jean Bradley and Hanna Smith was brought in the jail, after Iren simulated a pregnancy during months. His naming ceremony was done without the attendance of any one as it is the tradition in Niger that relatives attended naming ceremony of a person.  Attended the so called naming ceremony only the mercenaries in the jail and the few kids in it.
  • Prince Charles was jailed also before reaching his child full awareness without any visit even that of mercenaries. When he reaches it in 1987; three mercenaries start entering  the jail: Tujani who was covered up living around 50 yards from the house with his family (He was covered up as working in Hotel Gawey); Dia who came every weekend cover up as for taking Oscar to their pinochle playing place; and Yakuba Gurusa. Dia was selected for looking like both Prince Charles mother, grandfather, King George VI. His visits aim to cloud Charles’ memories of those relatives with his deep bright skin that connect to their whiteness. When, Tujani with his tar skin and flat face was selected in looking as John Jason, Prince Charles’ unreported uncle. Yakuba Gurusa was selecting as looking like John Jason also. The strategy of the council was to stir up the memories of Prince Charles in Galveston during his few visits of his uncle and his kidnapping in Galveston, and cover up his memories of his family and Kingdom.  None of those mercenaries sat then in the jail, their all visit lasted around 2 minutes.
  • In the house the council was imprisoning Prince Charles before 1989 with the perspective of releasing him or continuing his imprisonment. That approaches appeared in the jailing as Charles was feed with both British and Nigerien diet. It expected to sign a deal with the Prince’s backers regarding abandoning his absolute right to the throne against his release. Than the superficial blackening was at an average scale, either with the very harmful bismuth or the different antibiotics. It is to be added it is a violation of the political prisoner rights than jailing him by intoxicating, blackening and sickening him with any substance especially the very dangerous substance that creates endless health sicknesses and disorder. For example even Guantanamo prisoner not political prisoner, but prisoner of the worst kind as terrorists were not intoxicated with those substances. Moreover, blackening a person is a serious violation of a prisoner’s life as it is assimilated to his mutilation. Then in this house globally the Prince continues his physical growth and had all his natural features: his deep whiteness, his deep blond hair, his giant height, and his blue eyes. The children that got near him were frightened by Arthur Charles with his strange and wild features as different of their black features.
  • In 1989 the council decided not to release him as it did not have a deal with his backers. The terrorist organization decided to shape a false family for Prince Charles for the purpose of hiding his imprisonment. For the purpose children were selected in Niger for looking like his relatives in London and presented as his cousins; though he knew he was a prisoner and recall his identity. He was snapped in picture with those kids. The council intends also to put the Prince in Nigerien perspective by using the picture (It was developed in black and edited to make him looks like those kids) and many other techniques to have him integrated the Nigerien culture while jailed. For example, he was allowed to go outside in a radius of around 50 yards around the jail for playing with the kids of his age which are all sons of the mercenaries that were jailing him. Then he had the occasion to watch TV (though there it was white and black TV, while then, the colour TV is popular and replaces the black and white one). Indeed, for the first time in the 6 years that lasted then his imprisonment; he saw a TV and could see people of his race though their whiteness were hide by the black and white nature of the TV. 
  • In the same year another kid, Amadou Bradley son of Jean Bradley and Sophie Humphreys was brought to cover up his imprisonment after Iren once again simulated a pregnancy with underwear on her belly. At his naming ceremonies Tudjani attended.
  •  Charles was forged a criminal and false birth and national Nigerien certificates.
  • He was registered at school in Nouveau Carré and walks on foot the around one mile to the school.
  • Prince Charles was deported to Wadata Mosque Kuwait on August 12, 1990