July 13, 2018.
We have read the White Book wrote for Ms May for the council, it is no more no less than a smart killing of the Brexit. So it cannot be called by no way a Soft Brexit but a reversed Brexit. The plan goes against all the different things that push the British to vote it.
The project talks about keeping the free movement of people and goods between the UK and the EU, should that being kept there is not Brexit at all before even going down in the different others aspects of the text. The massive invasion of our Kingdom by immigrants and Syrian refugees has been one of the main reason of the Brexit vote. Our Subjects are losing massively their jobstaken by immigrants who were ready to take everylow salaries propose them. Our monarchicalidentity is lost scattered and diluted by the new cultures brought by those immigrants who for the essential are Muslims, or from another continentsanother cultures in total opposition with ours. The change is so rapid at an extant that Subjects come not to know what it means to be British.
We do not talk even about the invasion of our interior market by EU goods which aredestroying our industrial economy already weak as our economy currently is for the essential relying on services. Keeping this disposition will hamper us developing our industry that badly needs to bereestablishedas it is the sine quan non condition for maintaining and going high in the concert of super powerful nation on earth. We should leave this single marketand sign economic partnership on the model of Canada.
Ms. May talks about keeping the EU court of Justice over ours. This point is as well bad as keeping the free movement of people. Without judiciary independence, judiciary divorce there is not Brexit at all. Our Supreme Court is our House of Lords, we refusing the Supreme Court. Moreover, should that judiciary authority of the EU being kept it means no more no less the EU will use the court to pull us in the EU with time and through smart inclusive resolutions. We are totally against this disposition.
There is as well the keeping of the military and scientific collaboration with the EU. The first real mean of a political, cultual, economic independence and development is through the militarysovereignty.Our army should before everything being independentand by no waybeing linked or sharing any decisional or operational aspectswith the EU countries armies. Our army should only goes with our foreign policy and interests. Because, it is impossible to separate the foreign policy and the interior independence of a country and its army. They should go together, by the moment we leave the EU, we must stopmilitary decisional and procedural cooperation with the EU countries with which we do not have the same foreign policy and the same urgency in terms of internal security. The EU country are victims of a massive Islamicterrorists attackswith countries as Germany, Belgium, and France hit by several terrorists attack. It is essential that our army remain independent.Moreover, Germany is currently and that since manymonths in political crisis with Angela Merkel incapacity to form a stable government, especially with the problem the EU is causing to the country, with the massive invasion ofillegal immigrants and refugees who did many deadly terrorists attacks in the country. Then, more than ever the EU is in turmoil andis living its very last days. It is only recently that a ruling government was formed after long months of political crisis in Italy as the country President refused the new elected leaders who were elected for being against the EU. The partners of Ms Merkelasked her to chase the refugees and illegal immigrants, things that she refuses.
Theresa May proposal is no more no less than a recognitionof incapacity that of leading and applying the will of the British Subjects who vote overwhelming that their country leave the EU. The Chequers agreements shows us how the council smartly wants to reverse the Brexit by removing all the important pointsthat make the Brexit under the pretext of adopting a soft Brexit that will enable us to find a deal with the EU. We will recall them that no EU rule stipulated that a country to leave the block needs to negotiate and sign a deal. Then the principle of negotiating the terms of thedeparture is no more less than a smart way of reversing and removing the key points of the Brexit as the EU will do everything to tie us to them; knowing that our departure will de facto sealed the end of the union regarding our Kingdom importancein Europe and the world. Finding a point of non agreement in herchoice of negotiation with the EU means no more no less we should leavewithout any deal. That is the real Brexit, nothing else.
Ms. May Ministers by themselves refuse to be part of this betrayal of the British will, replacing by a Soft Brexit which is not a Brexit at all. Many of her key ministers, as Boris Johson the Foreign Secretary, the second leaders of the government quits, so did David Davis the Secretary of Brexit. They leave by clearly expressing their disappointment, the betrayal of the British will and the need for Theresa May to resign if she cannot successfully appliedthe Subjects' will. There are several MPS of Theresa May own Conservative Party that sendlettersof non confidence to the Chairman of the Party, they asked her to resign and express theirreedinessto vote her removable from the very important office. The numbers of MPS backing a vote of non confidence Wednesday reachedthe number of 48 MPs required to remove her. Should she continues to refuse to resign, the Parliament needs to vote herdismissal. Our democracy needs to be saved, the will of the people should be applied, they said we mustBrexit so it should be, it must be applied quickly. The PM does not have the right to reverse; reduce and change the nature of the people vote and will, she should applied it exactly, otherwise we do not no more talk about democracy. Because not applying the Brexit means the Subjects are not the animatorsof their country political life and the rulers of their own countries, but the corrupted leaders are. In fact there is not even corrupted leaders leading our country; but a group of ill intentioned military officers (the council) which is keeping hostage a part of our country. This terrorist organization aims no more less than transforming our Kingdom in Republic by default of being incapableto do a coup that of setting an illegal King after Queen Elizabeth II as they are doing everything to prevent the only one son of Queen Elizabeth II, the only heir to the throne Prince Charles, being free and resumes his duty of heir to the throne. In fact it is not Theresa May that is ruling; but an usurpercontrolledby the council who replace the real Ms May that was dead since March 2017, everything that explained why the so called Theresa May has any respect for the British democracy, the British Subjects, and the clear vote of the British people who voted overwhelming Brexit. It is to be underlined that the real Theresa May before her death, whenever needed said 'Brexit is Brexit … there is no coming back'. In other words the Brexit wouldbe applied fully as the Subjects voted it.
Even the American President; Donald Trump asks her clearly to apply the will of her people being the full and real Brexit. He said clearly that he will not sign a deal with UK, should she not applied the Brexit.
The position of BCST and Prince Charles is clear: Theresa May should resign or being dismissed and replace by Jacob Rees Morgan; and the Brexit should be applied immediately.