National tragedy

May 24, 2018. Revision Jun 18, 2018.

  The announced wedding of the decade turns in the tragedy of the millennium. We all remember how the British of all walks of life demanded the council not to go forward with its sinful and illegal wedding between Harry Charles (called Prince of Wales) and Meghan Markle. They did so because under all angle this wedding is very bad for the council itself, our Kingdom, its Subjects and the world. That wedding was never to be done for endless reasons, especially beside its high treason nature of it, the goal of the council was using it to carry on its coup that it does not have the power to do and want to do at all means.

The first reason regarding the illegality of the wedding was that Harry Charles was not British Subject; but an American citizen. Then he has any right to be members of our Royal Family, which is not a football club for which you hire players all around the world to come and play. Our Royal Family is sacred and intends to remain so. The preservation of the purity of our Royal Family has always been our first concern, British Subjects. Moreover, Harry is not even an American of British ancestry. No, he has nothing of British, his mother is an African American, only his mother is a white American. Harry has any connection with our blood and that is the problem.
To talk about problem this match is more than ever unfit and disconnect from our vital source being our blood, lively and fresh, a vivacious blood, reddened by the courage that characterized our Royal Family. It is a secret for no one that the base of our Royal Family is the warrior nature of its blood, its soul. The founder of our monarchy is the hero, the greatest warrior that save our Kingdom. Here is exactly why the members of our Royal Family has connection with the military.  The natural career of a member of our Royal Family is the army. It is Meghan Markle has a white father and an African American mother, who came from Georgia and has a slave ancestry. The council aiming to transformed our Kingdom in country, clearly highlight this aspect from its portray of  Ms. Markle.  But, credible sources declared that Markle is not even American, she was a South African.

      The other concern is the fact that our Kingdom has at 95% a white population. It is 60 percent of our Subjects are not interested by the wedding. It is not that they are not interested, it is that they are against it, and feel powerless to prevent it in the face of the council power logic that it thinks to have, when lacking it. Those Subjects though against the wedding, lack mean of expression to express their opposition to the wedding. The council having lot of control on the outlets. Here is the real reason of their lack of interests which is a kind of resignation. 

            Megan is a citizen of a Commonwealth country, South Africa. The council has recruited her the country of Nelson Mandela and has given her illegally an American nationality. It was  decades back that the cartel decided to enroll a bride for Harry.  A recruitment process was launched that led to her selection from her natal South Africa. Then, she was not even American to attenuate things because America though not members of the Commonwealth has great historic link with our Kingdom. America first settlers were British to talk about Francis Drake and his mates. In addition, America founding fathers are mainly British as well as Benjamin Franklin. Without talking about the non-British descendant that our Kingdom colonized. Even those non British citizens though not being of British ancestry have great link and love for our Kingdom through our colonization of the country, and our values we spread. Our Subjects have great love for America for the two last elements we mentioned. Though we have colonized South Africa, it was that our colonization closeness impact has been reduced by the Afrikaners that after we gave the independence to the country, set their domination on the country black population. They almost change the values we set in the country by theirs to set the shameful Apartheid system. Furthermore, there were even few British settlers in the country. And the few that were in the country, left in majority to go in neighboring countries as Zimbabwe and Namibia. All that made our Subjects have any sympathy for Markle  beside the other considerations.

    Another greatest handicap  Meghan Markle has was that she is a celebrity, a former actress, opposite from the discreet nature of the Royal Family, whose members though public personalities, do everything not to appear as celebrities but women and men with sacred and traditional discreet responsibilities to preserve. They do everything to avoid scandal or being exposed in the press under celebrities’ perspective. Nowhere can you read in newspapers the disgraceful scene of a member of our Royal Family reporting buying a luxurious car, or doing exuberant buyings. The first Family has always through centuries and millenniums rules and reigns with ethic, dedication, frugality and sacrifice. It is Markle is an actor a celebrity, and not any before the wedding many reports emerged of her wanting to be famous. To full her dream of celebrity she marries a movie director to help her reaching her goal. As soon as she had her major role, she divorced him. Ms. Markle’s career is built on ungratefulness, betrayal. Her husband, Eagleson trusted her, sacrifices himself for her in returnwhat he had was their engagement ring send to him through post to signify the termination of their wedding. How can Meghan Markle then be a worthy member of our Royal Family beside the other aspects that we underlined? How can the council decided to put in the Royal Family a socialist in quest of name, newspaper headlines? Should that happen that would have been the greatest corruption of our Saint Royal Family that would become then a club of social promotion, everything that ruins the sacred, political and symbolic image of our Royal Family. That aspect contributes highly in our Subjects never having heart for her and the wedding that they hate from the bottom of their hearts.

    The second greatest handicap that Meghan Markle had was that she was a feminist, indeed a woman who clearly militates for women rights. Of course in other countries where women’s right respect and the empowerment of women  are not rooted in the social fabric nothing is good than being a feminist. It is in our Kingdom, we do not have women problem. Nowhere in the world are women being respected, protected and empowered than in United Kingdom of Great Britain. In our societies there are only Ladies and Gentlemen. In other words, we do not have sexual, democratic gender vision of the two sexes that characterized democratic societies.
     Naturally as you can see we tend even through the appellation of the two genders to make women more respected than men. Because the term ‘Ladies’ gives Queenish connotation to women, when men are qualified of ‘Gentlemen’, in other words men that are gentle. Indeed, in our society the respect that is given to a man it is through how he respected women. It is beside everything else the barometer with which we measure his qualities to which the other aspects only come to add to complete the picture the person has. If you come to be disrespectful toward women, no matter your realization to the society, no matter your wealth, you deserve any respect. Because you are not a good and virtuous members of the society, you do not respect the woman mother that gives life, the woman wife that complete and made life worth living. A person that does not respect women, lacks our Anglican religious virtue that respecting women, the vital source of life. On the other side the women or the Ladies to use the proper word cloth themselves decently, speak decently, and have good manners in order to deserve the respect that the gentlemen owe them. The classical image of Great Britain is a Kingdom where more men dress decently with coat and tie, women dress themselves as well decently with cloth that cover the intimate parts of their bodies. Far from our Kingdom the thingish conception of women (conceiving women as an object, especially a sexual object, more she choosified herself by exhibiting the intimate parts of their bodies, more they are loved and respected for the pleasure potential they represent). It is with the council emergence as polar of power in our Kingdom that female British Subjects come to embrace  the global politics of choosification of women that the council launched many decades back.   This aspect even the true feminists which is a movement proper of a non Monarchical Democracy where women rights are not protected and enforced that this movement has all its meaning. Then even in this context, the true feminists are against politicization of women as we see it in popular cultural as in movies, in advertisements where products are sold by using naked women pictures. Women use their bodies, their beauty as a mean of social promotion. The only great contention between the classical feminist in democratic context without divine check context is the demand of some feminists of equal rights between men and women.  Whereas, we did not see and consider our women, or simply women as inferior to us. We do not expect them to have in other words the same natural potentials as natural physical strength. To every gender in our society we give social function, without using still this social categorization as a mean of  discriminating them. Women among the endless tasks they have there are the household, the education of children. Still in our Kingdom, and only in our Kingdom we have great women like soldiers, generals, Queen, leaders. Who have defeated the Spanish terrible Armada if not Queen Elisabeth I? It is in our Kingdom that historically women have greatest leadership responsibilities. Where is as well Queen Victoria one of our greatest Queen during whose reign our Kingdom enjoyed unprecedented socio economic prosperity? Still she is a woman. Then by no way our social categoritisation is seen as a barrier that hampered women emancipation. Because there is no greatest function in our Kingdom if not that of Monarch and still we have many female monarchs.

                                    Nothing more to say that you did not see, regarding their fear.

Our vision of sexes in our society is that of complementarity not hat of hierarchy, For example globally human’s society is divided such way the politician is not superior to the businessman because he has political decisional power. The wealth business is not superior of the modest bishop or Archbishop everyone has its own social function. Then it is not because men have a natural potential of physical strength that he is greatest or important than women. Indeed, women is a social creation, nature does not know such thing as woman or man, or male or female. It only knows each part of life dichotomy as important for doing a work the other cannot do. Man though  it comes to be able to be reproductive, he cannot support 9 months of pregnancy that requires sacrifices, patient and dedication, everything that miss to men. As we all know a pregnancy is a very challenging tasks.

A woman is a social creation, did women do the same physical work as men, they will be through centuries and millennium as strong as men, for all matter of natural selection and adaptation,

Whereas we think that for all straight militating sake women to have the same social status is impossible and non pragmatic. It is for all pragmatic reason to have a society where everyone is rich, or do the same job. The other jobs no matter how small they are, are very important.

We did not even talk about the religious aspect of the question, which as well important. As it was the back of Adam that was taken when he was sleeping to conceive Eve. According to the holly Bible, the first woman Eve comes from the first man, Adam. This is regarding the first woman, but it might look as a serious extrapolation than saying women comes from men. Whereas it is a matter of scientific and universal truth that its women that give birth both men and women. Still our Anglican religion has always been tolerant toward women contrary to the other faith even among the Christian circle. That is why nowhere in the world do women right guaranteed and enforced if not in our Kingdom. Their rights are respected in giving them a certain numbers of power and attributions just as some are given to men. Our society gives complementary power to man and women within our society. According to the religion the church hierarchy is given to men, just as according to our tradition and laws the House of Lords is only made of men. It is classical feminist tend to question and reverse this societal sharing of power and responsibility. Those feminists they want females Peers, and females archbishops, bishops. Of course the council in logic of strength already used its influence that it has in Queen Elizabeth’s II reign to have appointed massively both women Peers and Archbishops. But that is just a nomination, political nomination regarding institutions that are not political, especially our Anglican Church, which tenets came from God not men. The latter do not have the authority to amend God’s orders. Still that is what the council did exactly with the 2002 Synods that legalize divorce. Our Subjects never accept those political changes on things that are not political. That made Meghan Markle beside the other points are never accepted by the huge majority of our Subjects who are devoted Anglicans. They can among the other points all important loves and accept her feminism.

It is even bullying and intending destroying our Royal Family by corrupting its soul than having one its member a feminist. Which member will you ask? Though the wedding never happened the council used the few influence it had, combined with the monarchists dilemma of not declaring the not happening of the wedding due to the explosion that kill all those who attend the ceremony, particularly regarding the death of the person who carry a plastic mask to play Queen Elizabeth II at the wedding. Then the council having illegally declaring the wedding happening has appointed Harry Charles illegally called Prince Harry as Duke of Sussex and her false wife, Meghan Markle as Duchess of Sussex because all of them are dead. Of course our position as British Subjects is clear, both brides are dead and the wedding never happen for them to be appointed with the high rank in our Royal Family being that of Duke and Duchess.  A feminist Duchess will you say, that is a firm kick in the eye of our Royal Family.

It is interesting also to take a second to analyze the region of our Kingdom of which they were made Duke and Duchess, which is Sussex. That goes totally against the tradition of the council to appoint mainly the members of the Royal Family with names of Scottish regions. The council has clearly abandoned it custom and can no more even for matter of political division pretending defending the interests of Scotland, things that it has never done.

The third aspect that made the wedding of Meghan Markle and Harry Charles sinful and illegal was that both of them were dead.  It would have been a matter of legalizing the usurpation of identity than letting two dead people getting married while their identity being taken by two different people of them. People that were hired to play their roles. It is quite important to know who would hire the persons that play their roles? It would be the council that hired mainly those people, and we know how they hate our Kingdom, how they want to do a coup that they do not have the power to do. It is they want to kill the soul of our Kingdom being transforming it in a Republic. The wedding should it happen, it means the council is above laws, rules and traditions of our country. Nothing more bad if not the usurpation of identity would be done in the Supreme Family, our First Family being our Royal Family, the Family of God’s Deputy on earth to mean the Monarch the Defender of the Faith. If our First Family is corrupted such horrible way how will be the other families all important that together make our Kingdom that took for model our Royal Family, the guardian of the faith, or our Values as God’s Deputy on earth. The goal of the council was to organize the wedding and see how it could have the world taking for legal and normal a high reason and horrible crime and then draw the equation that they have the power to do the impossible coup d’etat being placing in the throne someone who have does not have the power to be Monarch. That being the greatest crime and high treason because our Royal Family is sacred for its religious, traditional and political symbols. Because that means simply there is not transcendental figure with divine sacred role to control man’s pernicious ambition for which they are ready to destroy their Kingdom and thes entire world. With such apocalyptic scenario our Kingdom will be balkanized, each of the parts being weakened and impoverished.

The council goal being keeping countries weak and divide so that it can control them easily. The procedure and the modus operandi of the council is simple having a globalized world with weak and instable countries politically that it can use its influence to set its total criminal grip on the world, with which their members will be extremely rich at the detriment of the countries. A world in which economic, political crisis, wars will regularly and constantly present everywhere as the air. The council having the Supreme power being our throne, do not mislead yourselves dear friends and readers being British or not; this is simply the apocalypse that the sacred books, from Judaism to Christianism and Islam have announced in their sacred Books the Thora, the Bible, and the Koran. To give you an idea of the council policies and defending ideologies. They back atheism, homosexuality, the perversions of virtues, religious or not, they are for feminism, they are for nuclearisation of the society in which there is not united entity as family which will be basis of a stable countries and world; they back the exclusive rule immorality, and money, political instability.

For example, the council destructive and harmful ideology and force  is behind the two world wars that killed hundred millions of humans lives, with the Ashua and all the other human tragedies. The council is behind all that. The council as harmful ideology was the reminiscent of Olivier Cromwell Republicans, who sank our Kingdom the most stable geopolitical entity in chaos with the tragedy of the civil war, and precarious and instable society marked by Commonwealth regime that all turn around one man, one ambition, one interest that of Cromwell by himself at an extent as soon was he dead (Such ambitious man cannot live longer, nothing kills quickly than unchecked, unauthorized ambitions that respects neither God’s or human’s laws. The world has seen many for us not to know one from first sight, where are the Napoleon  Bonaparte, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin), that normal, stable and developing order was set with the restoration of the monarchy. No one either in our Kingdom or the world want to live such apocalyptic moment. We do not even talk about the very harmful side of the point as on the scientific and ethical side. The council is a criminal cartel which knows any rule, any moral if not its own interests that of its leaders that makes it has any respect for human lives. As proof its support and promoting athanasy for  ending God’s trust putting in man being the vital source life. Human’s life is sacred by no way and for any reason should it be rendered meaningless to be terminated, especially by asking the others to give green light to do so. Most often though members of the same family they have any good feeling regarding each other, they contemplate more than once ending even violently the life of theirs. How can the life of this person being put in such person’s hand? It is God that gives life, It is the only one to take it.

The creation of matter as euthanasia has been done systematically by the council through the outlets, writers, intellectuals and politicians, it controls. It is a planned policy planed centuries back and applied ever since then consistently and harmoniously. Here is how men came to even discuss about ending  their own lives. To reach this point human’s life has been rendered useless, or matter of number, statics number denudes of feeling, values or any dignity. Such is human monarchy the moral, ethical and symbolic body countries have been transformed by democracies which are the dictatorship of the emotions, of the reason emerging from untamed emotions. It has been proved scientifically that human’s conscience emerged from the instinct, the emotions that are transformed. When the matter is not tamed and disciplined it produces even reason and idea valuing ending the life of the person by itself. Such is how suicide happened. The loss of values, the creation of a world of opinions instead of reason and of divine sacredness. As result of this politics, men come to be considered as a thing, a number, an animal, an individual but never a man of faith, a man of soul valued and empowered by God who made him at His own image, handsome, full of rational and emotional qualities and full of values and dignity.

The council after instilling in the society the seed of denuding man of any values continues in its logic of setting the seed of the apocalyptic, which one man, every mam as any coming to see himself better than others. Comes to think for its own fantasy of happiness he has the right to enslave, to torture, to kill the lives of many millions men. That is the genesis of the birth of rebellion, of genocide and terrorism as political and ideological point at the service of so often a group of men, if not of one single man.

For the same matter of letting man expresses himself, homosexuality and the marriage of homosexuality is militated to be legalized. For the same sake of expressing one’s desire, one’s reflect, one’s instinct, one’s emotions individualism and division of the society is created as the individual want to be rich alone against all, profits of his wealth alone, the same wealth that becomes a religion when a sickness for him. The same wealth through the isolation it created led to suicide and the weakening of social institutions which lead to terrorisms as they come to find happiness in killing the others as a mean to feel themselves powerful. The same isolation that led to unemployment as they do not invest their money. The same isolation that lead to the lost of moral and ethical referential in the society that is at the origin of violence and economic crisis. That is just a small overview of the council vision of the human society globally and at the scale of individuals.

Of course all that has and has only political calculation being weakening countries, that it wants to control and exploit. To achieve that result the first unite of a community, a society, a country being the family is broken and made as useless. The system of nuclear family is empowered through popular literature and art. The council having a global, and planetary power across rivers, mountains, countries, regions and continents wants a world made of weak countries, which more they are weak more it can control them, more it can exploit them. For if those countries come to be individually powerful it can no longer control and exploit them.  That is why it creates and maintains violence in them through the creation of economic and political crisis which is the seed of social instabilities. That is why it promotes classical democracy without divine check meaning without supreme body in the person of a monarch anoint by God.

If in the entire world, Europe is the most stable politically and economically continent in the world through uncountable centuries it is because most of the countries that made it are monarchies and lead by monarchy, most often Constitutional Monarchy as in our Kingdom.  It is not the politics of secondly emotions, opinions of the political parties or ideologies that rules it but a constant, ethical, moral and dignified body incarnates by the monarch and his dynasty. Reason why in Europe and nowhere else there is social tranquility and peace that leads to the development of sciences and culture that it has championed. Among many notable example there is feudalism, capitalism, and industrialization coming from our Kingdom, the oldest, the secular and deeply rooted one. Logically as soon as there is few monarchies with the rise of the council and its pernicious ideology there are no more social tranquility and peace all coming from divine rule that guaranteed economic stability. That is how Napoleon Bonaparte rises as the first example of the success of the council politics of individual control of a region, a continent and the world. Few decades later the World War I broke because human being life comes to be painted as useless through the above mention politics of denuding him of any value. The great war led to the death of millions people. It is this unethical and sinful society that led to the rise of Hitler with his desire to invade and control the entire world. The worst of all he comes to hate human beings that he sees deprives of any values as longer as it is not his own life and that of his alike Germans, he launched the holocaust the systematic extermination of Jews, a very dark point on mankind’s conscience. The remaining you know it, it is a matter of sinister history.  More than 70 millions human lives have been taken in horrible conditions, some were gazed and burn as Jews. Useless to say that the council is behind those two world wars. We all remembers this is even a matter of historical facts as backed with proofs King Edward VIII that the council supported, when he lost the power leagued with Hitler to even bomb our dear and loved Kingdom. Just as he helped him during World War II. Then Hitler being pupated by the council is a matter of science not of opinion or belief. The reason is it wants to have back the throne it lost for its very harmful vision and project of our Kingdom and the world.      

  In the first line, Prince of Wales, Camilla and Kate Middleton were all dead before even the weeding. All were replaced by people carrying their superficial plastic mask as you can see

It is for the same disdain of man’s life that the council has recruited thousands of people of British origin all over our Commonwealth and the world to simulate the sinful and illegal wedding we depicted, knowing that by the unprecedented high treason, and sure planetary conflict that lies in it, by no way could it happen. The council knows that it would lead to a assure tragedy. Then since it is clear that it would lead to a tragedy better reduces the effect on themselves by recruiting people of all over the world to come and simulate the wedding, no matter that all of them  would died, at least there are not British, the political effects would be less on them. They think the British would not blame them for their thousands fellows and family relatives that would die.  The people that are hired to simulate the wedding are people of British origin scattered on the face of the world. There are Australian, South African, Canadians, Americans, New Zealanders etc of all British origin, of all our noble and pure British blood. Because when the simulated wedding would be filmed the British has to have the impression that the wedding really happened. To simulate as the wedding happened the faces British would see on their small screens need to look as theirs as it was a member though false member of the British Royal Family that is supposed to get married; and because the wedding is happening in United Kingdom.  Having enrolled its mercenaries during year, they have been trained to simulate the wedding and playing their criminal roles in the criminal and sinful wedding. But, where are the British during this time, they were in their home, sad, in tears and angers seeing their Kingdom laws and values being destroyed. Though no one among them want to attend the wedding, to make sure that no one tries to disturb it, and to that  see that it is not British that attend it as any British wants to do so, the council quarantined the streets that led to Saint George Chapel were the wedding was to be held. Only enters in the area the people it hired, and they know them exactly as at all the different places they placed mercenaries to whom were presented the recruited people. It is only those people they let enter the area. As soon as a non-guest attempt to get closer the streets, people dress in civilians went to him and ask him firmly to go back and be far from the wedding place.

It is to be noted that even the recruited people do not want to attend the wedding, they were all forced and corrupted to do so. The council selected  for the purpose of avoiding any scandal people who do not have familial tie as that is common in the 21th Century societies created by the council with its propaganda. Most of them are homeless people, stealers, kidnappers, terrorists, unemployed people who have any familial tie because all their relatives are dead, or they do not have a tie with them for a reason or another. The goal seeking was though a tragedy happened that killed parts or all the people, the council would reduce the scandal impact on itself. As they do not have families to militate for justice, or to condemn the sacrifice of theirs. It knows that would isolate and discredit its illegal rule. In addition, the few with familial tie the council that attended the wedding families were under its influence. In some cases this tie that was used to force them to attend the marriage, by threatening to kill their relatives if they do not comply.

As the council imagined a terrible tragedy, a hecatomb happened that day. That dark Saturday in the history our peaceful and gracious Kingdom all those who were in the chapel around 600 people, and more hundred around the chapel were killed by an explosion that occurred few minutes after the ceremony started. Already the council having anticipated that scenario and gathered those people in the church have recorded the rehearsal of the wedding on May 17. The rehearsal was done even such way to look as the real wedding. For example, the people who attend the rehearsal were asked to wear exactly the same dress that they had during the rehearsal at the wedding. There were made standing at exactly the same places, and even almost doing the same actions so that the council in case of incident that blocked the wedding would the broadcast the rehearsal with the outlets it controls in the place of the wedding that never happened. The other independent outlets if they did not broadcast the tragedy it is only because there was the three version of the Queen ( a person who carries a plastic mask) attended the wedding. Then the Queen Elizabeth II was used by council to shield the wedding so that the medias would not broadcast it. It has used the same strategy during the kidnapping and deportation of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles the second personality of our Kingdom in 1983; when Queen Elizabeth II, Ronald Reagan, Francois Mitterrand were used to shield the deportation.Of course, the explosion was not broadcasted on classical outlets, still it was publishing online on blogs, on many other independent news corporations on the net , which is a true land of freedom of expression and information with material proofs. Moreover, all of you that were in London, especially in the area not too far from the chapel have heard the strong explosion. When no matter how far you are in London, or in the other parts of our Kingdom, in Scotland, Ireland and Wales you received news of the tragedy through even eye witnesses. You heard the news in the coffees, in the pubs in restaurants, in clubs etc. conversations. In our sacred, tender and gracious land the council has provoked a serious tragedy that let deprived thousands of our precious fellow British of their souls. Because our Subjects held like matter of principle that any person who though born in another country, not having our nationality for having even the smallest part of our blood in his vein is British as any and should be respected as so. This person death is the death of any British. Beside even that our Kingdom is a land of humanism reason why we ended slavery, we fought against all the different injustices and wars that lead to the death of human beings. Reason why our Subjects mourn and were pained by even the death of the fewest among the thousands that do not have British blood.

                                                Princess Beatrice forced by the council mercenaries to attend the wedding as you can her fingers are shaking of fear.

                                 As you can all are very terrified by the idea of their possible death. Some laugh to relax and forget whe some consum their sadness.

The council after this tragedy was more than ever condemned by the British and entire world for provoking and planed methodically the death of thousand men. Our Subjects cannot understand how our saint land, land of Shakespeare, Newton, Adam Smith, Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria, King George VI being transformed in an extermination land for criminal purpose. They are demanding justice, they want the council paid for this tragedy that it planed and created. They want the death of the thousands being reported so that they have a dignified and proper funeral. They want their death being reported so that their memories would be honored. They want their death reported so that their families, their friends, the comrades, their wives, husbands, sons and daughters, cousins and nephews, grandfathers and grandmothers, colleagues and comrades mourning them. They refused to forget them as people who never existed, just numbers (individuals)  swallow by an explosion. They refused to let their lives put in a bracket, especially where among them are many who did good things for humanity. The British and the people of the entire world want to know what happened, they want to know how can the council forced people to attend their own death. Because by the way the wedding is  everything sinful, and illegal and condemn and hate by no way would it happen.

    The three Queen Eliabeth II and Prince Philip. At first sight you see the fakeness, for example the real Queen Elizabeth II is older than the woman here who carried her masks.

Above all, British and people of the entire world want to know how in an age of social network and develop and proximity mean of communication, in a world justice and human rights how can thousands people can be forced  and prepare to attend their own death. The world wants the accomplices of the council in forcing those people paid of their crimes just as the council. People are demanding justice and reparations for those crimes.

It was written in bold ink that the wedding would never be let happened and that a big tragedy would happen. People was  that the council wants to initiate its impossible coup against our Kingdom against God knowing that the monarchists, the British and people of the entire world who love legality, the respects of sacred laws; who want peace and stability in the world would not let the council doing the wedding. Many more said a World War III would happen should the council succeed doing the wedding because the monarchists by no way would let the council does its coup that it does not have the power to do and that will be fatal for our Kingdom. The tragedy that happened that day may have something with preventing a planetary conflict that is already in front of the world, with especially the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the North Korean matter. That tragedy in fact surprises no one,  for reasons we mentioned.

As we said even the few people that attended the wedding were forced and corrupt to do so. No, let say force because any human being will take money for dying because the end of the wedding they all know and heard it, it would be the end of their lives. Below is a picture of Princess Beatrice  attending the wedding in freezing in fear of her own life.

You see her fingers were shaking of fear and nervosity with two of the council mercenaries almost forcing her to enter in the chapel. She laughs as she could to hide her unhappiness. That shows clearly she does not want to attend and  knew quite well there is a great probability she would never leave the chapel. It is quite clear that she might have even cried in hot tears in the chapel as many did. And all those who attend the wedding did it forced, sad and many in tears. Where is the his choral that sang ‘ Stand By Me’ of Ben E. King.

                                       The choral that sang Stand By Me', the fear is all around their faces.

   As you see, those choral are singing the sound appeared forced, they looked deeply sad, unhappy and kind of forced by people that do not appear on the screen that were forcing them to sing . By the way those people hardly look as Americans, though selected in America, they had a non shining skin color of the African Americans. Above all many look from very poor extraction. Then the council as we said it selected homeless and very poor to attend the wedding.

The wedding like you learn it was attended by any high rank politician  for its sinfulness, illegality and the very potential of tragic end. Indeed, any political leader or even a celebrity who was not in control of the council does not attend it. It is the kind of wedding which attendance ruined your political career. The person will be qualified of a politician a person no laws, no moral who is only is guided by interests. People either they say it publicly or not will look you with this eyes, he very bad person. The high potentiality of tragedy happening in made that any political leader it if not John Mayor, the former British Prime Minister who may be had been persuade by his advance age to attend it. Who are even the celebrities that do attend the very controversial wedding? There are Idriss Alba and his wife, the couple Amal and George Clooney, Ophra Winfrew, and James Cordon. Then clearly the celebrities that attend it are mainly African American mainly. That shows how the council keeps at very low esteem the African American. Otherwise they would not be the ones to mainly be forced and corrupt to attend it. Though here the appropriate word is they have been forced to attend it, because no one rake money or accept services that have huge potential to lead to your own death.


                                                               Serena William in the middle

That is how  the sinful and criminal wedding led to a tragedy that costs the life of around 1400 human lives. Among those dead there are Princess Anne, Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice, Countess Sophie, Elton John, James Cordon, the couple Amal and George Clooney, Idiss Alba and his partner, Ophra Winfrew. There are also all the women and men, children and adult dead in the tragedy they are as well important as those we mentioned.

                                                  The couple Cloony nothing more to say regarding their shaken feeling, beside  what you see here.

    After May 19 the council was more than isolated, criticized heavily not only the British, but people of the entire world as well. Does how in a pathetic suicedaray efforts it announced a new wedding for October 12 between Princess Eugenie and Jack Brookbank. This one is as much as sinful and criminal as the previous one, both bride were dead on May 19. Then it will be criminals that will be hired to carry plastic mask to perform them, another usurpation of identity. What to say the fact that the council wants to use this wedding as well to initiate the coup it does not have the power to perform. The wedding aims as well to distract the Brithish regarding the hostage keeping of Prince Charles, the heir to the throne in Niger. He is kept hostage in horrible conditions, starved, tortured and humiliated. Since we are talk about humiliation even today he was humiliated by the same council and its accomplices in horrible conditions. All of you have seen it, indeed it happens under your eyes, how Great Britain is humiliated through its Prince, heir to the throne.