Revised on May 12, 2018.
King George VII is totally against the council last move of giving the contract of fabrication of our British pasport to French and Germans let say giving the EU the contract of doing the pasport. This is a clear national humiliation; how can the first symbol of our national sovereignity and manisfestation of the Brexit being given to the same union we decided to leave? The fabrication of our pasport is not to be about money but matter of soverignity and national interests.
Imagine one second that decision will have impact on our national security becaus it opens the door to opaque deliverance of the pasport to people that should not have it, proud as country; and soverignity. Do you think one second the EU plays a fair game, never. It will use this opportinuty to ruin our country and hampred the successful application of the Brexit.
Moreover; we do not understand the first decision neither; deciding to change the colour of our pasport from red to blue this is a very devisive decision did with political calculation as the council has the habit. When the red is our British colour throughout our union.