March 16, 2018. Revised April 25, 2018.

        The hostage area shoot from the gate of the house Prince Charles is kept hostage. The view gives directly to the main tower monitoring my abduction for the council. Not far from the house on the right were conversing the mercenaries responsible of my hostage keeping, Oscar is the first right.

           The council in its perpetual work of bullying, insulting our Kingdom has given hostage the heir to the throne, the second personage of our country in foreign countries' hands. The all is just as doing a coup d'etat and give your President to hostile foreign countries so that they jailed and humiliate him and your country. Whenever, a British or even foreign citizen sees how humiliate and torture the Prince Heir to the Throne is; he will be asking him how can they do that to him our Prince or to their Prince; our  and their sacred and popular representative. He who should live a bless life so that we aspire and inspire to the other respect; love and considerations. Because Prince Charles kidnapping, deportation, and hostage keeping is no more no less a temporary coup d'etat because it affected optionally and directly the political future of our Kingdom. It intends to change the succession to the throne. Reason why, it is inappropriate to talk about Prince Charles kidnapping as that of a person, no it is that of the Prince heir to the throne, everything that gives it the coup d'etat dimension. It is a kidnapping that intend to change the political organization as relevant to the succession and also to the daily sacred role of the heir to the throne. Engagements and role that is given to a person who does not have right to it. All of sudden we have as second personage and leader of our Kingdom someone who does not have right sacred and legal right to it. It created an unprecedented problem of representation.

         The chief of the tower here leaving the hostage keeping house in  2015, after contributing greatly in the killing of Ire Samson by burning her with the infrared on the top of the tower. Here he attended her funeral.

  The man is sitting first from the front of the picture to the behind, after him Habukoy a false brother of Iren Samso, back were Oscar Wild with a white gray dress and Hassane Yakuba another key mercenary in my hostage keeping it was the same day as the previous picture.

   It is also even inappropriate of course to talk about coup d'etat since we are not Republic, and a Royal Institution is a divine Institution not subject of such mark of instability because our country never knows a coup d'etat in thousands years of monarchy and will never know it. In Great Britain is coup d' etat is out of human conception, the monarchy being divine. The monarch is seen as God Deputy's one earth. Talk about toppling him is as talking about toppling God. It is odd, it is inappropriate and more criminal and sinful to even think as the council wants to banalyse it. 

      On April 17, 1983  it is not only Prince heir to the throne that is kidnapped, deported and making kidnapped violently and cruelly by foreign people that is humiliated, the entire Great Britain, United Kingdom, and the world that were humiliated. Great Britain second political leader, was kidnapped, and deported, handcuffed, blindfolded, and pressed by foreign mercenaries Americans, Russians, French and of course British are in the group.  It was the same foreign mercenaries that deported him from LA to Niger, where they are keeping him hostage. Prince Charles was deported from LA to Niger, with also the American, the French President, who were followed by Queen Elizabeth II, and John Stanier, the then head of the council. Once deported in Niamey on September 30, 1983 to deport and keep him hostage in Diffa to the latter cited persons, add the Nigerien  of that time, who was Seyni Kuntche. 

   On October 5, 1983 his mother, Elizabeth II abandoned him in the hands of the foreign mercenaries recruited by the foreign Presidents for the council, I mean the Russians, French, and American with Oscar Wild, Jean Bradley, John Martin and others. If you want kidnap, deport and keep him hostage your future King though utterly criminal and sinful, as deed do it by yourself. So, that the other would not feel being better than you, so that the Subjects he represents do not feel humiliated by the others. Avoid breaking the proud of a Kingdom, or an Empire and of the  all world. Because this exactly what the council was seeking to humiliate our country, through its Prince in order to destroy our Kingdom image and proud in the world. 

   Imagine on the other hand to even rise a false Royal Family, with Prince of Wales an usurper and Princess Diana, they do not let Jacob having children of his own. No, doing so was showing a little respect to the British. His wife, was pushed to have affair with foreign people, black for William,  and Harry is neither is son nor that of Diana Spencer. His both parents are Americans. As we proved it, William father is a Congolese recently naturalized Canadian named Francois Bingo.  When Harry's father is an African American named Charles Brook. All that show how utterly and deeply the council hates our country. 

    The Prince, heir to the throne was kept hostage by foreign mercenaries, and rulers at the first  lie there are the French, the Russians, the Americans and then the Nigeriens, the British comes only fourth regarding the hostage keeping of their Prince.  Great Britain future King was given to foreign mercenaries to humiliate and torture him and his country, all are linked. Indeed all that is in the council effort of destroying our Kingdom for giving its power to satellites countries that it controls and want to use to save its reign in our country. That is due to the fact, that as we said it, the council never has the majority power in England, and Great Britain that is controlled by the patriots or the monarchists (the monarchy the real one (King George VI)), which started thousands years ago. 

    It was the two world wars it initiated that made it has such power in the world, obtained with the mean of our Kingdom, influence and position they have exploited to have such control on America, France and the other countries of the world. Nevertheless, it was after pupating the Indians to be independent that weakened King George VI's regime that triggers the public pressure that led his resignation hide as his death. It was gradually when Queen Elizabeth was on power that the council develops its power under the shade of her power.


                                                  How is Prince Charles keeps hostage in Niger?

    If the council decides to have  Prince Charles kept hostage by foreign mercenaries and rulers, it is because it could not have British Subjects keeping hostage their Prince heir to the throne, and they could not do so as they do not have majority power in Great Britain, that is beside the humiliating factor of our Kingdom.

    The choice of Niger a former French colony is not fortuitous, the council cannot keep hostage the Prince in a British colonized country the monarchists having the majority power everywhere.  Whereas in Niger, it could use its power and influence on French rulers to implement of the hostage keeping, in collaboration of the Americans, Russians leaders. Because even in France the council does not have total power, it has huge power, but the monarchists are as well powerful as it is, if not even more than the council. 

     Even in France the then French President, Francois Mitterrand that helps the council keeping Prince Charles hostage I Niger was even in the eyes of another French President, Jack Chirac one of the most corrupted France leaders France never has. He described him as a man, with no laws or principles. And the same council has lot of power and influence on the same Chirac, who cannot keep himself having such declaration that tells everything about the central personage of my hostage keeping in Niger. Mitterrand to implement my hostage keeping, use the French Socialist Party as the structure in charge of my hostage keeping. It is the Party that gives the mercenaries that are in charge of Prince Charles abduction. The same circle after, Mitterrand left the Elise uses its power under the influence of the council to continue my hostage keeping.  So, it is not France as country that is responsible of the hostage keeping, but the circle in the Socialist Party created by Mitterrand. But by all times, the French President in exercise can use his power, by using pressure on those mercenaries in the Socialist Party to influence my hostage keeping. Already the different mercenaries as soon as they deported Prince Charles in Niger, they forged themselves false Nigerien nationalities so that the French, Socialist circle could have effective influence on them as they fall in logic  of being citizens of a French  colonized country.

      In Niger by itself no matter the country, that control the day regime, France has lot of influence in it seeing that they speak French, and most of the intellectuals and leaders of the country were educated in France. And that is an immense advantage on the other countries, if not recently that France does not give as much scholarship and possibility of study in France to the country young as before. Still 5 decades after France influence is huge. Regardless, the country that controls the regime, France ( The Socialist Party) has huge influence on the different Nigerien Administrations, courts, and police stations for defending those mercenaries which in open sky and publicly are maintaining hostage the British Prince, heir to the throne. It goes without saying that council pays to the billion of Pounds the French Socialist Party's mercenary circle to carry out the hostage keeping. 

        The second layer of Prince Charles hostage keeping, was America, all the public faces of the first line mercenaries that are keeping Prince Charles mercenary are given an optional American nationality after they were recruited by the council. It is be noted that all those mercenaries have been recruited in French former colonies as Benin, Rwanda ( though Rwanda was colonized by Germany the country later was put under French tutorship), and Guinea Conakry. For example Oscar Wild was recruited in Guinea, Jean Bradly and Sophie Humphreys in Benin, whereas John Martin is from Rwanda. Then France has always a first control on them because their families were under French influence for living in French former colonies. 

         Then America controls is through their given American nationality and their American training . American importance in the hostage keeping of Prince Charles is in the fact that the person directly in charge of his  hostage keeping in Niger for the council, is George Bush a former American President of Russian ancestry, everything that shows Russian influence in my hostage keeping is great. George, Bush uses also American power to carry out the hostage keeping. Bush though American and Russian  uses also Ireland influence and power in America as  Ireland is his second support in his quest for political career just after Russia. Before being President, he was the Vice President, of Ronald Reagan who was an American of Irish ancestry also. In fact Bush acted for Reagan who puts him forward in my hostage keeping to protect himself against eventual scandal that may borne from it.  Ronald Reagan was very active in my deportation from Galveston to LA, from LA to Diffa.  Moreover, almost all those mercenaries were made optionally CIA contractor for the American Embassy by Bush, for example Oscar was covered up as optional ONEP photographer. Oscar is under the direct control of the American Embassy, who has the second control on him just after George Bush, though it can even put enough pressure on Bush to have all control on Oscar. You see the council embedded network for implementing Prince Charles hostage in Niger. 

    Despite all those embedded network of hostage keeping it would have been impossible for the council to maintain its hostage keeping, when there is a British High Commission in Niger. British Subjects could not accept their Prince, heir to the throne being humiliated and torture without them acting  to end it. The first years of my hostage keeping the council faced a huge opposition of the British agents in the British High Commission in Niger regarding the continuation of my hostage keeping, the humiliation and torture I was victim. They challenge all of them and were acting to end the hostage keeping at an extent  quickly the council uses all its influence to have the High Commission in Niger closed regardless the importance of Niger for our Kingdom. The council has enough power to close the High Commission though not having the majority power, because it was Queen Elizabeth, the monarch that appointed High Commissioners, Consuls and ultimately in charged of our Foreign Policy. And she was under its influence.  

          After the British High Commission was closed, a British Consulate  is created by the council in the French Embassy. In other words the offices of the Consulate are in the French Embassy, and under French control also. Then the council, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Valery Jarett who for decades is the British Consul in Niger is both under the council and French influence also.  

           For being under French hospice, the agents of the Consulate are first French agents before being British agents. In other words, when the monarchists arrived to block the council of doing a deny of right by asking the British side not to carry it out, the council uses the French side to have the agents doing it. That shows if needed how British Subjects are respectful and loyal to their Prince, to their Kingdom and its Constitution that is exactly why the High Commission was closed. Thus the British heir to the throne is kept hostage in a country, where his country does not have High Commission  and direct agents. To said things plainly, the Prince is abandoned kept hostage by foreign mercenaries in Niger. To defend the Prince, the monarchists have to pass through the foreign countries. Our Kingdom is the greatest, and deserves better than that, it deserves the best of the world. 

      The closing of the British High Commission shows how the council does not care about our country, but only its criminal interests to keep the Prince hostage in Niger. Because Niger is a country, though the poorest of the world in term of human development induces , is one of the most wealthy and geopolitically important country in Africa. The country has uranium the same substance that is used to fabricate nuclear bombs. In a world of escalative rivalry between  countries in fabricating nuclear bombs for the world war III that more than ever is in view, our Kingdom needs to be present in the country, for defending its interests regarding the uranium for example.  That is not all, Niger has petrol, an small reserve of petrol it was revealed for political reason easily understood. But in fact the country has it in average quantity that made it quite once more important for our Kingdom. 

   But, the importance of the country for us, is elsewhere, Niger has thousands miles border with Nigeria, and the majority of the people are of Husa ethnics, the same ethnics that populated the all North Nigeria, our former colonies, the first African economy.  And we can never well defend our interests in Nigeria without having influence on Husa in both sides of the long border. For that mainly reason nothing can explain how our country lacks High Commission, when it has one in less important country geopolitically as Mali when compared to Niger. 

   The country importance embodies also its border with the Magreb countries as Algeria, and Libya. It has also a border with a central or East African country to mean Tchad. 

   All those reasons made that all the greatest countries  in the world have representations in Niger, and even less aspirant powerful countries have representations as Turkey.


                                 How is the King being kepthostage by the council in airport, in a house?

             In all the different areas and city of Niger the Prince was kept hostage, the house in which he was kept is localized in the council control area, surrounded by the council mercenaries hide in  houses and organised in pattern of false families with wives and children. That was true with Wadata I was kept from 1990-2001, Poudriere 1986- 1989, Elhaj Bango area Wadata 1985-1986 all in Niamey. In Diffa and Dosso I was also kept in areas that the council and its allies control.

   Since Jun 5, 2001 Prince Charles is kept hostage in airport a countryside suburb of  Niamey,  the capital of the Western African country. The area lands were sold to the council during the ruling of Tandja Mohamadou,  a Nigerien President under its influence. The hostage keeping area is built pieces after pieces during the last years of Bill Clinton's regime. The council controls the regime here in Niger in 2000s, it could have the Prince deported once more in a suburb countryside because just after France, America plays the second important role, The American President, being under British influence, he could not let the Prince deported there, the monarchists have huge influence. Here is how it was needed the arrival of W. Bush on power; the son of the same person in charge of my hostage keeping in Niger.

   It was needed the elections of Toni Blair election as Prime  Minister, and W. Bush in America as President of the US for the council to have necessary support to deport Prince Charles in the area. In fact they have built many houses in airport, of all variances in the different areas of airport. The day of the moving, we entered in a truck for going to the house I never visited, that enables them to play it many options. They based their calculation to my expectations on the road on the new house, and the monarchists reactions to bring me in the house I am keeping hostage.

      The countryside, suburb of airport has been especially built by the council for the purpose of keeping Prince Charles hostage. It is an isolated area of Niamey, if it is even Niamey, because taxis do not go in. Of course, for defending the hostage keeping it is quite bad to have people going in it in mass, things that will be if taxis go in it. By the time I was deported there, there was not even what is called Aiga ( small bus that the council in partnership with the Bush mercenaries used to transport people from airport to Niamey), there are just old and dirty cars called Taladje Taladje that transported people from the isolated area to Wadata. It is only when I was deported in the area that the council puts those Aiga at service for the purpose of transporting people, or their mercenaries. 

     In fact how can taxis going in the area when it is a filthy countryside, suburb with no road, and housing estate. The majority of the lands were not sold by the hotel ville. It was the first settlers of the area that sold their farm to people, in all confusing ways, without housing estate. In the selling of those lands, roads were not saved, space of playing for young, parks and gardens were not also. The area is a perfect hell. Moreover, the area is an accident one, by run off water that holed and destroyed the ground. The entire neighborhood called airport is between two mountains from their tops to their Vally. There is any thing that can be called road as there is not asphalt road, and not even big road built even in latrine. The only road that enters down to center of the area where the Prince is kept hostage is in latrine, and not enough big, and very irregular with holes everywhere. To give you an idea, a car puts almost 15 minutes to move from the entrance of the area to its center at less than two miles from there.   

       The lack of roads in the area was even planed by the council as sweet for the Prince hostage keeping, because people do not go in area where there is not road. All the different houses of the areas have been built for the purpose of the hostage keeping of the Prince. It is populated almost by only by the council mercenaries and its accomplices in my hostage keeping. About 500,000 souls all dedicated in keeping hostage a person, and his country through him. They are soldiers, retired soldiers, retired workers, mechanics, robbers, policemen, businessman, rapers. The best way to sum up all those people is saying they are all criminals recruited Solly for torturing and humiliating, one person Prince Charles. To do their criminal job well they are pushed by the council to rape their daughters, and wives. The unthinkable for every standard, in this no man's land airport is, you see family raping, in other words fathers and sons raping their daughters and sisters, together, in group, indeed. All that publicly, will we say because Prince Charles as heir to the throne is a public personage, whose hostage keeping and  treatment are following by not only the British but by the entire world. My hostage keeping is not a secret for any British, just as for no one. The council keeps the Prince hostage in a logic of military strength it thinks to have falsely. And it was doing beside even for preventing the Prince having its right; also for the purpose of humiliating our Subjects through their Prince. All are seeing the perfect mess in which Prince Charles is hostage.

      The entrance of the few narrow roads that enter in airport are filtered by the council and its mercenaries. Enter in the area only their mercenaries dedicated to the hostage keeping. Before; when the council has the power in Niger; it was even military tanks that are posted at the entrance of the area; the only asphalt road that pass close to it aiming to Dosso, a nearby region of Niamey.  In other words the Prince is kept hostage in a siege area. The cover up for placing military tanks is the Diori Hamani International airport close to it, the all is letting people thinking that the tanks are there to protect the airport,  All around the road beside even those mercenaries in military tanks there are many other mercenaries hide in shops and bakeries and dwelling houses. In those bakeries are hidden thousands mercenaries with weapons responsible of my hostage keeping through the blockade of the entrances of the neighborhood. All those are in the areas, have military training, and are there to defend the hostage keeping; and work actively to defend it either by collecting information; or checking if those in the area are mercenaries. In fact when you enter in the area their is a false air of normality, whereas all the people inside it are there only for the hostage keeping. Those mercenaries are hidden in the neighborhood in false families.

    More you get close to the house in which I am keeping captive; more the security becomes tight as there are the direct mercenaries; the same who kidnap me 34 years back in Galveston; USA. They are in the house as well as in neighboring houses  surrounding the house I am hostage, hide in false families with wives, and children. Still, they are only there for the hostage keeping. 

        The house itself is surround by towers; with armed military drones, long distance cameras for the main tower built in 2011 and fill with mercenaries working days and nights in them. The drones fly all around the area to see if there is a non mercenary presence in the area. Beside, even those drones in the tower; the council has many drones and helicopters in Escadrille and in the international airport close to it ; they regularly fly over the area. It has great control in the Air Force of Niger. Reason; why any area is regularly fly by drones, and aircrafts if not airport; not different as all the different areas of Niamey in term of security and it is even more peaceful than many.

    The main tour less than 50 yards from the hostage keeping place is directly under the command of the French Socialist Party circle in the French Embassy responsible of my hostage keeping; this circle uses the Haut Commandant of Gendarme of Niger, Munkaila Issa.

                                        The main tower with its antenas, cameras and drones captured from the hostage keeping house.

 The two others towers have less equipments. The second is on a mosque; less also than 50 yards from the East side of the hostage keeping place that on is occupied by American mercenaries in my hostage keeping and its source of influence is the  DNC (The American Democratic Party) American Embassy of Niamey. 

                                                                    The last tower on the mosque that you see from the hostage keepig house with its camera on the top. In this picture appears the roof of the tour.

The last tower is occupied by British contractors rooted in the British Consulate in Niamey. O all towers are all almost equally powerful and all contribute in the hostage keeping. Regularly King George VII is burn by infrared from the main tower; and the American one, especially when I am taking my bath. 

  But; it is George Bush the former American President who is ruling directly my hostage keeping for the council. Bush being dead; it is currently his son W. Bush that is responsible of it. Or I will it is George Bush's system that is directly leading my hostage keeping. But what is the tenants of this system? First of all Bush being an American of Russian origin it is the Russian secret services that is running the very house in which Prince Charles is keeping hostage, especially through Oscar who is my main abductor. Oscar is  in direct control with W Bush that regularly gives him the council instruction regarding my hostage keeping. He calls directly Bush on his phone number 0022796107567. Oscar is paid directly by W. Bush with the sum of $18,000 the month. When Bush is paid to the billion of dollar to carry out for the council my abduction. As Bush is American, he relies on a more American proximity system being the Irish system. Then just after the Russian secret agents, the American and Irish secret agents follow. Bush also uses the Scottish secret agents under the mediating care of the council. The Scottish secret agents are very influential in the American system. The last important system far above all in my hostage keeping are the French secret agents the hostage keeping being carried out in a French former colony, or let say Mitterrand Socialist circle is in charge of my hostage keeping. Of course, be aware it is not secrets services that are in charge of my hostage keeping but mercenaries in all the different systems. You see, how the British heir to the throne hostage keeping is done by foreign mercenaries for the council. As you have remarked there is no directly any British agents or mercenaries involve in the abduction. 

      Nothing more humiliating for our Kingdom than having the British heir to the throne being kept hostage by foreign mercenaries, which many times in kind of anti British feeling torture and humiliate the Prince, with the clear idea of torturing and humiliating Great Britain. Of course, the council cannot use British agents or mercenaries to keep directly the Prince, they will not accept, and even the few corrupted under the total control of the council will be bad abductors. Prince Charles is the heir to the throne, and any one among them forget or underestimate that. Loving and respecting him, is loving and respecting our Kingdom, and themselves. 


            How is the Prince is kept hostage in Niger out of the hostage keeping area?

Whenever, I go outside the hostage keeping area, airport, the different mercenaries responsible of my hostage keeping from those different systems follow me. There are also their colleagues of the area of Niamey I went who continue and defend the hostage keeping. The connection is done through the different secret agents under the influence of their Embassies and Consulate that back those mercenaries to defend the abduction. They follow me wherever I go from far and near hide among the masses, I go on the streets in houses and offices. In fact whenever, I decide to go in a place, an office or a business out of the hostage keeping area, they change the people that normally  work in them, to place everywhere their mercenaries in charge of the abduction. That made no one can get near the Prince if not those mercenaries. In such circumstances, King George VI lives totally isolated by the realities and hardness of his hostage keeping. He does not have neither friends, no girlfriends, any normal human being can get near him. The  few people around him that behave as friends, only serve the criminal abduction agenda of their controllers.  They are using to torture, humiliate and bully the King for the council and also their foreign countries controllers. They also work to defend the hostage keeping by pretending seeing the King black, or as looking as Nigerien record it, for attempting to hide the King hostage keeping in the eyes of the world. King George VI does not know what is called social life, a term foreign to him.

      Moreover, the council uses its power through the French system, to block through policemen and soldiers the entrance of the area in which the King is. The roads take by the King is totally blocked for any normal people or cars, and those roads are only occupy by mercenaries either on foot, bicycle, cars, motorcycles. On those roads those mercenaries respect no road laws, or whatever laws. They even try to kill the King for the council by passing close to him on motorcycle or even car. The council mocking justice  it is, aims to kill the King and present his abductors as his parents.  

      Those mercenaries contaminated him with viruses as flue viruses on roads by passing close to him. They gas him always in the hope of sickening him and implementing the non stop hostage keeping harassment and killing attempt. You have it, King George VII is not a classical hostage that is keeping by his abductors that do not torture, humiliate or harass him as they respect international conventions regarding the status of hostage. Those mercenaries are the worst kind of abductors, they respect any laws. Indeed, Queen Elizabeth II is dead and King George VII AKA Prince Charles is the current King, the council aims to do the greatest and curseful crime,  killing the monarch. Day and night, the King is harassed, he has any relief. Joy is stranger to him. Darkness and pain befriended him. 

How is the abduction when the King tripped neighboringcountries?

   The council uses its influence to have the country political authorities collaborate in carrying out the hostage keeping especially through the same countries that it uses to keep captive the King by using their local agents and mercenaries beside the same mercenaries that keep me hostage in Niger that always follow him since they simulated his kidnapping in Galveston on April 17, 1983. Nonetheless, in British colonized countries I go as Ghana or Nigeria, the King is totally free, and are not victim of the torture, harassment, humiliation, gassing, and contamination. The British agents respect their King, and local population respects him as their monarch, as Great Britain colonized the country. Moreover, in any other country if not Niger, the King is hostage. Niger as country has been shaped by the council to be the hostage keeping place of the council. Remember the British High Commission is closed and Britain has any direct and independent representation to defend the interests of its King. The only on representation, which is the Consulate is in the French Embassy, and under the direct control of the same French system responsible of the hostage keeping for the council, through Mitterrand Socialist  circle. 

   Nonetheless, to maintain the hostage keeping of the King in airport and Niamey, Prince Charles is denied any humanitarian work in the hostage keeping country, the council controls everything in Niger, especially through the French system. Then, the hostage keeping has economic dimension. And imagine everything he buys in Niger carries the marks of his abduction through intoxication to blacken and depress if it is food; if it is another product it is manufactured by the same mercenaries, and is of less quality and very expensive for the King. Most, often the product is even fabricated such way to continue the hostage keeping. If it is a phone it is equipped with powerful infrared that is used to burn the King. Technically the phone is manufactured to be controlled from far, so that he lives in the abduction circle even on the phone.

   You can sum up how the hostage keeping is carrying out: 1) He cannot have a job to leave the hostage keeping house, area and country, 2) No one can be near him to help him have money to escape the hostage keeping.