Faking Prince Charles

July 11, 2018.

 The council and its accomplices during months leagued to fake Prince Charles' PC, a HP with which he writes the different articles that he posted as editor on BCST UK, on his website as on the different platforms. As soon as I am a little far from the PC, the council uses it mercenaries to fake it. They started by changing the memory ram of the PC to have it works badly. Then they target its charger that they slowly and gradually were grinding to spoil. It is then that they attacked the computer screen metallic support that they broke the left support. It is then that they targeted the right support gradually.

    Last Friday I decided to fix it, when I brought it to weld it, they use their power to have the welder burn a little bit a wire connecting the PC to the screen, and then sent a signal to prevent the PC starting. Whereas the PC has absolutely any problem. Everywhere I go, even at a new place the council uses its power to prevent it even starting up.

                                                                                                                                                           My PC. 

 On Saturday I brought it to a repairer, as I am hostage the council controlled all the different fixers I can have access to. Whenever I went to see one, he declared me it cannot fix the PC which has any problem. The council  many times uses its power to prevent me fix my past PCs though they have a very simple and trivial problem. At an extent as soon as my PC has the smallest problem if I cannot fix it by myself I am obliged to buy a new as any repairer to which I go will be asked to declare not being able to fix it.

       The council is trying to prevent the PC working for preventing Prince Charles informing you about the injustices your Prince is victim and to prevent him informing you worthy British Subjects about its destruction of our Kingdom.    

I will do everything to quickly to fix this PC or buy a new PC.

               Write by Prince Charles