Controling football

Jun 27, 2018.

      Yesterday, in the night Prince Charles watched the world Cup Nigeria vs Argentina. Everything was going fine before the penalty got rightly by the Super Eagles. Before powering the ball, the Nigerian player look behind him. Who did he look before shooting the ball? He looks no one else if not the man the council placed to give him the signal to score the goal or not for his country. Yes, this the almost defeated council mode of exercising the power it has on some countries with especially the power of our Kingdom. But, the Nigerian player scored the goal meaning he received the signal to score it. Then, the Nigerian team had just to score or keep the score to be qualified for the next stage.  Few minutes before the end of the match, the same council gave the order to Nigerian players not to play so that the Argentinians scored, everything that they did.  

      Then few minutes before the end of the match the ball was shoot in the Argentinian circle, the defender stops the ball with his arms deliberatly. The referee instead of whistling the penalty, delays his decision for consulting the video arbitration the new system sets by the FIFA under the insistance of the council in order to have thightly under control football match. After consulting the video arbitration the central refree declared that there is not penalty, everything that is highly false. Almost everyone agrees that there is a penalty. But the council using this new techniqes of video referee to politicised football and preventing the Nigerians to be qualified for the next stage of the tournmant. football is deprived of its soul with this video arbitration that gives politicians and cartel as the council to have a say in a football match.

       We all remember in 1986 the same council under the leadership of John Stanier, the same who leads the kidnapping of Prince Charles in 1983 used his influence to have the same Argentinians players beating team England by making the referee considering as goal one scoring by Maradona with his hand. Later it was called the hand of God, we will call  it the hand of Stanier against the same Kingdom that gives him power and he is supposed to defend the interests. This shows how the council aims to destroy and humiliate  our Kingdom, otherwise such injustices would never happen against us. What is more shocking it is the country which benefited of this injustice which is Argentina the same country that is doing everything to  make its illegally our Falkland island.

     This video arbitration should be banned, it aims no more no less to politicize football.