Changing imposingly the name of a Welsh bridge to move in the impossible coup d'etat

A Pinterest cartoon of Prince of Wales as there are many on the net. 

April 06, 2018.

    The council is attempting hardly, and in all adversity and hostility from all go toward in its impossible coup d'etat that it does not have the mean to do and no one in Great Britain or Wales will accept it. The last forced attempt of the council was imposing the name of Prince of Wales as replacement name of a Welsh bridge, taking for granted the Welsh will accept it. Everything the patriotic and legalist Welsh (British) refused, they declared clearly the changing of the name of their bridge should be done with their consultation not imposing on them. To read between the linee, we refused to participate in the impossible coup d'etat, we refuse  that a bridge of Wales carrying a name fruit of an usurpation and humiliation of the entire Great Britain and the world, being the name of Prince Charles the real one keeps hostage .

     The patriotic and virtious Welsh are an example of everything good and virtuous a British should, there is something special in them that calls for respect for them think King George VII.

                               A New Yorker cartoon of Prince of Wales

     We are totally and catagorically against imposing a name of a crime, a name of high treason, a name to initiate an impossible coup d'etat on the bridge. 

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