A New Mission for the Soldier Blair, Rebrexin

Tony Blair and Mahamoud Abass

 April 03, 2018.

      The council gives a new task to the controverting former British Prime, Minster Tony Blair. The council wants to reverse the Brexit, for that it hires the service of the soldier of controversial, and destructive cause, the soldier of lost cause.

       Indeed we talk here about the same Blair who has done so much wrong toour country by involving in the injustice and hugely controversial Iraq war. The soldier there had gained his status  of agent of the council, by carrying out the mission of the council when everything tend to show the war was unjust, and wrong. We all remember the ground of the invasion, Saddam Hussein was accused of having weapons of mass destruction by W. Bush then American President, and Mr. Blairthen our Prime Minster. All the different experts have been clear, Saddam does not have WMD, and the entire international community declared the same thing and was against an invasionof Iraq on that ground. 

     David Kelly an expert in the nuclear, which did the same statement regarding Saddam not having WMD, was said ending his life in the same period.Whereas, nothing can explain him committing suicide.In fact truth be told it is quite logic for all that Doctor Kelly has been silenced by the council. His conclusion is unneededfor the council which decided to invade Iraq and Blair implementingitspolicy. Recently many newspapers reported that Tony Blair tried to stop the investigation on Kelly's death when he was Prime Minister. Normal, for the council have eliminated.

          Indeed,despitethe unanimous oppositionof our Subjects regarding this war, Blair has engaged our country in this very unpopular and injusticewar. Years latter, as Saddam was toppled, no weapon of mass destruction has been discovered, and the country sank in the chaos, Blair was forced to resign. The describedand hugely unpopular former Prime Minister, spent years outside in advising dictators of the entire world, especially one of those former Soviet Republics.In fact, the critics have put him in a forced exile aiming to make the people forget the crime he has done. As years past, the council thinking that our people forgot the Iraq war with its injustices, and chaos, recently having the soldier came. The soldier of Impossible Mission had finally received an impossible mission, setting the debate of the  organisation of a new referendumwith which the council intended by a way or another to have our Subjects voting to remain in the Brexit. 

         We recently watched an interview given by  Tony Blair, it was unconvincing, seeing how unjust organizing a new referendumis, when all the recent polls show that our people want the Brexit to be applied. As the useless negotiation in which we have beenput by the council is block on the issue of Norther Island border, with polls saying that the British wants the Brexit to be applied though it leads  to the lost of Norther Ireland. The Soldier expert in knowing what is good or badfor our people , when asksabout what he did of people vote and demandto leave, he said the people does not know what is good for our country. Then, it is onlyhim who have doneso great wrong to our country, by engaging us in unjustand opposed war by the entire world that knows what is wright for us. We have indeed seen quite well what its good judgmentworths:sinking an entire part of the world, one of the most important regiontheMiddleEast in chaos, and making our country and Western countriesvictim of arecurrentterrorists attacks all born from this injusticewar. Ten thousands of the sacredblood of our British Subjectshave been spilled by the good judgmentof Soldier Blair. Hundred thousand British have been saddened by the death of theirs in Iraq in a injustice war that no one supports, every one qualifies it of injustice.We have seen, indeed what the good judgmentof Tony Blair worths. It worths tears, and pain for our Subjects. Reason why why no one should listen to him, and we cannot understand how a war criminal as Blair letting walk the streets of our country, and doing statements like this after the pain he has caused us. Where is the Chilcot commission, of course the council has used its power to protect Tony Blair for paying the price of the wrong done on our people? Having escaped this punishment now he is grinding for a more greater crime, depriving our Subjects from their voices, their wills. Nothing is more precious to them than that, as it carries their aspirations, of a Greater Great Britain, free of the corruption of the council's corruption.  Every single voice silenced is a British killed and that is unbearable for us BCST, we love our people to accept a single voice of its being silenced. Reason, why we do everything to have our Subjects rightful aspiration of a Great Great Britain seeing dream and that is only possible by applying the only mean to achieve that being  Brexit. The EU is killing our British exceptionalism that enables us to revolutionised and developed the world. Our voice is lost in the EU, the old, lighter, clear, pure, daring strong British voice is no more heard, or is less and less audible.This melo meli union swallowed us, alone in our corner we once ruledthe world; we,  the lords of the upper Norther islands have been domesticatedby the EU.

   What is amazing of the soldier Blair is thathe always roamsagainst popular beliefs and convictions, even the leaders of his Party, as well  passionatelyagainst Brexit, demanded it to be applied, as voted by our people. They did so as democratsand convinced that democracy means accepting the vote of the people, but not debating accepting or applying  their votes as this is the core principle of democracy. Confusingly he talked about the around 12 millions who voted for remain, and the 16 millions who vote to leave. In democracy respecting the choice of the majority is the fundamental rule.  He asked what should be done of the 12 millions who vote to remain. We should recalled him in our gracious andexemplarydemocracy, at almost every single general election Constituenciesare being won by candidateswith only 100 more vote sometimes less, they are even Constituencieswon by just one vote lead, and the loser acceptshis defeat, andno one demandsthe vote to be redone. Because one single vote, choice of a human being, of a British is sacred, and should not and cannot be silenced, doing so is killing him. By the same way the Brexit is important, the election of an MP of a Constituency to lead the destiny of ten thousands British is sacred and hugely important. Every second of their choice can have great impact on their lives, here is why they think well before voting, when they did it, it is for the best choice possible and it should be applied. We are old people, the majority of our Subject have above40.They areadults, mature and experienced, we do not vote with whimsand fantasyof young. There is not even in democracy young or old elector, there is only avoter. But, Mr. Blair what should be done of the 16 millionsBritish that vote to leave, what should be done of the 4 more million that pealed up above the number of those who vote remains. Those 4 Subjects should theybe ignored? Is that what you called democracy? Asking 4 British people will and wise choice being ignored.

  The European Union has made lot of victim Italyis one, once great and beautiful now heartbreakinglydown, sinks by the confusion of the EU, bad economic policy. Where is Greece, once stable politically and economically, now a failed and ruined country, which does want to leave the EU and its leaders in complicity with the EU burocratsare keeping them in this destructive union. Many more victims are suffering in silence, or with problems all linked to the EU that they attributed to something else. Among those cases, there is Spanish glooming and secret civil war, born and developedby the country membership of the European Union that created economic problem in the country that nurtured an already existing independent feeling in the country, in Catalonia. We will not accept to be the next victim of the EU, Mr. Blair should not dare ' Don't touch my voice. Don't even dare think about that' here is the unanimousmessage of the BritishSubjects from the top of  heavenly Scottish HighLand, and from the middle of the Irish valley, or from sacred and gracious English Stadiums. United we are the guardians of our vote, of our choice, of our wisdom.

     On the other hand the council does not only made political mercenaries as Tony Blair to work out on our Subjects for focusing the political debate on organizinga new referendum; or refusing to immediatelyapplied the Brexit, but it also givesour Subjects to the EUforbeingbullied for their wise choice. Now, its trying to cash its investment by having polls institutes that it controls reporting false polls that shows our British Subjects regretting their vote to leave the EU. We do not remember at the last American Presidential Election, it released polls to give Hilary leading highly on Trump, and it is the latter that won. That is the nature of the council polls. For our people leaving the European Union is not a matter of secondhumor, and so changing our mind in function of bad or good humor.No. For us it is a matter of core ideology, conviction, and proud. More than ever our Subjects are for the Brexit, and they said it whenever they have the opportunity.

        We wonder if even Mr Blair is a democrat how can he called a newreferendum, when was done on the same matter, and its result is clear for all, the British people in their wisdom want the Brexit. We have a monarch to need a new one, because the council wants to subject us to the illegal and illegitimatedictatorship of the EU. We have always be free, free of the Pope, free of the religious Catholic dictatorship of the continental Europe, to bow ourselves even a single second to it. We haveany bad blood vis a visof the Vatican, we affirm only our Anglicanism, our British particularity. Centuries back we have done it, we can and we only do it again, developing and living our Brutishness of our ideas and philosophy, so hot, so pragmatic, realist and concrete to the abstract and dreamful Europe. Brexit now, never one second later.

     The problem of Mr. Blair is that he is a democrat only when its rules and results fits his interests. Otherwise, he cannot ask a new referendumon the same subject when one has been done few months back and its result is clear Brexit now.  Never, in the history of democracy is a second referendum has been done on the same subject, twice, especially when people vote is clear, and when consistently and more and more impatiently they demand their votes being taken in account. Associations, organisations and movements are creating daily named Brexit, Brexit now calling the application of the Brexit. 

     In fact the council pupating of Blair to make recurrentspeeches and interviews on organising a new referundum beside even for the council constant goal of reversing the Brexit helps also to distract the British Subjects about the application of the Brexit that theydo notwant applied now. The technical strategy of the council is clear now: 1) negotiating during months with EU regarding the modalityof the Brexit, 2)  maintaining an internal debate on which form of Brexit needstobeapplied:soft or hard one, 3) placing on thetable theneed of calling a new referendumon the Brexit by pupating political mercenaries as Tony Blair to call for that, 4) working on our Subjects to  have them feel insecure about the Brexit for regretting the Brexit byshutting off Big Ben, 5) releasing false polls with survey company as You-govthat is well knowncontrolledby the council to announce false polls stating British regrettingthe Brexit and wanting to stay in the EU. All those 5 points participated tightly in the council grinding of having the Brexit not applied. Worst of having the Brexit polarizingthe political debate in Great Britain, and forgettingthe real and worthy debate which is the impossible coup the council wants to do and which it is trying by all means to achieve.  We are vigilant in defending our Kingdom and its Constitution, we demand them to recognize immediately King George VII. 

                                                Mr. Blair and his wife

 We are all vigilant of the mission of the council given to the Soldier Blair being setting with his empty and contradictory speeches and interviews and attempting to bring the political debate on organising a new debate. We never accept that, our people vote and say Brexit, all the debateson what the people want, they said it and are saying daily it. We do not tolerate an anti democratic and disorder seeker destroying our democracy by publicly asking our people voice being ignored. What you do not dear knowMr. Blair is that we are the people of Newton, of Adam Smith, Stephen Hawkins or Tim Bernard Lee, we are the most wisest, pragmatic people in the world, our good judgmentis making the proud and the joy of the world. We declared industrialization and capitalism wise and worthy to be applied, they are applied at the greatness joyof the world. They  have proved what worth yourjudgmentand choice, just as you theyhave provedwhat worth your good judgmentand choice. They all go with tears, blood, pain and disorder. They all go with chaos in his own family and the others'. We all remember how Mr. Blair, then Prime Minister having an affair with the wife of Rupert Murdoch. Affair which when revealed has destroyed Murdoch's marriage with his wifethat ended in divorce, and almost ending Toni Blair's own couple. That is exactly Mr. Blair good judgmentit leads unmistakably to chaos and pains for him and the entire Kingdom. No more disorder in this beautiful island: Brexit now, never one second late. 

                                                                                                     Tony Blair


                                                                                                          BCST penned this article.

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