A national tragedy for a Royal Wedding

May 21, 2018.

     The wedding of Harry Charles named falsely Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just started before an explosion blow the chapel Saint George and kill the thousands of guests who attended the wedding. The responsibles of the tragedy is untill not revealled. In fact the tragedy was not even reported as the council has already prepared such scenario  with the rehearsal of the wedding that on May 17 that was filmed and edited later. It was this rehearsal version and the first scenes of the wedding that were broadcasted by the TV that covered the wedding tragedy. Pupated they were by the council; the outlets did not report the explosion and the thousands that were killed in it.

   Among those who lost their lives during the ceremony there are: Princess Anne, George Clooney and his wife Amal, Idriss Alba, Ophra Winfrew, Serena Williams, Princess Beatrice and Princess Egenie, John Major, the former British Prime Minister. Though reported attended the wedding, Queen Elizabeth II did not attend it. But a person wearing a plastic of the Queen attended it. 

                                                                                     Amal and George Clooney.

    Of course, as we have reported it in our previous articles the council has prepared such scenario and think protect itself of such tragedy by only having attended the wedding by mercenaries recruited all around the world, especially in our dominion as Australia, Canada and America as well. The 99% of those who died are non British though most of them though Australians and Canadians for example have British ancestry and we see (BCST) them as British as all, reason why they have been enrolled by the council to attend the wedding. 

                                                             Ophra Winfrew.

    The plan of the council is simple, though a tragedy happened as it did. It will have it not report or reduce the impact on it though it is reported because it controls the people that attended the wedding and their families that did not. Indeed, that by no way did not reduce the size of the tragedy. The thousands human beings dead happened in our sacred soil that was transformed in extramination soil. Moreover, all those who are dead are our relatives as for example Canadians, Australias, Americans their lives matter for us to BCST, Prince Charles and all the British Subjects.

  Here is the council illegal Queen that attended the sinfull and illegal wedding. Remember has we have always said it the council hired a mercenary who carries a superficial plastic mask to play the Queen, when our Queen, Queen is alive and in good health. It was this false and illegal Queen that was killed. We, BCST have always condmened this illegal and sinful practice of having mercenaries carry superficial plastic mask the play the sacred role of the Queen.

                  Here is the real and only one, Queen Elizabeth II as you can see the difference is stunning with the illegal and sinfull Queen.

   The Australians, the Canadians; the Americans have seen how the council has any respect for them to have them attended a wedding that it made attend the minimum British possible. We BCST we condmen  and make responsible the council for this tragedy. The council for creating the conditions of this tragedy by obtinating carry out a wedding that destroys all the different values of our country beside the impossible coup it was planned to initiate.

   We demanand that the secrecy around the tragedy should be lifted, so that our Subjects and the world being fully informed of the tragedy that they have seen and heard from far as they were prevented to be closed to the wedding area by the council. The tragedy should be revealed so that those people have a proper funeral and mourning period being decreted. And above all so that justice being made. The council should face our justice for creating the conditions of this tragedy. 

    We received reliable information that all those people and celebrities that attend the wedding knowing the danger of the attendence have been corrupted and forced to attend it by the council. Otherwise, how could Ophra Winfrew who was reported to be interested in a Presidential bid in 2020 attended such high risk wedding? Any other rational explanation if not that she has been forced by the coucil which has any respect for human's life.

     Because the danger of the wedding is not only in a terrorist attack or something like this but merely attended it is very fatal for the image and the political carreer of any one who did so. Imagine never a wedding has been divisive, sinfull and illegal than this one. For example Harry Charles called illegally Prince Harry is not even British Subject to be member of the the Royal Family. Moreover; his father is African American, when his father is an American of white color. Whereas, Meghan Markle though was given an American nationality by the council in the preparation of the wedding with Harry was not even American but South African. The council has used the same procedure as with the  kidnapping of Prince Charles our heir to the throne keeps hostage in Niger by the coucil, when it has recruited African mercenaries in 1975 years before the Prince was even born to kidnap and keep him hostage. So Markle was recruited and trained by the council decade back to play the sad role she plays in destructio of our Kindom, and the flouting of the sacred laws and values of our Kingdom and the world.

   The wedding is very illegal also as based on usurpation of identity both Prince Harry and Megha Markle were dead months back as we all reported it here on this website. And dead persons did not marry, they were replaced by mercenaries hire by the council to play their very bad roles. 

                                                                        Queen Elizabeth II