A blue passport

April 16, 2018.

     The last British passport was red  burgundy red as the colour of the union, union between the different cousins and brothers that form the British Union, or United Kingdom. Red is the colour of life, it is the colour of blood that tied members of a family, members of a Kingdom together. That is why red was the colour of our passport, and everyone identify itself in it in that colour.

        It is then the council with its eternal obsession of carrying out its coup it does not have the power to decide to change the colour of our British passport, for the blue colour. We love the blue colour, but it is the British Subjects do not find themselves in this colour which is an artificial and superficial colour to human being, comparatively to the red colour natural to him with his blood being red. Any organ or part of human being is blue.        Red is the consensusual colour love throughout our union, for all of us do have red or its variances either in our identity flags, or as loved colour. For example the classical Welsh colour is well brought by its flag, the red, green and white. When the English goes with the Saint George with the shining red and the white, the Scottish goes with the Saint Andrew with the white and blue and love the dark red as that of our passport for example it is the colour of their secret agents.  The Irish loves the white and the yellow almost red. In red and its variance all of us, British find ourself as red is the colour of courage, pragmatism and cold as the blood that we are.  That made our passport was dark blood, and we love it and no one says something as finding itself in it       

       The council which wants to do by all means its coup decided to change the colour of our passport to blue, the colour of the Scottish national flag along with the white. We love Scotland, just as the blue and white colour even the Scottish cannot agree with that decision as they identify themselves more  in the dark red, than the bright blue, colour of romanticism. And they do not find themselves in that colour. A Scottish as every British in one word, loves concrete and pragmatism than romanticism. In addition before the union of the two crowns in the pre 17 Century by the time of the Scottish monarchy, the loved colours were, the red, black and white just as in England. Most of the Royal cloths are in black and red, the knights are in the same colour. The emergence of the blue colour is after the union of the two crowns, with even a Scottish King, King James VI who even who created the union jack. It is was after him that blue as colour was promoted as Scottish national colour in differentiation of the dark red easily assimilate to the bright red, English colour. Nevertheless, the Scottish flag during the time of the monarchy was red and blue according to some sites promoted the council reedition of history. In fact during the Scottish monarchy period the colour of the Scottish flag was the red and black. The same council was not stranger to this promotion of the blue colour after the death of King James II who was both Scottish and English. Promoted the blue colour allows it to play its divisive policy through which it defends its interests. 
   The council current goal being right now doing its coup, it does not have the mean to do it. It wants to transform our British passport in blue for having the support of the Scottish System to carry out its coup. But, even the Scottish does not support this idea of changing the colour of our passport in blue, because the most loved colour in Scotland is the red burgendy, just as the English most loved colour the bright red. Without even talking about the fact that the Scottish do not and cannot forget the endless recent pick up the council has shown regarding them. Where is the affair of the Scottish referendum that the council deals unfriendly before and leads to violence. With that the Scottish comes to understand clearly that the council does not  defend their interests, but its selfish criminal interests. Since then the feeling of the Scottish regarding them is quite clearly hostility, and feeling of revenge.In the same useless violence Nicholas Sturgeon and Alex Salmond and many other Scottish MPs were killed. So, by no way will they forget that and fall in the trap of the council in trusting them defending their interests.    Then in one word the English flag has always been the classical red and white, when the Scottish was the black and dark red. It is for this reason that the classical colour of the kilt are red and black. So the blue with its rhetoric of it being symbol of the sea is the Scottish colour is a novel history for explaining an purportedly nationalist feeling creating  for dividing the union, brothers and sisters and relatives as the council has always done. People never feels deeply attached for something that surround them that they see as invading, when they want diversity. It is for the same reason that the Arabs wants the green colour instead of the red orange colour of the desert that is everywhere in their lives as living in dry desert environment. They prefer the green that is not in their environment and far of them. That made this colour is that of their dream paradise. It is the same for the Scottish. Just it is for the Russians, who prefer the red absent or far from their their white snowy environment. In one word, red in its variances is the united colour that united the people that populated the British islands that form United Kingdom. 

      It is then natural that the colour of our passport being red burgundy that is the result or common denominator colour proper to our Island in its particularity.       It was in 1988 that the passport deliverance service is brought  under the banner of the crown. As it is Her Majesty Service that delivered the passport deliverance, the symbol of Brutishness. We find all that totally natural as the British are Subjects of Her Majesty it is then normal than she delivers the symbol of British Subjectness. But, what we condemned is the council down calculation of using something salutatory to transform the face of our Kingdom. As we imagine the council having huge influence in Queen Elizabeth II's reign used its influence to deliver massively the British passport to people who are not British. Those people are either Polish, Pakistanis or Indians without any connection with the land, as more of them settling in our country. If they are not even brought in the last boat or flight from Karachi or Bombay. We love the Indians or the Pakistani of long generation settlement, who embody our values they are British as any. But cannot be British the last comers who neither understand the English language, or who share our religion or the secularity of the Royal Institution. It is with this techniques that the council has changed the electoral face of our country, in the late 1990s and the early 2000s were years of socialism. We love socialism at the British touch, with British vision and aspiration. Nevertheless what we loathe is socialism with international dimension that is opposed to our core British values, the Royal Institution and our deep attachment to our religion. So, here is one of the big impact of this decision. 

      What terrible thing that a blue British passport in a Brexit Great Britain? It will simply be devastating for our national identity. The Subjects will feel lost in holding a passport intended reflecting who they are as person and British, when they do not find themselves in the colour supporting this identity. It is the kind of move to create lack of confidence in the heart and soul of our British Subjects. Red they love, in red environment they use to think, and give the best of themselves. We are deeply conservative in all the senses of the term from our Anglican religion, to our deep attachment to the land and our proud in our race and British culture. A blue passport is disconnecting of everything we are as individual. 

       The council is planning to give the contract of factoring this passport to French and German society. How can the symbol of our identity, of our sovereignty as Subjects being given to foreign nations. Especially when those countries are the two leaders of the European Union? This is simply not only humiliating for our Kingdom but dangerous for it as well.       It is humiliating because British voted to leave the EU and instead of leaving it, no, they are tied to it by having their passports being fabricated by EU companies. That means simply it is to the European Union to tell who is British or not. You see how humiliating and against our values this move is. More the monarch Service delivering the passport is normal as we explained it more this move is more than abnormal but simply degrading and humiliating. Matter as passport fabrication is of the highest interests to be even given to a private person, not even a foreign countries that is in the same time are fighting to keep us in the EU.  

       Such move will also tend to influence our Subjects to develop republican feeling in the way their national identity will be established as laying on paper by two republics France and Germany, the two greatest countries of the European Union. Decidedly that clearly means we never leave the EU if the council goes forward in this decision. We should and cannot let the council deprives us of our identity and sovereignty. 

       The second danger of such move is the eventual terrorists that will profit of this weak system of passport deliverance to have entry in our country and doing terrorist attacka. Of course the passports will be given under the surveillance of  the British government.  Nonetheless the one to do  the passport has lot of opportunity to give the passport to who it wants.