Jan 29, 2019.

     It is clear that Donald Trump, does not have the right to interfere in the political matter of a sovereign nation, by asking the world leaders to pick up side. Trump cannot manipulate a person in the country, under its influence, asked him to declare himself President, and asked the world leaders to recognize him. Doing as he has been doing shows no more no less that he substituting himself to the UN that said nothing. Because, the point is, based on Venezuela, America becomes an agent of destabilization of peace, and stability, not only in Venezuela but also in the world. We have all seen how the Venezuelans loved Hugo Chavez who gave them everything that they needed and had right to: economic prosperity, respect in the world, and freedom. We see how Obama’s administration works actively to sabotage his regime. If it fails to topple his regime, he was contaminated with cancer that he was declaring dead with; if he was not simply killed in the same logic of toppling the regime. The logic of the two administrations, is simple it is our man that leads Venezuela or no one else leads it, no matter how successful he was in ruling and Venezuelans love him, Mr Chavez was so. Mr Maduro has the same talent as Mr Chavez but he is facing huge sabotage that prevents him setting his politics in the country.

    We do not understand no more, America which before as world super power, fight for political stability, peace and democracy in the world, which since the Iraq war becomes an active agent of destruction. We all remember that Donald Trump after remarking that was even electing by promising to Americans, that America would not meddle in foreign countries political matter, but would only defend its interests and there emerge the 'Make America Great Again'. In other words, we only focused on our internal business. But, apparently in Syria where he keeps his word by removing American soldiers from the country, but in Venezuela he is doing the perfect opposite by even substituting himself to the Venezuelans people who alone has the sacred right to elect and chose their President. It is their country, their President, their lives and their choice alone, no one else: We should never forget that.  

      Worst, we have all seen that, it is the Trump administration that is behind the unprecedented chaos in the country. Because of course Mr Obama was not friendly regarding Mr Chavez, but he did not systematically making his ultimate goal removing him from power, even at the cost of sinking the country in a huge political and economic crisis of which only the Venezuelans are suffering. Yes, it is important to ask the following question to both Trump and council behind him just as it was behind Mr Obama in this issue, 'How about the Venezuelans…?' “Do they matter? Does someone care about their pain to not condemn the escalation in the sabotage and sinking of the country in total chaos?  We had the clear impression that they do not matter in front of their interests. As now the bras de fer is no more between Mr Maduro and the opposition through its leader (any credible one beside the young ardour one; who we even receive credible information according to which his kamikaze action killed him. Yes, Juan Guido is killed), but now it becomes a matter between Mr Maduro and Mr Trump. What is happening in Venezuela is no more no less than what exactly happened in Libya, Iraq or Syria, where only based on its criminal interests, the council manipulated nations to sink another nation in chaos, creating the unprecedented pain with: millions dead, and endless numbers of people scatter all over the world. Apparently, they learn nothing from that. Though it is like we did not understand they are simply for sinking the world in chaos and in trouble, we all know the council daily advertise on its medias, violence, and sexual depravation, aiming to show human being that they are individuals or simply beasts. They can kill each other. They manipulated them as much as necessary to kill themselves for defending their criminal interests.

   The UN that is hugely politicized out of any measure has the responsibility of demanding the non-interference in the political matter of an independent country, and ask Trump and the council not to intefer in the country’s political matter. Because when Trump’s Secretary of State urged the world to choose side, that means no more no less that he made the matter clearly between him and Maduro so underlying for everyone who wants to understand that he is behind the demonstration and the young politician who pick up to declare himself President. This is unprecedented development because if China, just Russia all world super power of all kind economic, military and political, all supporting legality and legitimacy, decide to answer Trump and the council word to word; it is clear that the world will know a fourth planetary conflict. Before even that did Donald Trump, forget the Cuban missile crisis? It is the same Russia (Soveit Union) and America, over a a like country of Cuba, Venezuala very close to the first and very strategically important to Russia. Already Russia publicly warns Mr Trump against any temptation to intervene militarly in Venezuela as the same Trump who swore stopping this kind of politics is developing and planning to do it, when his predecessor Obama stopped it. Because Obama was not behind the Libyan revolution and the military intervention that ends Muamar Gaddafi’s regime though America participated indirectly; that was David Cameron, and Nicholas Sarkozy. In Syria also with him, America plays a minor role.   It is quite clear should the crisis continue and Trump intervention and warning escalate China, Russia, Turkey, and Iran will do the same. Everything that gives a clear view of the fourth world that is becoming obvious with the council wanting to do its impossible coup as that is the reason behind the picking up over Mr Maduro .

   Imagine, simply because one Venezuelan, rises among millions as manipulated to declare himself President, and asked the country assess to be given to him, the council made Theresa May’s government on which it has some power to freeze 1.4 billion Pounds of Venezuela. Yes Mrs May did it, when she clearly knows every single action or position of the council goes against our Kingdom’s interests. In fact, Venezuela even in crisis is not only friendly to Russia but to us also (UK) other wise 1.4 billion Pounds belonging to the country would not be saved in our banks. That shows the country and its leaders confidence in our Kingdom to protect their money and laws, a trust that under the guidance of the council, Theresa May betrayed. Here there is something very bad, how other countries investing and saving money in our banks when we show to the world that we have any decency to even respect laws, rules as express in legality and legitimacy. With that any country will continue saving money in our banks; knowing at the first contestation no matter how illegal it is; we will give its money to a criminal.  Political interference, and backing of illegality did not make Switzerland the first country in term of money deposit, it is neutrality and backing of laws and legality that gives the country this privilege. With the Brexit, we need foreign investment and money deposit, especially when you refuse to have a dynamic foreign policy to defend our interests, in such case it is safe to be neutral and not to take party, if you do not take that of our interests. The pretend usurper said that he wanted to have money that he does not have right to, to ease the pain of Venezuelans. We call Theresa May to abanon this unhelpful and bad action.  We all know that that the council and Trump are preparing to fight a civil war in the country as they want to sink the country in it. It is clear they will use the money to buy weapons. Moreover, if the young opponent care about the Venezuelans he would not clearly escalate such way that will make the same Venezuelans suffering more than they are doing now, because in case of civil war that his actions has the potential to lead the country into; more millions Venezuelans will leave their country to add to the existing millions scatter torture and humiliate in the continent.

       The point is, the young leader of the opposition is not elected by the Venezuelan, just one man rising manipulating by the council to declare himself President. And if you make the political and real politics calculation he did not have any legitimacy: 1) Mr Maduro is elected in an election fair or unfair, he was elected; 2) He is the President of the country despite this huge sabotage framed by the council because the Venezuelans love him as there are two  sides demonstrating on the streets of Caracas the opposition and the ruling Party some credible sources said that Mr Maduro backers are even the most numerous to demonstrate to support him, and the army also behind legitimacy supported him. So the opposition, leader, if you make him so, does not have any legitimacy either as illegal acting President as he pretended to be so because the population is shared in demonstrating, and the army is for Nicholas Maduro then no one cannot claim that there is not only one President in the country, which is Nicholas Maduro. And declare backing the criminal who declare himself President illegally, is based on any right, law, or principle, because does not the support of the majority of the population but a small part of it and the other which is the majority for the regime. And though you imagine falsely that he has the popular majority support, he did not have the support of the army, and what you will do of the other millions Venezuelans supporting the regime in your calculation, the minority. On all boards Venezuela has only one President, Nicholas Maduro.  

      Trump and  the council have any right to sink the country in chaos or even attempting having the power by force as they are doing in Zimbabwe and Sudan, as the all is over us, the monarchists, British, people of the entire world for justice, peace, friendship among nations and development. They will face us in all forms, that is clear, they have to know, we have the full power to take control of their countries without any fuss. If we did not do so it is for giving them time to choose, or losing everything. Any way, we will not fail to set order not only in Venezuela but in the entire world just DRC recently.  

                                                                                 "Prince Charles".