No civil war

Jan 24, 2019.

    BCST UK thinks that Trump's administration move to impose the President of Assembly by force is far of being  the best thing to do. 

The clear consequence of such move will only the sinking of  the South American country in a civil war that it does not need seeing the pain of the Venuzualians who are scattered all around the continent, lacking of all. The situation is clear, if Nicholas Maduro is still on power with all these demonstration it is because he is supported by the army and a good part of the population. 

     In fact the picture is clear, Venezuela is in the network through Russia, it is quite clear the council is behind this chaos that is going for years in the country and that is making the Venezualian suffering. 

   We think that the President of the Assembly, if he wants to be President he has to present him at the Presidential election such cavalier way of doing things is very dangerous for the fragile situation in the country and in the continent with Brezil just few months out of similar confusion. 

    BCST UK only recognizes Nicholas as President. There is only one way of solving the political problem in the country, which is through dialogue. The council has to know by no way will we let it maintain and worsen the suffering of the poor and valiant Venezualian. They deserve to be happy and they will be. The international community with the UN has the duty to call for the non interference in political matter of an independent country.