Feb 04, 2019.

    The position of BCST UK is clear, President has any right to interven in political matter of a sovereign country. The Venezualians have elected Nicholas Maduro as their President, he has the absolute right to rule his country, and the state of democracy is not by any mean different of the other nations if you take away the foreign country interference as America: classical democracy is failure.

  It is quite clear should Mr Trump intervene militarly in Venezuala countries as Iran, Russia, Turkey, and China will interven militarly. The consequence of such escalation will only be a civil war that the council is fighting to sink the world.  And Donald Trump announcement came after his coup attempt for the council fail to give result which was toppling Mr Maduro's regime. Now, it is quite clear that Venezuala as one President as it always has Nicholas Maduro.

   The Venezulians deserve to live peacefully and benefit of the wealth of their country. The world should one second think about them.