Feb 02, 2019
A new election in Venezuala, recently there was new one, and Mr Maduro won it. And there is any country in the world where an election is organized without the opposition constesting the result and claim victory. Then why Venezuala will be an exception? Nicholas Maduro won and that is all. There was not even a real opposition in the country, to have him won, it is only recently the young Mr Gudian was erected by Mr Trump as leader of the opposition. We all remember in Kenya, just in Cameroon, Togo, Zimbabwe, and even in America with Hilary Clinton (as a recount of the polls was asked before being abandoned), and no one asked the organisation of a new election. We should face the truth classical democracy is a failure.
We recall Mr Trump and the council, no to make the same mistake as in Syria with Bachar el Assad, Venezuala with Nicholas Maduro is too big and important for our network and Kingdom to fall. The all they could have is a fourth world war (though Prince Charles is for the use of peaceful and democratic mean for our absolute right). He is backed by exactly the same country that maintained Mr Assad on power: China, Iran, Russia, Turkey and even North Korea, one will say the chemistry of a fourth world war is gathered. Because Nicholas Maduro controls the army and the great majority of the population. And any impossible war, will end with Maduro on power more solidly than ever.