Jan 27, 2019. 

The council after failing to sink DRC in chaos with the Presidential Election, now targeted Nigeria another country under the influence of the Monarchist and then UK. The terrorist organisation uses its influence to have Donald Trump and Theresa May condemn President Buahari for designitating a new Justice Chief, when the previous is facing a legal challenge over charges of corruption or simply non declaration of assess.

     It is quite logical that President Buahari that swore to defeat corruption in Niger; replaces him before the legal challenge rule on him. Not doing so, is showing to the Nigerians that some are above the laws, especially when the person by himself recognize dthat he has done a mistake without wanting it. His case is as serious as  many said, he releases many persons rightly accused of corruption, in a logic of political manoeuvre to sabotage Mr Buahari's fight against corruption. It is a secret for no one that he was appointed by Mohamadu Buahari's predecessor, Good Luck Johnhattan. We all remember how the later, through his incapacity to fight corruption was even incapable of defeating few mal equiped terrorists to talk about Boko Haram. Because the corruption in the Nigerian society reached the Nigerian army that it destroyes.  That was how the first African army was obliged then to call the armies of the Sub African region to help it defeated them. But, Mohamadu Buahari with his successful policies, especially the anti corruption fight, cleaned the Nigerian army and almost defeat Boko Haram. 

   But the council and its mercenaries cannot see that, as they have one goal putting the country in chaos. We all know their plan, using terrorists to do attacks as they do before to give an image of Mr Buahari failing to defeat Boko Haram, when he did it, and uses that as an alibi of declaring its candidate, Mr Atiku as winner and then contest Mr Buahari's clear  at the Court that it controls and will give them right. Mohamadu Buahari seeing his huge record among many the defeat of Boko Haram, the end of confessional violence, the building of lot of infrastructure and even a project of increasing the minimal wage in the country should normally being reelected.

   Mohamadu Buhari is a hero for his country, he deserves congratilation not false accusation, who if not even can put order in a so big country, with decades of serious mismanagement on all fronts, if not President Buahari.