Jan 18, 2019.
The AU goes forward in its attempt to maintain a climate of crisis and sink DRC in chaos. The meeting of the African Union Head of States came after the council failed to manipulate the SADC to ask the recounting of votes in the country. Then it uses the AU to achieve this goal.
The manipulate organization declared that though the situation is calm in DRC it is necessary to avoid ending the issue, by delaying the confirmation of the results by the Congolese Constitutional Court. First of all, the AU cannot systematically take an opposite position to SADC, the regional organization that after asking the recounting of votes, end by seeing the election was fair and it is in the supreme interest of DRC and the region to end with this matter of the election, with the confirmation of the election of Felix Tshisekedi. Secondly, the AU coming to ask the opposite is no more no less than countries far of DRC which has relatively few things to lose with a civil war in the country that come to ask a delay of the vote confirmation that will maintain the country in climate of division and crisis that council and its accomplices intend to exploit. There also just around fourth head of states attended the meeting, all the remaining around 48 head of states were absent and just some were represented. Then the declaration of yesterday only engaged mainly the country whose head of states attended it. So, clearly the AU is betraying all its goals for a terrorist organization which is trying by all mean to sink the country in civil war and the world in fourth planetary conflict.
Peace in DRC is precious and should be preserved and we will do so.
Thirdly, DRC is a free and independent country, the AU does not have any right to interfere in so sensitive and sovereignty matter as the election of the President. And the Constitutional Court of DRC as of any country, is free and should not be subject to any political authority’s influence either internal or external to DRC not even the AU. Then by asking the delay of the proclamation of the result, the AU is simply asking the political authorities of DRC to intervene in judiciary matter and demand judges to delay a sentence of legal procedure. This is utterly shameful. Is it such way the organization intending maintains peace and stability in the continent, by implicitly asking the instrumentalisation of the judiciary system of a country that must remain independent? And beside all those considerations it is a crime and mocking of the notion of justice and sovereignty of a country, than asking its justice to follow your order, because the country is member of the organization.
Some Congolese kids, they deserve to be happy.
DRC’s judges should keep their independence; the political leaders of the country did not by no way try to press them to delay the proclamation of the result. They should confirm the election of Felix Tshesikedi as this is the only option on all bases as they declared Martin Falulu did not have any proof to prove the invalidity of the results. He did not present the polling documents to back his claim. Then by no way can the Court based on justice and what can be proved cannot declare the non-election of Mr Tshesekedi. So, today we will see if the Supreme Court of DRC is free or not, if there is justice in the continent.
By no way should the Court fails to confirm the result as that will maintain the country in climate of division, suspicion, and hate that may sink the country in chaos. The climate of calm should be preserved there is only one way to do so, confirming the election of Felix Tshisekedi and ends with the reason of this division.
And the UN, the African Presidents that is not part of this cartel that took yesterday the AU hostage and the Congolese political authorities should ask the AU not to meddle in sensitive political matter and judiciary system of DRC, an independent country.
Conglese dansing...the joy of life...dansing...
It is quite amazing to see this unprecedented meddling in the electoral process of an African country. Why didn’t the AU not ask the delay of the proclamation of the result of the presidential election in Gabon with the opposition declaring winning it with proofs, just as with Kenya in all those countries the fightings, the killings and the demonstrations did not stop even after announcement of the results and their confirmation by their Constitutional Court? Then it is DRC where the situation is calm, and solved that the AU asks to delay the confirmation of the results.
The AU never made a meeting to ask something, it does not have the right to ask, the Congolese Constitutional Court is and should remanin neutral and independent.
The swear in of the winner ( Felix Tshisekidi) is on Jan 22, 2019. Thus the Constitutional Court has the duty to confirm the result today, so that the Tshisekedi will prepare his swear in formally.